# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 M_PN=LenovoLegionLinux DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=setuptools PYTHON_COMPAT=(python3_{11..12}) inherit linux-mod-r1 distutils-r1 systemd optfeature if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]]; then EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/johnfanv2/${M_PN}.git" inherit git-r3 else SRC_URI="https://github.com/johnfanv2/${M_PN}/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64" fi DESCRIPTION="Lenovo Legion Linux kernel module" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/johnfanv2/LenovoLegionLinux" BDEPEND=" sys-kernel/linux-headers sys-apps/lm-sensors sys-apps/dmidecode sys-apps/sed dev-libs/inih " RDEPEND=" gui? ( dev-python/pyqt6[gui,widgets] dev-python/pyyaml dev-python/argcomplete dev-python/darkdetect ) downgrade-nvidia? ( <=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-525 ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="+gui downgrade-nvidia elogind" MODULES_KERNEL_MIN=5.10 src_compile() { local modlist=( legion-laptop=kernel/drivers/platform/x86:kernel_module:kernel_module:all ) export KERNELVERSION=${KV_FULL} linux-mod-r1_src_compile if use gui; then if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]]; then #fix python package version sed -i "s/version = _VERSION/version = 9999/g" "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux/setup.cfg" else #fix python package version sed -i "s/version = _VERSION/version = ${PV}/g" "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux/setup.cfg" fi #Define build dir (fix sandboxed) cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux" || die distutils-r1_src_compile --build-dir "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux/build" cd "legion_linux/extra/service/legiond" || die emake fi } src_install() { linux-mod-r1_src_install if use gui; then #Define build dir (fix sandboxed) cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux/" || die distutils-r1_src_install --build-dir "${WORKDIR}/${P}/python/legion_linux/build" cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}/extra" || die systemd_dounit service/legiond.service service/legiond-onresume.service service/legiond-cpuset.service service/legiond-cpuset.timer newinitd service/legiond.initd legiond newinitd service/legiond-cpuset.initd legiond newsbin service/legiond-cpuset.sh legiond-cpuset if use elogind; then exeinto /lib64/elogind/system-sleep/ doexe service/legiond-onresume.sh fi dobin service/legiond/legiond dobin service/legiond/legiond-ctl fi } pkg_postinst() { linux-mod-r1_pkg_postinst ewarn "Default config files are present in /usr/share/legion_linux" ewarn "Copy folder /usr/share/legion_linux to /etc/legion_linux" ewarn "Note: Fancurve can be edit using the gui app" ewarn "Dont forget to edit /etc/legion_linux/legiond.ini (previous .env) to enable and disable extra features" ewarn "Note the CPU and APU control command both for undervolt an ryzenadj are edit in /etc/legion_linux/.env" if !use downgrade-nvidia; then ewarn "Note: use flag downgrade-nvidia if you need for nvidia TDP control (requires driver 525 to work)\n" ewarn "This useflag will be drop soon since 525 is almost 6 months old" else ewarn "Note: Edit /etc/legion_linux/.env to enable nvidia TDP control\n" fi ewarn "Note for 2023-2023 Legion user: It need help for testing the features" ewarn "Pls test the feature how is decribe in the README of the project!" ewarn "and also go to this issue in github: https://github.com/johnfanv2/LenovoLegionLinux/issues/46" optfeature "radeon dgpu power management" dev-util/rocm-smi optfeature "ryzen CPU tweaks" sys-power/RyzenAdj optfeature "intel CPU tweaks" dev-python/undervolt }