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  • whoosh-2.7.4-r2
    ~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~x64-solaris
    doc test python_targets_pypy3 python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 python_targets_python3_13

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    Overlay: gentoo


# ChangeLog for dev-python/Whoosh
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $

26 Dec 2011; Johan Bergström (jbergstroem) <>
-Whoosh-2.3.0.ebuild, +Whoosh-2.3.2.ebuild,
Version bump. Add patch for failing test

25 Nov 2011; Johan Bergström (jbergstroem) <>
Specify versions in depend

24 Nov 2011; Johan Bergström (jbergstroem) <>
-Whoosh-1.8.2.ebuild, +Whoosh-2.3.0.ebuild:
Version bump. Thanks to Tommy[D] for reviewing

29 Apr 2011; Justin Lecher <> -Whoosh-0.3.18.ebuild,
Corrected for multiple PyABI installation

13 Aug 2010; Thomas Sachau (Tommy[D]) <>
Switch to pypi mirror list

15 May 2010; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
Add explicit python inherit.

08 Apr 2010; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
Add support for Python ABIs and adjust the Python depend.

07 Apr 2010; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.15.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.18.ebuild:
Version bump.

08 Feb 2010; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.12.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.15.ebuild:
Version bump.

22 Jan 2010; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.9.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.12.ebuild:
Version bump.

25 Dec 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.0_beta24.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.9.ebuild:
Version bump, tested on x86.

20 Sep 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
Old version no longer used by anything.

07 Sep 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.0_beta6.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.0_beta24.ebuild:
Version bump.

25 Aug 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.0_beta5.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.0_beta6.ebuild:
Version bump.

20 Aug 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.3.0_beta3.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.0_beta5.ebuild:
Version bump.

19 Aug 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
-Whoosh-0.2.6.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.3.0_beta3.ebuild:
Version bump. If anyone still needs 0.2, please let me know.

16 Aug 2009; Micha? Górny (sedzimir) <>
+Whoosh-0.1.24.ebuild, +Whoosh-0.2.6.ebuild, +metadata.xml:
New ebuilds for dev-python/Whoosh (bug #281095), one for current version
and the other for 0.1 branch required by django-haystack.