# Copyright 2015-2022 gordonb3 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header$ EAPI="8" inherit systemd toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Excito B3 power control" HOMEPAGE="http://www.excito.com/" COMMIT="8e6b241" SRC_URI="https://github.com/excito/${PN}/archive/${COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${PVR}.tar.gz" RESTRICT="mirror" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~arm" IUSE="systemd" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )" ENABLE_COMPAT="" pkg_setup() { ebegin "checking for write-magic enabled sysvinit" if grep -qoa "wrote B3 halt magic value" /sbin/shutdown ; then eend 0 ENABLE_COMPAT="no" else eend 1 " incorrect version number -> reverting to backward compatibility" ENABLE_COMPAT="yes" fi } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} mv ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-* ${S} } src_compile() { emake CC=$(tc-getCC) } src_install() { exeinto /opt/bubba/sbin doexe buttond exeinto /opt/bubba/bin doexe write-magic if [ ${ENABLE_COMPAT} == "yes" ];then dosym /opt/bubba/bin/write-magic /sbin/write-magic fi if use systemd; then systemd_dounit ${FILESDIR}/bubba-buttond.service else newinitd ${FILESDIR}/bubba-buttond.initd bubba-buttond fi dodoc "${S}/debian/copyright" } pkg_postinst() { if use systemd; then systemctl daemon-reload systemctl is-enabled bubba-buttond >/dev/null || { elog "enable bubba-buttond service" systemctl enable bubba-buttond >/dev/null } systemctl is-active bubba-buttond >/dev/null && systemctl stop bubba-buttond >/dev/null elog "auto starting bubba-buttond service" systemctl start bubba-buttond sed -i -e '$a\' /etc/systemd/logind.conf echo "HandlePowerKey=ignore" >> /etc/systemd/logind.conf systemctl restart systemd-logind else rc-status default | grep -q bubba-buttond || rc-config add bubba-buttond default if $(rc-service bubba-buttond status &>/dev/null); then rc-service bubba-buttond restart else rc-service bubba-buttond start fi fi if [ ${ENABLE_COMPAT} == "yes" ];then elog "To manually shutdown the B3 manually use this command:" elog "" elog "\twrite-magic 0xdeadbeef && reboot" fi elog "" } pkg_prerm() { which systemctl &>/dev/null && { systemctl daemon-reload systemctl is-active bubba-buttond >/dev/null && systemctl stop bubba-buttond >/dev/null systemctl is-enabled bubba-buttond >/dev/null && systemctl disable bubba-buttond >/dev/null sed -i "/^HandlePowerKey=ignore/d" /etc/systemd/logind.conf systemctl restart systemd-logind } rc-service bubba-buttond status &>/dev/null && rc-service bubba-buttond stop rc-status default | grep -q bubba-buttond && rc-config delete bubba-buttond default }