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Fetch various blocklists and generate a BIND zone from them.


  • bind-adblock-9999
    network-cron systemd

    View      Download      Browse     License: MIT   
  • bind-adblock-9999
    python_single_target_python3_10 python_single_target_python3_11 python_single_target_python3_12

    View      Download      Browse     License: MIT   
    Overlay: phoenix591
  • bind-adblock-0_pre20220823
    ~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86
    network-cron systemd

    View      Download      Browse     License: MIT   


commit 2fd08ec5264a1aba43993233690c72c9ea134685
Author: Phoenix591 <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 17:16:30 2023 -0600

net-dns/bind-adblock: major rewrite

Now uses proper python eclass/script wrapping
Put the cobfig into /etc and use /tmp/ as the default cache

commit 0dbcc76d3d4765b1dc62a07ce3264716a3be7c21
Author: Phoenix591 <>
Date: Fri Sep 16 18:28:16 2022 -0500

net-dns/bind-adblock: add new dependency and protect config file

commit 85633c1ac5bcfed5b97bf23d938b25e9379a83a5
Author: Phoenix591 <>
Date: Sat Aug 14 17:19:24 2021 -0500

net-misc/ena-driver: dropped