# Copyright 2016-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2


inherit fcaps go-module tmpfiles systemd flag-o-matic user-info

DESCRIPTION="A painless self-hosted Git service"
HOMEPAGE="https://gitea.com https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea"

SRC_URI="https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/download/v${PV}/gitea-src-${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 CC0-1.0 ISC MIT MPL-2.0"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~riscv ~x86"
IUSE="+acct gogit pam sqlite pie"

	acct? (
		acct-user/git[gitea] )
	pam? ( sys-libs/pam )"
	!gogit? ( dev-vcs/git )"

	custom/conf/app.example.ini CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.md
	-m 711 cap_net_bind_service+ep usr/bin/gitea


# The problems that can be fixed by the following patches has been fixed
# upstream, so these ALL patches should be removed in the next release.

src_prepare() {

	sed -i -e "s#^MODE = console#MODE = file#" custom/conf/app.example.ini || die

src_configure() {
	# bug 832756 - PIE build issues
	filter-flags -fPIE
	filter-ldflags -fPIE -pie

src_compile() {
	local gitea_tags
	local -a gitea_settings makeenv

	# The space-separated list of the -tags flag is deprecated, please
	# always use the comma-separated list in the future.
	gitea_tags+="$(usex gogit ',gogit' '')"
	gitea_tags+="$(usex pam ',pam' '')"
	gitea_tags+="$(usex sqlite ',sqlite,sqlite_unlock_notify' '')"

		"-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.CustomConf=${EPREFIX}/etc/gitea/app.ini"
		"-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.CustomPath=${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea/custom"
		"-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.AppWorkPath=${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea"

		LDFLAGS="-extldflags \"${LDFLAGS}\" ${gitea_settings[*]}"

	if use pie ; then
		# Please check the supported platforms when a new keyword request opened,
		# refer to file: 'go/src/internal/platform/supported.go'.
		# When PIE buildmode is not supported by internal linker, the external
		# linker will be used automatically, refer to:
		# https://github.com/golang/go/blob/ed817f1c4055a559a94afffecbb91c78e4f39942/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/config.go#L149
		makeenv+=( EXTRA_GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie" )

	env "${makeenv[@]}" emake backend

src_install() {
	dobin gitea


	newconfd "${FILESDIR}/gitea.confd-r1" gitea
	newinitd "${FILESDIR}/gitea.initd-r3" gitea
	newtmpfiles - gitea.conf <<-EOF
		d /run/gitea 0755 git git
	systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/gitea.service-r4 gitea.service

	insinto /etc/gitea
	newins custom/conf/app.example.ini app.ini
	if use acct; then
		fowners root:git /etc/gitea/{,app.ini}
		fperms g+w,o-rwx /etc/gitea/{,app.ini}

		diropts -m0750 -o git -g git
		keepdir /var/lib/gitea /var/lib/gitea/custom /var/lib/gitea/data
		keepdir /var/log/gitea

pkg_postinst() {

	# It is not guaranteed that the git user and group always exist (due to the acct USE Flag),
	# but for convenience, the tmpfile uses the git user and group by default.
	# To avoid installation errors, a condition needs to be added here:
	#   if there is no git user or group, the installation of tmpfile will be skipped
	#   and the user will be notified to handle it by themselves.
	if egetent passwd git &>/dev/null && \
		egetent group git &>/dev/null; then
		tmpfiles_process gitea.conf
		eerror "Unable to install the tmpfile for gitea due to the git user or group is missing,"
		eerror "please install tmpfile manually or rebuild this package with USE flag 'acct'."
		eerror "You can simply copy the default tmpfile from '/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/gitea.conf'"
		eerror "to higher priority path '/etc/tmpfiles.d/gitea.conf', and correct it with"
		eerror "the right User and Group value (see tmpfiles.d(5) for details), then execute:"
		eerror "  # systemd-tmpfiles --create /etc/tmpfiles.d/gitea.conf"
		eerror "to install it."

	if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]]; then
		if ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" -lt 1.21; then
			ewarn "Since version 1.21.0:"
			ewarn "  1. The built-in SSH server will now only accept SSH user"
			ewarn "     certificates, not server certificates. This behaviour matches OpenSSH."
			ewarn "  2. The options of the subcommand must follow the subcommand now."
			ewarn "  3. Remove 'CHARSET' config option for MySQL, always use 'utf8mb4'."
			ewarn "For other breaking changes, see <https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/tag/v1.21.0>."
		if ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" -lt 1.22; then
			ewarn "Since version 1.22.0:"
			ewarn "  1. Minimum database requirements updated to MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 12, and MSSQL 2012."
			ewarn "  2. There are a lot of refactoring changes related to customizing templates."
			ewarn "  3. The default duration of the 'Remember login' feature has been"
			ewarn "     changed from one week to one month."
			ewarn "  4. Enhanced auth token/remember me, the obsolete setting"
			ewarn "     '[security].COOKIE_USERNAME' has been removed."
			ewarn "  5. For MinIO storage, adds a prefix path for all MinIO storage"
			ewarn "     and override base path will override the path."
			ewarn "  6. Now use a more restricted sanitizer for the repository description."
			ewarn "For more details, see <https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/tag/v1.22.0>."