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Nerd Fonts is a project that patches developer targeted fonts with glyphs


  • nerd-fonts-3.2.0
    amd64 x86
    3270 agave anonymouspro arimo aurulentsansmono bigblueterminal bitstreamverasansmono cascadiacode codenewroman cousine daddytimemono dejavusansmono droidsansmono fantasquesansmono firacode firamono go-mono gohu hack hasklig heavydata hermit ia-writer ibmplexmono inconsolata inconsolatago inconsolatalgc iosevka jetbrainsmono lekton liberationmono lilex meslo monofur monoid mononoki mplus noto opendyslexic overpass profont proggyclean robotomono sharetechmono sourcecodepro spacemono terminus tinos ubuntu ubuntumono victormono X

    View      Download      Browse     License: MIT OFL-1.1 Apache-2.0 CC-BY-SA-4.0 BitstreamVera BSD WTFPL-2 Vic-Fieger-License UbuntuFontLicense-1.0   
    Overlay: ROKO__