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Tools to Accompany the psych Pac... (see metadata)


  • psychTools-2.4.3
    ~amd64 ~x64-macos ~arm64-macos
    r_suggests_gparotation r_suggests_knitr r_suggests_lavaan byte-compile

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-2+   
    Overlay: R_Overlay
  • psychTools-2.4.2
    ~amd64 ~x64-macos ~arm64-macos
    r_suggests_gparotation r_suggests_knitr r_suggests_lavaan byte-compile

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-2+   
    Overlay: R_Overlay
  • psychTools-2.4.1
    ~amd64 ~x64-macos ~arm64-macos
    r_suggests_gparotation r_suggests_knitr r_suggests_lavaan byte-compile

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-2+   
    Overlay: R_Overlay
  • psychTools-2.3.12
    ~amd64 ~x64-macos ~arm64-macos
    r_suggests_gparotation r_suggests_knitr r_suggests_lavaan byte-compile

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-2+   
    Overlay: R_Overlay
  • psychTools-2.3.9
    ~amd64 ~x64-macos ~arm64-macos
    r_suggests_gparotation r_suggests_knitr r_suggests_lavaan byte-compile

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-2+   
    Overlay: R_Overlay