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The PDF viewer and tools


  • xpdf-4.05
    ~amd64 ~x86
    cmyk cups +fontconfig i18n icons +libpaper metric opi png +textselect utils qt6 verify-sig

    View      Download      Browse     License: || ( GPL-2 GPL-3 ) i18n? ( BSD )   
    Overlay: gentoo
  • xpdf-4.04-r2
    amd64 x86
    cmyk cups +fontconfig i18n icons +libpaper metric opi png +textselect utils verify-sig

    View      Download      Browse     License: || ( GPL-2 GPL-3 ) i18n? ( BSD )   
    Overlay: gentoo

Reverse Dependencies

Reverse dependancies are sometimes conditional based on your USE flags, Ebuild version and sometimes other packages. please keep this in mind.