SUDO For tasks that require access to the pihole executable to work, such as editing groups, you need to add a rule to allow the pihole user to access it without password via sudo. Simple way to do this: echo 'pihole ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pihole' > /etc/sudoers.d/pihole This file is installed by default by the package. Be sure permissions are set correctly: chmod 0600 /etc/sudoers.d/pihole chown root. /etc/sudoers.d/pihole TEMPERATURE READING To make the temperature reading more predictable, a patch is applied to allow for an environment variable HWMON_NAME which is read from the $_SERVER array. The value should be something like coretemp or k10temp. You can see the name in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/name. If you are using PHP-FPM, you can set a line like so for the group in the configuration: [pihole] ... env[HWMON_NAME] = k10temp If you are using Apache, you can set it like so: ... SetEnv HWMON_NAME k10temp ... DEBUG LOG To have the 'Generate debug log' feature work fully, add a file /etc/pihole/debug-vars with content like the following: BLOCK_PAGE_HOST="https://block-page-host" DASHBOARD_HOST="https://dashboard-host" This file is sourced with Bash so it can do anything but ideally should try not to mess with the environment. You can pass basic authentication user:password in the URIs if necessary. BLOCK_PAGE_HOST is optional and can be an empty string. In that case, the debug log generator will not check for a block page. To pass the check, the block page must have the X-Pi-hole header set: X-Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements.