#!/bin/bash # Reset all of Compiz's settings for the current user echo "This will reset all of Compiz's settings. Continue only if you know exactly" echo "what is being done." echo "" echo "This program will:" echo " 1. Switch to the metacity window manager" echo " 2. Remove Compiz's configuration directories" echo " 3. Reset Compiz's dconf/GSettings settings" echo read -p "Continue (y/N) " PROCEED if [ "x${PROCEED}" == "xy" ] || [ "x${PROCEED}" == "xY" ]; then echo # Start metacity echo -n "Switching to the metacity window manager..." metacity --replace &>/dev/null & echo "DONE" # Wait for Compiz to exit echo -n "Waiting for Compiz to exit..." while $(pgrep compiz$ &>/dev/null); do sleep 0.1 done echo "DONE" # Remove Compiz's configuration directories echo -n "Removing Compiz's configuration directories..." rm -rf ~/.compiz/ rm -rf ~/.compiz-1/ rm -rf ~/.cache/compizconfig-1/ rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/ echo "DONE" echo -n "Resetting Compiz's dconf/GSettings settings..." dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins echo "DONE" echo echo "Please log out and log back in. To log out, run:" echo " gnome-session-quit --logout" fi