: ${EAPI:=1} # 3 or neutral #+ inherit flag-o-matic global-compat [[ "${PV}" == 9999* ]] && KV_FULL="${PV}" # really newer work without, but check-robots want it [ -v PORTDIR ] || PORTDIR=${PORTAGE_ECLASS_LOCATIONS[-1]} [ -e "${PORTDIR}/eclass/kernel-2.eclass" ] && source "${PORTDIR}/eclass/kernel-2.eclass" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_configure src_prepare pkg_prerm reexport(){ local i f p=$1 shift for i in "${@}"; do f="$(declare -f ${p}_${i})" [[ -z "$f" ]] && f='f(){ return;}' eval "_saved_${i}() ${f/*()}" done } reexport kernel-2 pkg_setup src_compile src_install pkg_postinst pkg_preinst src_prepare #UROOT="${ROOT}" UROOT="" SHARE="${UROOT}/usr/share/genpnprd" COMP='GZIP BZIP2' if [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]]; then # things like bcache, btrfs, xfs works without special inclusion, # but disaster recovering is good IUSE="${IUSE} +build-kernel custom-cflags +pnp +compressed integrated netboot custom-arch embed-hardware +blobs kernel-firmware +sources pnponly lzma xz lzo lz4 zstd external-firmware xen +smp kernel-tools multitarget 64-bit-bfd thin lvm device-mapper unionfs luks gpg iscsi e2fsprogs mdadm btrfs bcache dropbear xfs +keymap blkid lguest acpi klibc +genkernel monolythe update-boot uml paranoid" DEPEND="${DEPEND} !=sys-kernel/genkernel- ) !klibc? ( !genkernel? ( sys-apps/busybox blkid? ( sys-apps/util-linux ) mdadm? ( sys-fs/mdadm ) device-mapper? ( sys-fs/dmraid ) lvm? ( sys-fs/lvm2 ) unionfs? ( sys-fs/unionfs-fuse ) iscsi? ( sys-block/open-iscsi ) gpg? ( app-crypt/gnupg ) luks? ( sys-fs/cryptsetup ) btrfs? ( sys-fs/btrfs-progs ) bcache? ( sys-fs/bcache-tools ) xfs? ( sys-fs/xfsprogs ) dropbear? ( net-misc/dropbear ) ) ) ) " SLOT="${PN%-sources}" # 2do: #SLOT=0 PROVIDE="sources? ( virtual/linux-sources ) !sources? ( virtual/linux-kernel )" #USEKEY="$(for i in ${!KERNEL_@} ; do # echo "${!i} , " #done | md5sum)" #IUSE="${IUSE} md5cfg:${USEKEY%% *}" for i in "${SHARE}"/*.{-use,use}; do [[ "${i##*/}" == *_dep_* ]] && . "$i" i="${i##*[/:]}" [[ "$i" == video_cards_* ]] || i="${i##*_}" i="${i%.use}" i="${i%.-use}" IUSE+=" ${i#[0-9]}" done fi BDIR="${WORKDIR}/build" _CF1_(){ local i s='[ ]' for i in "${@}"; do CF="${CF//$s[+-]${i#[+-]}$s/ }" CF="${CF//$s${i#[+-]}$s/ }" done } CF1(){ _CF1_ "${@}" CF+=" $* " } _CF1(){ _CF1_ "${@}" CF=" $* $CF" } CF2(){ local i for i in "${@}"; do if use embed-hardware; then CF1 "$i" else CF1 "+$i" fi done } external_kconfig(){ false } load_conf(){ [[ -e "${CONFIG_ROOT}${KERNEL_CONF:=/etc/kernels/kernel.conf}" ]] && { einfo "Loading ${CONFIG_ROOT}${KERNEL_CONF}" source "${CONFIG_ROOT}${KERNEL_CONF}" } } kconfig_init(){ [ -n "$KERNEL_CONFIG" -o "${ETYPE}" != sources ] && return eval "`/usr/bin/perl ${SHARE}/Kconfig.pl -config`" KERNEL_CONFIG+=" +TR" load_conf } set_kv(){ local v="$1" KV="${v}" EXTRAVERSION="${KV##*-}" CKV="${KV%%-*}" OKV="${CKV}" KV_FULL="${KV}" KV_MAJOR=${v%%.*} v=${v#*.} KV_MINOR=${v%%.*} v=${v#*.} KV_PATCH=${v%%-*} KV_EXTRA=${v#*-} } get_v(){ grep "^$1[ ]*=.*$" "${S}"/Makefile | sed -e 's%^.*= *%%' } gen_KV(){ local KV KERNEL_DIR="${S}" g get_KV(){ KV="$(get_v VERSION).$(get_v PATCHLEVEL).$(get_v SUBLEVEL)$(get_v EXTRAVERSION)";} determine_config_file(){ KERNEL_CONFIG="${S}/.config";} for g in ${UROOT}/usr/share/genkernel/gen_determineargs.sh; do [ -e "${g}" ] && source "${g}" done get_KV echo "${KV}" } check_kv(){ REAL_KV='' use genkernel && REAL_KV="$(gen_KV)" : ${REAL_KV:="$(kmake kernelrelease)"} [ -z "${KV}" ] && set_kv ${REAL_KV} } flags_nosp(){ local x="${@# }" echo "${x% }" } mknod(){ # echo "mknod $*" >>"${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/etc/mknod.sh" true } _filter_f() { local f x v=$1 shift for f in ${!v} ; do for x in "$@" ; do [[ "$f" == $x ]] && continue 2 done echo -n " $f" done } test_cc(){ echo "int main(){}"|$(tc-getBUILD_CC) "${@}" -x c - -o /dev/null } _run_env(){ # everything CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" AS="$(tc-getAS)" AR="$(tc-getAR)" STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)" NM="$(tc-getNM)" OBJCOPY="$(tc-getOBJCOPY)" OBJDUMP="$(tc-getOBJDUMP)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" \ HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" HOSTLD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" HOSTCXX="$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)" HOSTCPP="$(tc-getBUILD_CPP)" HOSTAS="$(tc-getBUILD_AS)" HOSTAR="$(tc-getBUILD_AR)" HOSTSTRIP="$(tc-getBUILD_STRIP)" HOSTNM="$(tc-getBUILD_NM)" HOSTOBJCOPY="$(tc-getBUILD_OBJCOPY)" HOSTRANLIB="$(tc-getBUILD_RANLIB)" \ srctree="$S" "${@}" } kernel-2_src_configure() { [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] || return kconfig_init cd "${S}" cpu2K use integrated || use thin && cfg_ '###integrated|thin:' FW_LOADER_COMPRESS filter-flags '-fopenmp*' '-*parallelize*' # unsure "random" miscompulations on 5.9 replace-flags -malign-data=cacheline -malign-data=compat : ${KERNEL_UTILS_CFLAGS:="${CFLAGS}"} # ??? # : ${KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS:="${LDFLAGS}"} local i [[ -z "$KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS" ]] && for i in $LDFLAGS; do [[ "$i" == -Wl,* ]] && KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS+=" $i" done KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS="$(flags_nosp "$KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS")" local cflags="${KERNEL_CFLAGS}" aflags="${KERNEL_ASFLAGS}" ldflags="${KERNEL_LDFLAGS}" if use custom-cflags; then use custom-arch || filter-flags "-march=*" "-mcpu=*" # case "${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" in # i?86*)filter-flags -fschedule-insns;; # esac # for i in -fno-PIE; do # test_cc $i && cflags+=" $i" # done [[ "$(gcc-version)" == 4.8 ]] && append-flags -fno-inline-functions cflags="$(flags_nosp "$(_filter_f CFLAGS "-msse*" -mmmx -m3dnow -mavx "-mfpmath=*" '-flto*' '-*-lto-*' -fuse-linker-plugin -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans '-mindirect-branch*' '-mfunction-return=*' -fopenmp -fopenmp-simd -fopenacc -fgnu-tm) ${cflags}")" #" # dedup local i="$cflags" cflags= for i in $i; do local j="$cflags" cflags= for j in $j; do [ "${j%=*}" = "${i%=*}" ] || cflags+=" $j" done cflags+=" $i" done cflags="${cflags# }" aflags="$cflags" # at least now ldflags="$(flags_nosp "$(extract_flags -Wl, ${LDFLAGS}) ${ldflags}")" #" else # only KBUILD_USER*FLAGS, but starting from 5.15 wrong # USE=custom-cflags still unstripped strip-flags fi use unionfs && KERNEL_UTILS_CFLAGS+=" -std=gnu89" cfg_ '###CFLAGS:' is-flagq -fstack-protector && cfg_ CC_STACKPROTECTOR{,_REGULAR} is-flagq -fstack-protector-strong && cfg_ CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG [[ "$(cflg O)" == s ]] && cfg_ CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE cfg_ " " [[ -n "${cflags}" ]] && sed -i -e "s/^\(KBUILD_CFLAGS.*-O.\)/\1 ${cflags}/g" Makefile [[ -n "${aflags}" ]] && sed -i -e "s/^\(AFLAGS_[A-Z]*[ ]*=\)$/\1 ${aflags}/" Makefile [[ -n "${ldflags}" ]] && sed -i -e "s/^\(LDFLAGS_[A-Z]*[ ]*=\)$/\1 ${ldflags}/" Makefile export comp='' # kmake & genkernel export MAKEOPTS+=" DEPMOD=$([[ -x /sbin/depmod ]] && echo /sbin/depmod || echo /usr/bin/depmod)" use build-kernel || return mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/etc/" export -f mknod useconfig kconfig grep -q "^CONFIG_SQUASHFS=" .config && for i in $COMP; do ( [[ "$i" == GZIP ]] || grep -q "^CONFIG_SQUASHFS_$i=" .config ) && ( mksquashfs |& grep -q "^\s*${i,,}\s*" ) && comp="${i,,}" done einfo "squashfs compression: $comp" export comp } _sort_f(){ local f for f in "${@}"; do touch "$f" sed -e 's:^"::' -e 's:"$::' <"$f" | sort -u >"$f.tmp" rename .tmp '' "$f.tmp" done } # add to $1 lists modules, dependend from listed $1 & $2 modules and add names to $2 modules_deps(){ sed -e 's:^.*/::g' -e 's:\.ko$::g' <"$1" >>"$2" sed -i -e 's:-:_:g' "$2" _sort_f "$2" while true; do sed -e 's:^: :' -e 's:$: :' <"$2" | grep -Ff - "$TMPDIR"/depends.lst | sed -e 's: .*::g' >"$2"1 cat "$2" >>"$2"1 _sort_f "$2"1 cmp -s "$2"{1,} && break mv "$2"{1,} done rm "$2"1 sed -e 's:^: :' -e 's:$: :' <"$2" | grep -Ff - "$TMPDIR/names.lst" | sed -e 's:^.* ::g' >>"$1" _sort_f "$1" } # better to do it once before install mod_strip(){ [ -z "$INSTALL_MOD_STRIP" ] && return local strip="$(tc-getSTRIP)" [ "$INSTALL_MOD_STRIP" = 1 ] && strip+=' --strip-debug' || strip+=" $INSTALL_MOD_STRIP" strip+=" $INSTALL_MOD_STRIP" if use paranoid; then find . -name '*.ko'|while read m; do $strip $m done else $strip $(find . -name '*.ko'|sed -e 's:^\./::') fi } _modinfo(){ modinfo --basedir=/dev/null "${@}" } __mfw(){ [ -e "firmware/$2" ] || if use external-firmware && [ -e "/lib/firmware/$2" ]; then echo "$1: $2" >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-fw.lst else echo "$1" >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-exclude1.m2y fi } post_make(){ local i x y m f n= d= n1= i="$TMPDIR/modules.builtin1" unlink "$i" [ -s modules.builtin ] && { cp -a modules.builtin "$i" grep -sqv "^kernel/" "$i" || sed -i -e 's:^kernel/::' "$i" rm $(cat "$i") -f } # all modinfo (fast or split cmdline) einfo "Preparing modules & firmware info" #echo -n|tee "$TMPDIR"/{{mod-fw,depends,names,mod-blob{,1,-names}}.lst,mod-exclude.m2y,unmodule.black} if use paranoid; then find . -name '*.ko'|while read m; do _modinfo "$m" done >"$TMPDIR"/modinfo.lst else _modinfo $(find . -name '*.ko'|sed -e 's:^\./::') >"$TMPDIR"/modinfo.lst fi # list modules without [configured] firmware and firmare to ext built # keep standalone while read x y; do case "$x" in filename:) m=${y#$S/} d= n= n1=${y##*/} n1=${n1%.ko} n1=${n1//-/_} $(tc-getNM) "$m"|grep -q 'firmware_request\|request_firmware\|release_firmware' && echo "$m" >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob1.lst echo " $n1 $m" >>"$TMPDIR/names.lst" ;; firmware:)__mfw "$m" "$y";; depends:) [ -z "$y" ] && continue y="${y//,/ }" y="${y//-/_}" d+=" $y" echo "$n1 $y " >>"$TMPDIR"/depends.lst ;;& name:) n="${y//-/_}" #?? case "$n" in cfg80211)__mfw "$m" regulatory.db;; esac echo " $n $m" >>"$TMPDIR/names.lst" ;;& depends:|name:)[ -n "$d" -a -n "$n" ] && echo "$n$d " >>"$TMPDIR"/depends.lst;; esac done <"$TMPDIR"/modinfo.lst while read i; do for i in ${i%%#*}; do [ -e "$i" ] && echo "$i" done done <"$SHARE"/modules-standalone >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-exclude.m2y sed -e 's/^.*: //' <"$TMPDIR"/mod-fw.lst | sort -u >"$TMPDIR"/fw-used1.lst sed -e 's/: .*$//' <"$TMPDIR"/mod-fw.lst >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob.lst grep -Fvxf "$TMPDIR"/mod-blob{,1}.lst >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-exclude1.m2y grep -vxf "$SHARE"/modules-fw-ignore "$TMPDIR"/mod-exclude1.m2y >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-exclude.m2y grep -vxf "$SHARE"/modules-fw-ignore "$TMPDIR"/mod-blob1.lst >>"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob.lst einfo "Search hidden firmware" for i in "$S" "$ROOT/lib"; do find "$i/firmware/" -type f | while read f;do f="${f#$i/firmware/}" case "$f" in */.*|.*|*.[ch]|*Makefile|*cmake|LICENCE*|LICENSE*|*README|WHENCE|GPL-?|GPL|*/GPL|*configure)continue;; esac echo "\"$f\"" done done | sort -u >"$TMPDIR"/fw-all.lst sort "$TMPDIR"/fw-{all,used1}.lst | uniq -u >"$TMPDIR"/fw-unknown.lst sed -e 's:^:":' -e 's:$:":' <"$TMPDIR"/fw-unknown.lst|grep -RFlf - --include "*.[ch]"|while read f; do [ -e "${f%?}o" ] || (use paranoid && ([[ "$f" == *include* ]] || [[ "$f" == *h && -n "`find "${f%/*}" -name "*.o"`" ]] ) ) && grep -Fohf "$TMPDIR"/fw-unknown.lst "$f" done | while read f; do i="${f%?}ko" [ -e "$m" ] && x=3 && (echo "$m" | tee -a "$TMPDIR"/mod-blob{,2}.lst) || x=2 x="$TMPDIR"/fw-used$x.lst [[ "$f" == */* ]] && echo "$f" >>"$x" && continue grep -F "/${f#?}" "$TMPDIR"/fw-unknown.lst || echo "$f" >>"$x" done einfo "Sort data" _sort_f "$TMPDIR"/{fw-used{2,3},depends,names}.lst sort -u "$TMPDIR"/fw-used{1,2,3}.lst >"$TMPDIR"/fw-used.lst modules_deps "$TMPDIR"/mod-blob{,-names}.lst sed -e "s:^:lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/kernel/:" <"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob.lst | grep -vxf "$SHARE"/modules-fw-ignore >"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob_.lst modules_deps "$TMPDIR"/{mod-exclude.m2y,unmodule.black} use blobs && einfo "Copy firmware" while read i; do if [ -e "firmware/$i" ]; then m="firmware/$i" elif use external-firmware; then m="$ROOT/lib/firmware/$i" else ewarn "Required firmware not found: '$i'" continue fi use blobs || continue f="${BDIR}/lib/firmware/$i" mkdir -p "${f%/*}" cp "$m" "$f" || die done <"$TMPDIR"/fw-used.lst } extra_firmware(){ local i e= einfo "Embedding firmware" { for i in $KERNEL_CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE; do echo "$i" done # keep compressed firmware in userspace grep -qx CONFIG_FW_LOADER_COMPRESS=y "$S/.config" || while read x y; do grep -sqFx "${x%:}" "$TMPDIR/modules.builtin1" && echo "$y" done <"$TMPDIR"/mod-fw.lst }|sort -u >"$TMPDIR"/fw-embed.lst sort "$TMPDIR"/fw-used{1,2}.lst | uniq -u | grep -Fxf - "$TMPDIR"/fw-used2.lst >"$TMPDIR"/fw-embed2.lst while read i; do rm "${BDIR}/lib/firmware/$i" && [ ! -e "firmware/$i" ] && e+=" $i" || ewarn "Required embedded firmware not found: '$i'" done <"$TMPDIR"/fw-embed.lst while read i; do [ -e "${BDIR}/lib/firmware/$i" ] && [ ! -e "firmware/$i" ] && [[ "$e " != *" $i "* ]] && e+=" $i" || ewarn "Possible required embedded firmware not found: '$i'" done <"$TMPDIR"/fw-embed2.lst e="${e# }" export KERNEL_CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="$ROOT/lib/firmware" [ "$KERNEL_CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE" = "$e" ] && return 1 export KERNEL_CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="$e" return 0 } umake(){ kmake ARCH=um LDFLAGS="$(extract_flags -Wl, ${LDFLAGS})" CFLAGS="$(_filter_f CFLAGS '-flto*' '-*-lto-*' -fuse-linker-plugin)" "${@}" } _genpnprd(){ set -- \ --IMAGE "initrd-${REAL_KV}.img" \ --S "${S}" \ --OVERLAY "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd" \ ${comp:+--COMPRESS $comp} \ --ARCH "$(arch)" \ --MAKEOPTS "$MAKEOPTS" \ "${@}" use blobs || set -- --CLEAN @"$TMPDIR"/mod-blob_.lst "${@}" use thin && set -- --THIN - "${@}" # MAKEOPTS="$MAKEOPTS" bash -- "${SHARE}/genpnprd" "${@}" --IMAGE "${S}/initrd-${REAL_KV}.img" MAKEOPTS="$MAKEOPTS" /usr/bin/genpnprd "${@}" } kernel-2_src_compile() { kconfig_init case ${EAPI:-0} in 0|1) # kernel-2_src_prepare # ->src_unpack kernel-2_src_configure ;; esac #### _saved_src_compile #### [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] || return local KV0="${KV}" check_kv use build-kernel || return if use uml; then mv .config* "${WORKDIR}" # User-Mode Linux: build defconfig with all embedded umake defconfig cat {"${SHARE}",/etc/kernels}/config-uml >>.config umake oldconfig use paranoid umake all mv linux "umlinux-${REAL_KV}" || die "Build user-mode failed" mv .config .config-um umake mrproper mv "${WORKDIR}"/.config* "$S" fi local NN=0 for i in true false false; do NN=$[NN+1] use paranoid && kmake clean if [[ -n "${KERNEL_MODULES_MAKEOPT}" ]]; then einfo "Compiling kernel (bzImage)" kmake bzImage fi einfo "Compiling kernel (all)" cp .config .config.stage$NN kmake all ${KERNEL_MODULES_MAKEOPT} grep -q "=m$" .config && [[ -z "`find . -name "*.ko" -print`" ]] && die "Modules configured, but not built" post_make $i || { use external-firmware && extra_firmware || break # final: embed firmware kconfig continue } i=false # else need repeat only if module with fw embeddeed by /etc/kernels/kernel.conf, don't care if use embed-hardware; then einfo "Reconfiguring kernel with hardware detect" _cmdline "`modprobe_opt ''`" cfg_ "###detect: $(sort_detects $(detects)|tee -a .detect-hardware)" paranoid_y i=true else paranoid_y && i=true fi if $i; then # use external-firmware && extra_firmware kconfig if use embed-hardware; then local c="${KERNEL_CLEANUP:-arch/$(arch) drivers/dma}" einfo "Applying KERNEL_CLEANUP='$c'" cfg_ "###cleanup: ${KERNEL_CONFIG2} $(detects_cleanup $c)" i=true kconfig fi fi rm "$TMPDIR/unmodule.tmp" "${WORKDIR}"/modules.alias.sh -f if use monolythe; then einfo "Reconfiguring kernel as 'monolythe'" use !embed-hadrware && [[ -z "$KERNEL_CLEANUP" ]] && { ewarn "Useflag 'monolythe' requires at least USE='embed-hadrware' KERNEL_CLEANUP='.'" ewarn "(or too global KERNEL_[CONFIG]) - You are warned!" } sed -i -e 's:^CONFIG_MODULES=y$:# CONFIG_MODULES is not set:' .config sed -i -e 's:=m$:=y:g' .config kmake oldconfig i=true fi $i || break ( [[ -n "$KERNEL_CLEANUP" ]] || use monolythe ) && use sources && kmake clean done KV="${KV0}" check_kv if grep -q "=m$" .config; then einfo "Preparing modules" # fix modules order & presence in /etc/modflags sed -e 's:.*/::' -e 's:.ko*::' -e 's:-:_:' "${TMPDIR}/mod.order" || die for i in "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/etc/modflags/"*; do grep -xoFf "$i" "${TMPDIR}/mod.order" >"${TMPDIR}/_mod" && mv "${TMPDIR}/_mod" "$i" done mkdir -p "${BDIR}" lib/modules/"${REAL_KV}" kmake INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${BDIR}" -j1 modules_install if [ "$VIRT" = 2 ]; then rm -rf "${BDIR}/lib/firmware" else ln -s ../firmware lib/firmware fi ln -s ../../.. "lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/kernel" cp "${BDIR}/lib/modules/${REAL_KV}"/* "lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/" local r="${BDIR}/lib/modules/${REAL_KV}" rm "${r}"/build "${r}"/source cd "${WORKDIR}" local i use sources && for i in build source; do ln -s "../../../usr/src/linux-${KV_FULL}" "${r}/${i}" done fi cd "${S}" use debug || mod_strip if use sources || use klibc; then einfo "Preparing kernel headers" kmake headers_install #$(use compressed && echo _all) fi [[ -n "$KERNEL_MAKE_ADD" ]] && kmake $KERNEL_MAKE_ADD use klibc && userspace if use kernel-tools; then einfo "Compiling tools" mktools all fi for i in `find Documentation -name "*.c"`; do _cc $i done if use !klibc && use !genkernel; then mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/lib" cp -an "$BDIR/lib/firmware" "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/lib" _genpnprd --IMAGE "initrd-${REAL_KV}.cpio" --STATIC true --FILES "/bin/busybox $(use blkid && echo /sbin/blkid) $(use mdadm && echo /sbin/mdadm /sbin/mdmon) $(use device-mapper && echo /usr/sbin/dmraid) $(use lvm && echo /sbin/lvm /sbin/dmsetup) $(use unionfs && echo /sbin/unionfs) $(use luks && echo /bin/cryptsetup) $(use gpg && echo /sbin/gpg) $(use iscsi && echo /usr/sbin/iscsistart) $(use btrfs && echo /sbin/btrfs /sbin/btrfsck /sbin/mkfs.btrfs) $(use bcache && echo /sbin/bcache) $(use xfs && echo /sbin/xfs_repair /sbin/mkfs.xfs) $(use dropbear && echo /usr/sbin/dropbear) " && mv initrd-"${REAL_KV}".{cpio,img} || die "genpnprd failed" fi use genkernel || return use klibc && mv initrd-${REAL_KV}.img initrd-${REAL_KV}.klibc.img einfo "Generating initrd image" # nfs: required --enable-static-nss in glibc, $(pkgconfig libtirpc --libs --static) in the END of line... local p=' --no-nfs' for i in 'lvm lvm2' luks gpg iscsi 'device-mapper dmraid' unionfs e2fsprogs mdadm btrfs keymap netboot 'monolythe static' 'dropbear ssh'; do use "${i% *}" && p+=" --${i##* }" done for i in bcache 'xfs xfsprogs'; do grep -qF " --${i##* } " /usr/share/genkernel/gen_cmdline.sh && use "${i% *}" && p+=" --${i##* }" done for i in 'blkid disklabel'; do use "${i% *}" && i="${i##* }" || i="no-${i##* }" grep -qw "\--$i" "$UROOT/usr/share/genkernel/gen_cmdline.sh" && p+=" --$i" done if use pnp || use compressed; then use monolythe || p+=" --all-ramdisk-modules" [[ -e "${BDIR}/lib/firmware" ]] && p+=" --firmware --firmware-dir=\"${BDIR}/lib/firmware\"" || p+=' --no-firmware' fi run_genkernel ramdisk --kerneldir="${S}" --bootdir="${S}" --no-mountboot ${p} r=`ls initramfs*-"${REAL_KV}"* || ls "$TMPDIR"/genkernel/initramfs*` && mv "$r" "initrd-${REAL_KV}.img" || die "initramfs rename failed" einfo "Preparing boot image" _genpnprd --PNPMODE "$( (use !pnp && echo nopnp)||(use pnponly && echo pnponly)||echo pnp )" || die local i="initrd-${REAL_KV}.cpio" i1="initrd-${REAL_KV}.img" ( use pnp || use compressed || (use integrated && use !thin) ) && gzip -dc "$i1" >"$i" && rm "$i1" if use integrated && use thin; then i="initrd-${REAL_KV}.thin.cpio" i1="${i1%.img}.thin.img" gzip -dc "$i1" >"$i" && rm "$i1" fi initramfs "$i" NONE } # integrated: do not compress twice; # others: +~700K, but faster boot & less RAM to uncompress. # "integrated" still minimal # integrated+thin = integrated thin # standalone "thin" image still compressed initramfs(){ local i c="$2" [[ -z "$c" ]] && c=NONE && for i in $COMP; do [[ "$i" == zstd ]] && use integrated && ! _zstd_ok && continue grep -q "^CONFIG_RD_$i=y" .config && c="$i" done if use integrated; then einfo "Integrating initramfs" einfo "Integrated image compression: $c" echo "CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE=\"$1\" CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID=0 CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_GID=0 CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_$c=y" >>.config kmake oldconfig kmake bzImage else einfo "Initrd compression: $c" c="${c,,}" case "$c" in none)[[ -e "$1" ]] && rename .cpio .img "$1";; lzo)c+='p';;& lzo|gzip|lzma|lz4|bzip2)c+=' -9';;& # lz4)c+=' --best -l';;& # lzma)c+=' -e';;& gzip)c+=' -n';;& xz)c+=' --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=1MiB';;& zstd)c+=' -19 -q';;& *) ${c} -c "$1" >"${1%.cpio}.img" || die rm "$1" ;; esac fi } _dosym(){ [[ -e "${D}/boot/$1" ]] && ! [[ -e "${D}/boot/$2" ]] && dosym "$1" "/boot/$2" } kernel-2_src_install() { if [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] && use build-kernel; then kconfig_init check_kv local slot0=false [ "$SLOT" = "${PN%-sources}" -o "$SLOT" = 0 ] && slot0=true cd "${S}" || die rm -f .config.old *.loopfs rm -f lib/firmware "lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/kernel" use uml && dobin "umlinux-${REAL_KV}" dodir /boot local f f1 if ! use integrated; then insinto "/boot" for f in initrd-"${REAL_KV}"{,.thin,.klibc}.img; do [[ -e "$f" ]] && doins "$f" done fi if use kernel-firmware; then ewarn "Useflag 'kernel-firmware' must be enabled one branch to avoid collisions" else rm ${BDIR}/lib/firmware -Rf fi [[ -e "${BDIR}" ]] && ( mv "${BDIR}"/* "${D}/" || die ) kmake INSTALL_PATH="${D}/boot" install use kernel-tools && mktools install INSTALL_PATH="${D}" DESTDIR="${D}" for f in vmlinuz System.map config ; do f1="${D}/boot/${f}" if [[ -e "${f1}" ]] ; then mv "$(readlink -f ${f1})" "${f1}-${REAL_KV}" rm "${f1}" -f &>/dev/null fi done for f in vmlinuz config; do $slot0 && _dosym "${f}-${REAL_KV}" "${f}-${SLOT}" done for f in vmlinuz; do for i in '' .thin .klibc .noinitrd; do [ "$i" = .noinitrd -o -e "${D}/boot/initrd-${REAL_KV}$i.img" ] || continue [ "$i" = .noinitrd ] && (use !embed-hardware || use integrated) && continue [ "$i" != '' -a "$f" != vmlinuz ] _dosym "${f}-${REAL_KV}" "${f}-${REAL_KV}$i" $slot0 || continue _dosym "${f}-${REAL_KV}" "${f}-${SLOT}$i" _dosym "initrd-${REAL_KV}$i.img" "initrd-${SLOT}$i.img" done done f="${D}/boot/config-${REAL_KV}" [[ -e "$f" ]] || cp "${S}/.config" "$f" local sym='' $slot0 && use sources && sym="linux-${KV_FULL}" if use sources ; then dodir /usr/src # find "${S}" -name "*.cmd" | while read f ; do # sed -i -e 's%'"${S}"'%/usr/src/linux-'"${REAL_KV}"'%g' ${f} find "${S}" -name ".*.cmd"|sed -e 's:[^/]*$::'|sort -u | while read f ; do (cd "$f" && sed -i -e 's%'"${S}"'%/usr/src/linux-'"${REAL_KV}"'%g' .*.cmd) || die done if use pnp && use compressed; then einfo "Compressing with squashfs" f="linux-${REAL_KV}" # respect linux-info.eclass [[ "${sym:-$f}" != "$f" ]] && dosym "$f" "/usr/src/$sym" # but real directory will be linux-`uname -r` sym="${sym:+$f}" f1="/lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/kernel" rm "${D}${f1}" -Rf dosym "../../../usr/src/${f}" "${f1}" rm "initrd-${REAL_KV}.img" cd "${WORKDIR}" keepdir /usr/src/"${f}" f="${D}/usr/src/${f}.squashfs" mksquash "${S}" "${f}" || die chmod 755 "${f}" rm "${S}" -Rf fi else cd "${WORKDIR}" rm "${S}" -Rf fi # inherited [[ -e "${S}" ]] || mv "${D}"/usr/src/linux* "${WORKDIR}" || mkdir -p "${S}" [[ -n "$sym" ]] && dosym "$sym" /usr/src/linux-${SLOT} fi _saved_src_install } to_overlay(){ use build-kernel || return einfo "Generating boot image overlay (if configured)" local i="${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd" x for x in etc/modflags; do mkdir -p "$i/$x" cp -a "$SHARE/$x" "$i/$x" -aT done for x in $(_lsmod drivers/dma); do { _lsmod crypto/async_tx echo raid456 } >>"$i/etc/modflags/$x" done bash "${SHARE}/genpkgrd" "${i}" "${KERNEL_IMAGE_FILES}" "${KERNEL_IMAGE_FILES2}" "${KERNEL_IMAGE_PACKAGES}" } unmcode(){ # temporary workaround against cosher appended early microcode. until I cannot split concatenated cpios # single-cpio works too [on intel], but probably unsafe on too broken cpus sed -i -e "s:^CONFIG_MICROCODE=$1:CONFIG_MICROCODE=$2:" "$S"/.config } run_genkernel(){ local i v c="$UROOT/usr/share/genkernel/gen_cmdline.sh" use paranoid && mkdir "${TMPDIR}/genkernel-cache" [[ ! -e "${TMPDIR}/genkernel-cache" ]] && cp "${UROOT}/var/cache/genkernel" "${TMPDIR}/genkernel-cache" -r if use netboot; then cp "$UROOT/usr/share/genkernel/netboot/busy-config" "$TMPDIR" else cp "$UROOT/usr/share/genkernel/defaults/busy-config" "$TMPDIR" fi for i in $(use selinux && echo SELINUX=y) PAM=n STATIC=y DEBUG=n NO_DEBUG_LIB=y DMALLOC=n EFENCE=n FEATURE_MOUNT_NFS=n \ FEATURE_MOUNT_CIFS=y MODPROBE_SMALL=n INSMOD=y RMMOD=y MODPROBE=y LSMOD=n FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST=y TELNETD=y \ MKFS_EXT2=n 'FEATURE_VOLUMEID_[A-Z0-9]*=y'; do sed -i -e "s:^.*\(CONFIG_${i%=*}\)[= ].*\$:\1=${i#*=}:" "$TMPDIR/busy-config" grep -q "CONFIG_${i%%=*}[= ]" "$TMPDIR/busy-config" || echo "CONFIG_$i" >>"$TMPDIR/busy-config" done # cpio works fine without loopback, but may panish sandbox cp /usr/bin/genkernel "${S}" || die sed -i -e 's/has_loop/true/' "${S}/genkernel" local a="$(arch "" 1)" opt= ls "$UROOT/usr/share/genkernel/arch/$a/*busy*" >/dev/null 2>&1 || opt+=" --busybox-config=${TMPDIR}/busy-config" # e2fsprogs & mdraid need more crosscompile info unmcode y n grep -sq arch-override= "$c" && set -- "${@}" --arch-override="$a" --utils-arch="$a" grep -sq kernel-modules-prefix= "$c" && set -- "${@}" --kernel-modules-prefix="$BDIR" || set -- "${@}" --module-prefix="$BDIR" TEMPDIR="$TMPDIR" \ ac_cv_target="${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" ac_cv_build="${CBUILD}" ac_cv_host="${CHOST:-${CTARGET}}" \ CFLAGS="${KERNEL_UTILS_CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${KERNEL_UTILS_LDFLAGS}" _run_env "${S}/genkernel" $opt\ --config=/usr/share/genpnprd/genkernel.conf "${@}" ${KERNEL_GENKERNEL} || { unmcode n y die "genkernel failed" } unmcode n y rm "${S}/genkernel" } cfg(){ KERNEL_CONFIG="$* ${KERNEL_CONFIG}" } cfg_(){ KERNEL_CONFIG+=" $*" [[ "$*" == '#'* ]] && KERNEL_CONFIG+=" " true } cfg_use(){ local i u="$1" shift for i in $* "#use:$u "; do use $u && cfg $i || cfg "-${i#[+=&]}" done } cfg_use_(){ local i u="$1" shift cfg_ " #use:$u " for i in $* ; do use $u && cfg_ $i || cfg_ "-${i#[+=&]}" done } _cfg_use_(){ local i u="$1" shift cfg_ " #use:$u " for i in $* "#use:$u "; do use $u && cfg_ $i || cfg "-${i#[+=&]}" done } rd_add(){ local i r="${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/" for i in "${@}"; do # [ -e "$r$i" ] || cp --parents "$r" "$r" [ -e "$r$i" ] || bash "${SHARE}/genpkgrd" "$r" "$i" done } _append(){ local v="KERNEL_CONFIG_$1" shift einfo "$v+=$*" export $v="${!v}${!v:+ }$*" } _cmdline(){ _append CMDLINE "${@}" } cfg_loop(){ local k=".config.loop.$1" i=0 k1 ne=true rm= l=false grep "CONFIG" .config >$k while [[ $i -lt $1 ]]; do k1=".config.loop.$[i++]" rm+=" $k1" if cmp -s $k1 $k ; then ne=false elif ! $ne; then if diff -U 0 $k1 $k >"$k1.diff"; then unlink "$k1.diff" else l=true fi fi done $l && if [ -z "$cfgloop" ]; then cfgloop=" `echo $(grep -oh "CONFIG_[^ =]*" .config.loop.*.diff|sort -u|sed -e 's:^CONFIG_::' -e 's:$:=m:')`" export KERNEL_CONFIG="$KERNEL_CONFIG #loop:$cfgloop" ne=true else ewarn "Config deadloop! Details in: $(echo .config.loop.*.diff)." ewarn "Dub options: $(grep -o "CONFIG_[^ =]*" .config.loop.*.diff|sort -u)" fi $ne || rm -f $rm $k $ne } _zstd_ok(){ # [[ "${CBUILD}" == "${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" ]] && use amd64 && (echo test|zstd -zqc -22 --ultra >/dev/null 2>&1) false } useconfig(){ einfo "Preparing KERNEL_CONFIG" local i o j if use !embed-hardware; then cfg EXT2_FS use compressed || use pnp && cfg +SQUASHFS +CRAMFS +BLK_DEV_LOOP fi local cfg_exclude=" HAVE_DMA_API_DEBUG " local cfg_exclude= use lzo && COMP+=' LZO' use lzma && COMP+=' LZMA' use lz4 && COMP+=' LZ4' # lz4hc still fastest, but have memory issue (on x86_32?) and x1.5-2 size # zstd kernel broken on x86 32bit use zstd && COMP+=' ZSTD' use xz && COMP+=' XZ' for i in $COMP; do [[ "$i" == ZSTD ]] && ! _zstd_ok && continue o="$i $o" done o="${o% }" cfg "KERNEL_${o// /;KERNEL_}" cfg $o cfg_ " " ewarn "If failed here after update ('not in IUSE') - do 'emerge --regen' or 'rm $(find /var/cache/edb/dep -name "$PN-$PVR")'" for i in "${SHARE}"/*use; do [[ "${i##*/}" == *_dep_* ]] && continue o="${i##*[/:]}" [[ "$o" == video_cards_* ]] || o="${o##*_}" o="${o%.*}" o="${o#[0-9]}" o="${o#[+~-]}" case "$i" in *.-use)o="!$o";; *.use);; *)continue;; esac use "$o" || continue cfg_ "###$o: " source "$i" cfg_ " " done cfg_ "###respect:${KERNEL_RESPECT//[ ]/,}" $(for i in $KERNEL_RESPECT; do if [[ "$i" != /* ]]; then [[ "$i" == */* ]] && i="$i/*.ebuild" || i="*/$i/$i-*.ebuild" o= for j in $PORTDIR $PORTDIR_OVERLAY "${PORTAGE_ECLASS_LOCATIONS[@]}"; do o+=" $j/$i" done i="$o" fi for i in $i; do [[ -e "$i" ]] || continue o=$(/bin/bash -c ". '$i' &>/dev/null;echo \"\$CONFIG_CHECK\"") for i in $o; do i="${i#\~}" [[ "$i" == [A-Z0-9!]* ]] && echo "${i//!/-}" done done done|sort -u) " " } # experemental acpi_detect(){ local i n=0 n1=0 n2=0 [[ -d /sys/bus/acpi ]] || return CF1 -PCC_CPUFREQ # CF1 -NUMA # CF1 -PCI for i in $(cat /sys/bus/acpi/devices/*/path|sed -e 's:^\\::'); do case "$i" in *.SRAT)CF1 NUMA;; # _SB_.PCI*)CF1 PCI;; _SB_.PCCH)CF2 PCC_CPUFREQ;freq+=" PCC_CPUFREQ";; # oid & ugly. keep while _PR_.*|_SB_*.CP[0-9]*|_SB_*.SCK[0-9]*|_SB_.CPUS.C[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z])let n=n+1;; esac done CF1 -ACPI_HOTPLUG_MEMORY -ACPI_CONTAINER for i in /sys/bus/acpi/devices/*/modalias; do read i <"$i" || continue i="${i#acpi:}" i="${i%%:*}" case "$i" in PNP0C80)CF1 ACPI_HOTPLUG_MEMORY;; ACPI0004|PNP0A05|PNP0A06)CF1 ACPI_CONTAINER;; # also can use ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR 0x0C if know where to find LNXCPU|ACPI0007)let n1=n1+1;; ACPI0004)let n2=n2+1;; esac done [ "$n1" -gt 0 ] && n="$n1" [ "$n2" -gt 1 ] && CF1 NUMA [[ $n == 0 ]] && { ewarn "ACPI CPU enumeration wrong. Possible 'USE=-acpi'" return 1 } CF1 -SMP -X86_BIGSMP -MAXSMP # On some of bare metal + ht flag without true HT, acpi reports double CPUs number. # Dividing to 2 can reduce SMP tables or even make code UP, but many of modern CPUs|MBs # use other logic, so try to /2 only if it can do UP (n=2) and USE=-smp # - to avoid complete loss of cores power (IMHO 2xSMP overhead is too small). # Also using all acpi reported cores have sense for CPU plugging. [[ "$CF" == *-PARAVIRT' '* ]] && ! $smt && $fakeHT && grep -q "^flags\s*:.*\sht\s" /proc/cpuinfo && if [[ $n == 2 ]] && use smp; then ewarn "On my opinion you have SMP with 2 CPU cores. To force UP build - say USE=-smp" # elif [[ $n -gt 1 ]]; then elif [[ $n == 2 ]]; then # try UP let n=n/2 fi [[ $n -gt 1 ]] && CF1 SMP [[ $n -gt 8 ]] && CF1 X86_BIGSMP [[ $n -gt 512 ]] && CF1 MAXSMP CF1 NR_CPUS=$n return 0 } pre_embed(){ use custom-arch || return # virtio: speedup build & smart embedding local ata='' vblk='' scsi='' vscsi='' e='+' qemu='' cc='' cc1='' usb=false iuse=" $IUSE " i use embed-hardware && e='&' while read s; do case "$s" in virtio:*d*v00001AF4): ${qemu:=true};; virtio:*d*v*)echo "virtio non-qemu device $s";qemu=false;; esac case "$s" in pci:*)CF1 PCI;;& pci:v00001AF4d*)CF1 VIRTIO_PCI;: ${qemu:=true};;& # required for embedding # even if standard input devices still in system - enlight VM kernel or remove PV hw pci:v00001AF4d*sv00001AF4*bc09sc00*)CF1 -INPUT_KEYBOARD;; pci:v00001AF4d*sv00001AF4*bc09sc02*)CF1 -INPUT_MOUSE;; pci:v00001AF4d*sv00001AF4*bc09sc80*)CF1 -INPUT_TABLET;; pci:v00001AF4d*sv00001AF4*);; # just ignore all PCI aliases for qemu virtio virtio:d00000001v*)CF1 VIRTIO_NET -ETHERNET -PHYLIB -FDDI -ATM;; virtio:d00000002v*)CF1 VIRTIO_BLK;vblk=true;; pci:v00008086d00007010sv*sd*bc*sc*i*)cc1+=' ATA_PIIX';ata=true;; pci:v00008086d000025ABsv*sd*bc*sc*i*)CF1 _/drivers/watchdog/.+ I6300ESB_WDT;; pci:*bc02sc00i*)echo "ethernet $s";cc+=' ETHERNET +PHYLIB';; pci:*bc02sc02i*)echo "FDDI $s";cc+=' +FDDI';; pci:*bc02sc03i*)echo "ATM $s";cc+=' +ATM';; # pci:*bc04sc01i*)echo "sound $s";cc+=' +SND';; pci:*bc01sc06i01)cc1+=" SATA_AHCI";ata=true;; pci:*bc01*)echo "storage $s";vblk=false;vscsi=false;; pci:v00008086d00007020sv*)CF1 USB_UHCI_HCD;usb=true;; pci:v00001B36d00000100sv*);; # qxl # PCI host bridge: all subbuses detected over PCI bridges pci:*bc06sc00i*)CF1 -ISA -ISA_BUS -ISA_.+_API -EISA -EISA_PCI_EISA -PCCARD -PCMCIA -CARDBUS -INFINIBAND;; pci:*bc06sc01i*)cc+=' ISA __ISA_BUS ISA_.+_API';; # or lpc? pci:*bc06sc02i*)cc+=' EISA EISA_PCI_EISA';; # pci:*bc06sc03i*);; # mca pci:*bc06sc05i*)cc+=' PCCARD PCMCIA';; pci:*bc06sc06i*)cc+=' NUBUS';; pci:*bc06sc07i*)cc+=' PCCARD CARDBUS';; pci:*bc06sc0ai*)cc+=' INFINIBAND';; # cleanup renesas xhci if other xhci present # to prevent firmware_class embedding over xhci quirk on 5.9+ # pci:v00001912d*sv*sd*bc0Csc03i30*);; pci:v00001912d*);; pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc0Csc03i30*) use embed-hardware && CF1 -USB_XHCI_PCI_RENESAS # just as detected usb=true use embed-hardware && CF1 '&USB_XHCI_PCI' ;; virtio:d00000008v*)CF1 SCSI_VIRTIO BLK_DEV_SD;vscsi=true;; virtio:d00000004v*)CF1 -HW_RANDOM_.+ HW_RANDOM_VIRTIO HW_RANDOM;; # ... virtio:d00000003v*)CF1 VIRTIO_CONSOLE;; virtio:d00000005v*)CF1 VIRTIO_BALLOON;; virtio:d00000009v*)CF1 NET_9P_VIRTIO;; virtio:d0000000Cv*)CF1 CAIF_VIRTIO;; virtio:d00000010v*)CF1 DRM_VIRTIO_GPU;; virtio:d00000012v*)CF1 VIRTIO_INPUT -INPUT_MISC;; *virtio,mmio*)CF1 VIRTIO_MMIO;; # pci:*v00001AF4*)echo "unknown possible qemu PCI device $s";unknown=true;; # *v00001AF4*)echo "unknown possible qemu device $s";; virtio:*)echo "virtio unknown device $s";; platform:iTCO_wdt)cc1+=' ITCO_WDT I2C';; platform:platform-framebuffer)CF1 X86_SYSFB;; platform:serial8250)cc1+=' SERIAL_8250';; platform:i8042)cc1+=' SERIO_I8042';; esac done <"${TMPDIR}/sys-modalias" if ${qemu:-false}; then export VIRT=$[VIRT+1] use xen && [[ " $CF " != *' -XEN '* ]] && continue # xen have virtio too + unknown 2me others einfo "QEMU virtio environment + USE=custom-arch" CF1 VIRTIO -HYPERV -XEN -X86_EXTENDED_PLATFORM CF1 _SENSORS_.+ -SERIAL_NONSTANDARD _SERIAL_.+ -SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED -NEW_LEDS -POWER_SUPPLY -REGULATOR -THERMAL -X86_PLATFORM_DEVICES -POWER_SUPPLY -PINCTRL -INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN use blobs || CF1 -FW_LOADER use iscsi && scsi=true && CF1 ISCSI_TARGET use !embed-hardware && vscsi=true && CF1 VIRTIO_.+ .+_VIRTIO # -machine ..,usb=off, but respect USE=usb while [ -z "${IUSE##* usb *}" ] || $usb || CF1 -USB -USB_.+ if ${vblk:-${vscsi:-false}} ; then einfo " - skip hardware ATA & SCSI drivers" CF="_/drivers/(?:scsi|ata)/.+ $CF" if ${scsi:-${vscsi:-false}}; then CF1 SCSI elif ${ata:-false}; then CF1 +SCSI ${e}SCSI +SCSI_VIRTIO +BLK_DEV_SD # as soon... else CF1 -SCSI fi if ${ata:-false}; then cc1+=' ATA' else CF1 -ATA fi fi fi CF1 $cc for i in $cc1; do CF1 +$i ${e}$i done } ucode(){ local d="${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/kernel/x86/microcode" f="$TMPDIR/ucode.tmp" [ -s "$d/$2.bin" ] && return 1 cat "$S"/lib/firmware/$1 >"$f" || ( use external-firmware && cat "$ROOT"/lib/firmware/$1 >"$f" ) || return 1 mkdir -p "$d" cp "$f" "$d/$2.bin" && CF1 MICROCODE{,_EARLY} } # Kernel-config CPU from CFLAGS and|or /proc/cpuinfo (native) # use smp: when 'native' = single/multi cpu, ht/mc will be forced ON cpu2K(){ local i v V="" march=$(cflg) mcpu=$(cflg mcpu=) srcarch=$(arch) m64g="HIGHMEM64G -HIGHMEM4G -NOHIGHMEM" freq='' gov='ONDEMAND' fakeHT=false local cpuinfo=' vendor_id model_name flags cpu_family model stepping cache_alignment fpu siblings cpu_cores processor cpu ncpus_probed ncpus_active cpucaps ' local knl='(?:INTEL_MIC|VOP|SKIF)_BUS' march="$march${mcpu:+:$mcpu}" local CF="# ${KERNEL_CONFIG// / } -march=${march}# ${CF// / } " for i in $cpuinfo; do local ${i}='' done export PNP_VENDOR="^vendor_id\|" export VIRT=0 CF1 -SMP -X86{BIGSMP,GENERIC} X86_{X2APIC,UP_APIC,UP_IOAPIC} -SPARSE_IRQ -CPUSETS X86_INTEL_PSTATE X86_AMD_PSTATE INTEL_RAPL INTEL_TXT -$knl CF1 SPARC_.+_CPUFREQ US3_MC use xen && CF1 -HIGHMEM64G -HIGHMEM4G NOHIGHMEM X86_PAE -X86_VSMP if use smp; then smt=true mc=true CF1 SMP X86_BIGSMP SPARSE_IRQ CPUSETS NUMA else smt=false mc=false CF1 -SMP fi # while disable knl features by default #use smp && $knl [[ "$(cflg mtune=)" == generic ]] && CF1 X86_GENERIC if [[ -z "${march}" ]]; then CF1 GENERIC_CPU X86_GENERIC march="${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" march="${march%%-*}" fi case "${march}" in native|:native|native:native) einfo 'Found "-m{arch|cpu}=native" in CFLAGS, detecting CPU & arch hardware constants' while read i ; do v="${i%%:*}" v="${v// }" v="${v// /_}" [[ -z "${cpuinfo##* $v *}" ]] && local ${v}="${i#*: }" done /dev/null export ${!KERNEL_@} local i=1 cfgloop='' while cfg_loop $[i++]; do local ok=false o a for o in '' '-relax'; do for a in "$(arch)" ''; do SRCARCH="$a" _run_env /usr/bin/perl "${SHARE}/Kconfig.pl" $o "${@}" && ok=true && break done $ok && break done $ok || die "Kconfig.pl failed" if use paranoid; then kmake oldconfig else kmake oldconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done } arch(){ if [[ -n "${KERNEL_ARCH}" ]] ; then echo "${KERNEL_ARCH}" return fi local h="${1:-${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}}" case ${h} in # x86 profile sometimes buggy. to kernel when not 32/64 - do old i?86*) ( [[ -n "$2" ]] || ( (use multitarget || use 64-bit-bfd) && [[ "$(cflg)" == native ]] ) ) && echo "x86" || echo "i386" ;; x86_64*) [[ -z "$2" ]] && use multitarget && [[ "$(cflg)" == native ]] && echo "x86" || echo "x86_64" ;; *) tc-ninja_magic_to_arch kern ${h};; esac } kmake(){ local o="" local h="${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" [[ "${CBUILD}" != "${h}" ]] && o="CROSS_COMPILE=${h}-" # say always '' # input from /dev/null looks works same, but also may be safe against "file bombing" bugs # yes '' 2>/dev/null | _run_env emake \ CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" AS="$(tc-getAS)" AR="$(tc-getAR)" STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)" NM="$(tc-getNM)" OBJCOPY="$(tc-getOBJCOPY)" OBJDUMP="$(tc-getOBJDUMP)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" \ HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" HOSTLD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" HOSTCXX="$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)" HOSTCPP="$(tc-getBUILD_CPP)" HOSTAS="$(tc-getBUILD_AS)" HOSTAR="$(tc-getBUILD_AR)" HOSTSTRIP="$(tc-getBUILD_STRIP)" HOSTNM="$(tc-getBUILD_NM)" HOSTOBJCOPY="$(tc-getBUILD_OBJCOPY)" HOSTRANLIB="$(tc-getBUILD_RANLIB)" \ KBUILD_USERCFLAGS="$CFLAGS" KBUILD_USERLDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" \ ARCH=$(arch) $o "${@}" ${KERNEL_MAKEOPT} " "${i}" || sed -i -e 's/#include /\n#include \n#include /' "${i}" done # glibs 2.10+ sed -i -e 's/getline/get_line/g' "${S}"/scripts/unifdef.c # gcc 4.2+ sed -i -e 's/_proxy_pda = 0/_proxy_pda = 1/g' "${S}"/arch/*/kernel/vmlinux.lds.S [[ -e "${S}"arch/x86_64/kernel/x8664_ksyms.c ]] && ( grep -q "_proxy_pda" "${S}"arch/x86_64/kernel/x8664_ksyms.c || echo "EXPORT_SYMBOL(_proxy_pda);" >>arch/x86_64/kernel/x8664_ksyms.c ) # custom-arch use custom-arch && { # mtune? for i in arch/*/Makefile*; do perl -E 'while(defined($s=)){ $ok=$ok1 || ($s=~/\$\(CONFIG_/); $ok1=$ok && ($s=~/\\$/); if($ok){ #while($s=~s/(\=| |cc-option,+)-march=[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*/$1/ig){ $s=~s/-march=[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*//g; } print $s; };exit 0' <$i >$i._tmp && rename ._tmp '' $i._tmp done #sed -i -e 's/\(\$(CONFIG_\)-m\(arch\|tune\|cpu\)=[a-z0-9\-]*)/$1/g' arch/*/Makefile* } # prevent to build twice # sed -i -e 's%-I$(srctree)/arch/$(hdr-arch)/include%%' Makefile case "$(gcc-version)" in 5.*) [ -e include/linux/compiler-gcc4.h -a ! -e include/linux/compiler-gcc5.h ] && { ln -s compiler-gcc4.h include/linux/compiler-gcc5.h append-flags -std=gnu89 # untested here, but must be good } ;; 4.9.*);; 4.8.*)if use custom-cflags; then echo "CFLAGS_phy.o += -fno-ipa-cp-clone" >>drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile # amdfam10 (???) if ( [[ "$a" == i?86-* ]] || [[ "$a" == x86_* ]] ) && is-flagq -fselective-scheduling2; then echo "CFLAGS_events.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>drivers/xen/Makefile echo "CFLAGS_mballoc.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>fs/ext4/Makefile echo "CFLAGS_virtio_balloon.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>drivers/virtio/Makefile echo "CFLAGS_ba_action.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>drivers/staging/rt2860/Makefile echo "CFLAGS_ba_action.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>drivers/staging/rt2870/Makefile echo "CFLAGS_tail_conversion.o += -fno-selective-scheduling2" >>fs/reiser4/Makefile fi # core2+ is-flagq -ftree-loop-distribution && echo "CFLAGS_ti_usb_3410_5052.o += -fno-tree-loop-distribution" >>drivers/usb/serial/Makefile fi ;;& # no time & reason to test all rare bugs with all kernels, so keep whole # jist build old kernel with old gcc or fix this "case" 4.*)if use custom-cflags; then # gcc 4.5+ -O3 -ftracer fno tracer arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c # gcc 4.7 -O3 or -finline-functions # echo "CFLAGS_phy.o += -fno-inline-functions" >>drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile # echo "CFLAGS_e1000_phy.o += -fno-inline-functions" >>drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/Makefile # sed -i -e 's:^s32 e1000e_phy_has_link_generic:s32 noinline e1000e_phy_has_link_generic:' drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/phy.c # sed -i -e 's:^s32 igb_phy_has_link:s32 noinline igb_phy_has_link:' drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_phy.c fi;; esac # 2test more fno tracer drivers/media/radio/radio-aimslab.c grep -q sysmacros arch/um/os-Linux/file.c || sed -i -e "s:^#include :#include \n#include :" arch/um/os-Linux/file.c sed -i -e 's:^static void sleep_delay:static noinline void sleep_delay:' drivers/media/radio/radio-aimslab.c # ;) sed -i -e 's:^#if 0$:#if 1:' drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c # deprecated sed -i -e 's:defined(@:(@:' kernel/timeconst.pl # i=" -march=nocona" i=" -march=x86-64" $reg && i+=' -mgeneral-regs-only' || i+=' -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3' if (use multitarget || use 64-bit-bfd) && test_cc -S -m64 $i && ! test_cc -S -m64 2>/dev/null; then einfo "-m64 arch fix" sed -i -e "s/ -mcmodel=small/ -mcmodel=small -m64$i/" arch/x86/boot/compressed/Makefile drivers/firmware/efi/libstub/Makefile sed -i -e "s/\(KBUILD_AFLAGS += -m64\|biarch := -m64\)$/\1$i/" arch/x86/Makefile* sed -i -e "s/^\(CC_OPTION_CFLAGS .*\)$/\1$i/" scripts/Kbuild.include touch "$TMPDIR/_cross" fi # broken in 5.17: -e '/KBUILD_CFLAGS += .*-mno-\(avx\|80387\|fp-ret-in-387\)/d' $reg && ! grep -Fq mgeneral-regs-only arch/x86/Makefile && sed -i -e 's:-mno-mmx -mno-sse$:-mgeneral-regs-only:' -e 's:-mno-sse -mno-mmx -mno-sse2 -mno-3dnow:-mgeneral-regs-only:' {arch/x86,arch/x86/boot/compressed,drivers/firmware/efi/libstub}/Makefile # echo "CFLAGS_mdesc.o += -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized" >>arch/sparc/kernel/Makefile chmod 770 tools/objtool/sync-check.sh # use zstd && [[ "${CBUILD}" != "${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" ]] || ! (echo test|zstd -zqc -22 --ultra >/dev/null) && # sed -i -e 's:(ZSTD) -22 --ultra:(ZSTD) -19:' scripts/Makefile.lib # pnp # use paranoid && return use pnp || return einfo "Fixing modules hardware info exports (forced mode, waiting for bugs!)" sh "${SHARE}/modulesfix" "${S}" f } # around git-sources, etc (postinst_sources -> kernel-2_pkg_postinst) override_postinst(){ pkg_postinst(){ kernel-2_pkg_postinst } } _umount(){ [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] && use build-kernel && use pnp && use compressed || return override_postinst local i x y z [ -x /usr/bin/portageq ] && portageq() { /usr/bin/portageq "${@}";} # around bug for i in `portageq contents "${ROOT:-/}" "${CATEGORY}/${PF}"|grep "^${ROOT%/}/usr/src/linux-[^/]*$"`; do [[ -d "${i}" ]] || continue while read x y z; do [[ "${y}" == "${i}" ]] || continue x="${x%:}" ( umount ${x} || umount -l ${x} ) && elog "Unmounted $x: $i" losetup $x && losetup -d $x done /dev/null } kernel-2_pkg_prerm() { _umount } kernel-2_pkg_setup() { : ${KV_PATCH:=0} # once apon a time portage starts to check RO before pkg_prerm _umount _saved_pkg_setup # hardened protected { # some of modalias'es have no \n echo ' ' >CRtmp cat $(find /sys -mount -name modalias|sed -e 's:$: CRtmp:') unlink CRtmp grep -sh "^MODALIAS=" $(find /sys -mount -name uevent)|sed -e 's:^MODALIAS=::' } >"${TMPDIR}/sys-modalias" } kernel-2_pkg_preinst() { local i p l r r1 _saved_pkg_preinst _umount [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] && use build-kernel || return local i="/lib/modules/${REAL_KV}/kernel" ( ( [[ -L "${D}${i}" ]] && ! [[ -L "${ROOT}${i}" ]] && [[ -e "${ROOT}${i}" ]] ) || ( [[ -L "${ROOT}${i}" ]] && ! [[ -L "${D}${i}" ]] && [[ -e "${D}${i}" ]] ) ) && rm -Rf "${ROOT}${i}" if use update-boot; then mount_boot=false i="${ROOT}/boot" i="${i//\/\///}" ! grep -q "^[^ ]* $i " /proc/mounts && mount $i && mount_boot=true if p=`grep "^[^ ]* $i vfat " /proc/mounts`; then p="${p%% *}" einfo "$i mounted to vfat, removing symlinks" find "${D}"/boot -type l -delete if grep "^CONFIG_EFI_STUB=y" "${D}"/boot/config*; then einfo "Renaming EFI-compatible" rename -- "-${REAL_KV}" "-${SLOT}.efi" "${D}"/boot/{vmlinuz,initrd}* # just help l="vmlinuz-${SLOT}.efi" r="initrd-${SLOT}.efi.img" [ -e "$D/boot/$r" ] && r=" initrd=/$r" || { use integrated || return r= } i=`grep "/dev/[^ ]* / " /proc/mounts` i="${i%% *}" r="real_root=$i$r" i="${p#/dev/???}" if [ "$i" != "$p" -a -n "$i" -a -e "$l" -a -n "$r" ]; then einfo "To add this kernel directly to EFI boot options, run command(s):" einfo " # efibootmgr -c -d "${p%$i}" -p $i -l $l -L vmlinuz-${SLOT} -u '$r'" use embed-hardware && use !integrated && { r="${r#real_}" r="${r%% *}" einfo " # efibootmgr -c -d "${p%$i}" -p $i -l $l -L vmlinuz-${SLOT}-nord -u '$r'" } fi else # make static bootloaders happy too einfo "Renaming to slot *" rename -- "-${REAL_KV}" "-${SLOT}" "${D}"/boot/{vmlinuz,initrd}* fi fi fi } kernel-2_pkg_postinst() { _saved_pkg_postinst [[ ${ETYPE} == sources ]] && use build-kernel || return use pnp && use compressed && mount -o loop,ro "${ROOT}"/usr/src/linux-"${REAL_KV}"{.squashfs,} && elog "Mounted sources: ${REAL_KV}" if use update-boot; then local m g which grub2-mkconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 && m=grub2-mkconfig || m=grub-mkconfig for g in ${ROOT}/boot/grub{,2}/grub.cfg; do grep -sq "It is automatically generated by grub2*-mkconfig using templates" "$g" && $m -o "$g" done # todo: lilo? $mount_boot && umount ${ROOT}/boot else ewarn "If your /boot is not mounted, copy next files by hands:" ewarn `ls "${D}/boot"` fi } extract_flags(){ local pref="$1" shift for i in "${@}"; do a="${i#${pref}}" [[ "$a" == "$i" ]] && continue echo -n " ${a//,/ }" done } extract_aflags(){ # ASFLAGS used for yasm too, -mtune is unsure local i a aflags="${ASFLAGS}" for i in $(extract_flags -Wa, ${CFLAGS}); do case "${i}" in -mtune=native)continue;; esac aflags="${aflags% ${i}} ${i}" done for i in $(test_cc ${CFLAGS} "${@}" -v |& grep "^[ ]*[^ ]*/as"); do #" case "${i}" in -mtune=*)aflags="${aflags% ${i}} ${i}";; esac done echo "${aflags# }" } module_reconf(){ local i c sed -e 's:^.*/::g' -e 's:\.ko$::g' -e 's:-:_:g' | while read i; do grep -qFx "$i" "${TMPDIR}/unmodule.$1" && continue grep -Rh "^\s*obj\-\$[(]CONFIG_.*\s*\+=.*\s${i//_/[_-]}\.o" "${TMPDIR}"/unmodule.tmp|sed -e 's:).*$::g' -e 's:^.*(CONFIG_::'|sort -u|while read c; do $1 "$c" "$i" && echo "$i" >>"${TMPDIR}/unmodule.$1" done done echo '' } _unmodule(){ local i a find "${@}" -name Makefile|while read i; do while read i; do a="${i%\\}" [[ "$a" == "$i" ]] && echo "$i" || echo -n "$a " done <$i done |grep "^obj-"|sed -e 's:=:= :' -e 's:\s\s*: :g' >"${TMPDIR}"/unmodule.tmp } modalias_reconf(){ local a i sed -e 's:-:_:g'|sort -u|while read a; do modalias "$a"||continue # strip "later" concurrent drivers i="$ALIAS" i="${ALIAS%% 1 *}" #[[ "$i" != "$ALIAS" ]] && [[ -n "$i" ]] && echo "strip: $ALIAS" >&2 if [[ -z "$i$2" ]] && use !monolythe; then # this module better to keep load later # unless monolythe sed -i -e "/^$a\$/d" "${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp_ continue fi i="${i:-${ALIAS# 1 }}" echo "${i// / }" (cd "${WORKDIR}" && rm -f $i) done|module_reconf "${@}" } modprobe_d(){ grep -h "^[ ]*$1[ ]*$2\([ ]\|\$\)" "$ROOT"/etc/modprobe.d/*.conf|sed -e "s:^[ ]*$1[ ]*::" } modprobe_opt(){ local i m p for i in "${@}" ;do modprobe_d options "$i"|while read m p; do for p in $p; do echo -n " $m.$p" done done modprobe_d blacklist "$i"|while read m; do echo "$m" >>"${TMPDIR}/unmodule.black" echo -n " $m.!" done modprobe_d alias "$i"|while read i m; do echo "$m" >>"${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/etc/modflags/$i" done # modprobe_d install "$i" >>"${TMPDIR}/unmodule.install" done modules_deps "$TMPDIR"/{mod-exclude.m2y,unmodule.black} } load_modinfo(){ local i [ -e "$TMPDIR/unmodule.tmp" ] || _unmodule . [ -e "${WORKDIR}"/modules.alias.sh ] || perl "${SHARE}"/mod2sh.pl "${WORKDIR}" >&2 || die "Unable to run '${SHARE}/mod2sh.pl'" . "${WORKDIR}"/modules.alias.sh || die "Broken modules.alias.sh, check mod2sh.pl!" } sort_detects(){ local i p= for i in "${@}"; do case "$i" in +*)p+=" $i";; *)echo -n " $i";; esac done echo "$p" } broken_deps(){ local i i1 j d="$TMPDIR/depends.lst" [ -s "$1" -a -s "$d" ] && while read i; do grep "^$i " "$d" | while read i1 j; do [[ "$i1" == "$i" ]] && for j in $j; do grep -qxF "$j" "$1" && continue ewarn "Embedding broken dependence: $i -> $j" echo $j >>"$1" done done done <"$1" } detects(){ local i a b c d load_modinfo sort -u "${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp "${TMPDIR}"/overlay-rd/etc/modflags/* >>"${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp_ sort -u "${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp0 "${SHARE}"/etc/modflags/* >>"${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp0_ _sort_f "$TMPDIR"/unmodule.m2{y,n} { cat "${TMPDIR}/sys-modalias" # rootfs while read a b c d; do [[ "$b" == / ]] && [[ "$c" != rootfs ]] && echo "$c" && { grep -s "^${a#/dev/} :" /proc/mdstat|grep -o 'raid[0-9]*' } done /dev/null) }|modalias_reconf m2y 1 # embed depends Kconfig += modinfo broken_deps "$TMPDIR"/unmodule.m2y (cd "${TMPDIR}"/overlay-rd/etc/modflags && cat $(cat "${TMPDIR}/unmodule.m2y") /dev/null)|modalias_reconf m2y } detects_cleanup(){ find "${@}" -name "*.ko" -delete >/dev/null # find "${@}" -name "*.o" -delete >/dev/null _unmodule "${@}" module_reconf m2n <"${WORKDIR}"/modules.pnp0_ } m2y(){ grep -q "^CONFIG_$1=[my]$" .config || return # buggy dependences only case "$1" in ACPI_VIDEO)m2y VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL;; esac if grep -qFx "$2" "${TMPDIR}/unmodule.black"; then echo -n " +$1" return 1 else echo -n " &$1" return 0 fi } m2n(){ grep -q "^CONFIG_$1=m$" .config || return # "-$1" may be too deep echo -n " $1=" sed -i -e "s/^CONFIG_$1=m\$/# CONFIG_$1 is not set/" .config } mksquash(){ local p=1 i c="${comp:+-comp $comp}" for i in ${MAKEOPTS}; do [[ "$i" == -j* ]] && p=${i#-j} done p=$[p+1-1] [ "${p:-0}" = 0 ] && p=1 # reduce jobs only if look like cpus|cores+1 [ "$p" != 1 ] && i=$(nproc) && while [ "${i:-0}" -gt 1 ]; do [ $p = $[i+1] ] && p=$[p-1] && break [ $p = $i ] && break i=$[i>>1] done case "$comp" in lzo)c+=' -Xcompression-level 9';; lz4)c+=' -Xhc -mem 700m';; zstd)c+=' -Xcompression-level 19';; xz)for i in X86:x86 ARM:arm,armthumb ARM64:arm,armthumb POWERPC:powerpc SPARC:sparc IA64:ia64; do grep -q "^CONFIG_${i%:*}=y$" "$S/.config" && c+=" -Xbcj ${i#*:}" && break done;; esac mksquashfs "${@}" $c -b 1m -all-root -no-recovery -no-exports -always-use-fragments -no-progress ${p:+-processors $p} || die "mksquashfs failed" } LICENSE(){ grep -qF "#include " $1 || sed -i -e 's:^#include:#include \n#include:' $1 grep -q "MODULE_LICENSE" $1 || echo "MODULE_LICENSE(\"${2:-GPL}\");" >>$1 } userspace(){ local k="klibc" kldir="$ROOT/usr/share/klibc" local i f t kb="$S/$k" img='initramfs.lst' c='' k libdir="$(get_libdir)" mod="$BDIR/lib/modules/$REAL_KV/" l sdir mkdir -p "$kb/"{bin,src,etc} if [[ -z "$KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC" ]]; then einfo "Copying KLIBC sources from $kldir" KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC=$(ls -1 "$kldir"/klibc-*.tar.*|tail -n 1) [[ -z "$KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC" ]] && die KERNEL_KLIBC_PATCHES+=" $kldir/*.patch" fi einfo "Using KLIBC $KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC" sdir="$kb/src/${KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC##*/}" sdir="${sdir%.tar.*}" tar -xaf "$KERNEL_KLIBC_SRC" -C "${sdir%/*}" && [ -d "$sdir" ] || die echo ' KLIBCOPTFLAGS += -fno-move-loop-invariants --param=max-grow-copy-bb-insns=1 -fcommon' | tee -a "$sdir"/usr/klibc/arch/*/MCONFIG echo 'KLIBCOPTFLAGS += -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables' | tee -a "$sdir"/usr/klibc/arch/{i386,ppc,arm64}*/MCONFIG for i in $KERNEL_KLIBC_PATCHES; do [ -e "$i" ] || continue (cd "$sdir" && epatch $i) || die done einfo "Making KLIBC" # export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS --sysroot=${S}" # export KERNEL_UTILS_CFLAGS="$KERNEL_UTILS_CFLAGS --sysroot=${S}" i=$(arch) case "$i:${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}" in x86:i?86*)i=i386;; x86:*)i=x86_64;; riscv:riscv64*)i=riscv64;; mips:mips64*)i=mips64;; powerpc:powerpc64*)i=ppc64;; powerpc:*)i=ppc32;; esac [ -e "$sdir/usr/klibc/arch/$i" ] || ewarn "Kernel arch: $i, klibc has: $(cd "$sdir/usr/klibc/arch" && echo *)" #KERNEL_ARCH="$i" kmake -C "$sdir" KLIBCKERNELSRC="${S}"/usr INSTALLDIR=/ INSTALLROOT="$kb" KLIBCARCH="$i" all install klcc="$kb/usr/bin/klcc" [ -e "$klcc" ] || klcc="$kb/bin/klcc" sed -i -e 's%^\(\$prefix = \)"[^"]*"%\1`readlink -f $0`;$prefix=~s/(?:\\/usr)?\\/bin\\/klcc\\s*$//s%' "$klcc" || die l="$k/$libdir" [ -e "$l" ] || l="$k/lib" for i in "${SHARE}"/*.c; do einfo "Compiling $i" cp "$i" "$kb/src/" || die f="${i##*/}" $klcc "$kb/src/$f" -shared -s -o "$kb/bin/${f%.*}" || die done einfo "Sorting modules to new order" mv "${mod}modules.alias" "$TMPDIR/" && bash "${SHARE}"/kpnp --sort "$TMPDIR/modules.alias" >"${mod}modules.alias" || die use !blobs && [ -s "$TMPDIR/mod-blob_.lst" ] && (cd "$BDIR" && tar cf "$TMPDIR/exclude.tar" --remove-files $(cat "$TMPDIR/mod-blob_.lst")) if use compressed; then einfo "Compressing lib.loopfs" for i in "$l"/klibc*; do f="${i##*/}" ln -s "/usr/lib/$f" "$BDIR/lib/$f" done for i in bin; do mkdir -p "${BDIR}/lib/$i" for f in "$k/$i"/*; do [ -e "$f" ] && case "${f##*/}" in cat|true|false|insmod|ln|losetup|ls|mkdir|mknod|mount|mv|nuke|readlink|sh|uname);; *)cp -a "$f" "${BDIR}/lib/$i/";; esac done done grep -qx CONFIG_FW_LOADER_COMPRESS=y "$S/.config" && mv "${BDIR}"/{lib/firmware,} && { ln -s ../firmware "${BDIR}"/lib/firmware find "$BDIR"/firmware/ -type f|while read i; do [[ "$i" == *.xz ]] || xz -z --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=1MiB "$i" done } mksquash "${BDIR}/lib" lib.loopfs rm "$BDIR/lib/klibc"* -f 2>/dev/null c=NONE fi einfo "Preparing initramfs" mkdir "$kb/sbin" cp "${SHARE}/kpnp" "$kb/sbin/init" { echo "slink /init sbin/init 0755 0 0 slink /linuxrc init 0755 0 0 dir . 0755 0 0 dir /usr 0755 0 0 dir /usr/lib 0755 0 0 dir /proc 0755 0 0 dir /sys 0755 0 0" [[ -e "$k/bin/sh" ]] || echo "slink /bin/sh sh.shared 0755 0 0" use compressed && echo "file lib.loopfs lib.loopfs 0755 0 0" [[ -e "${BDIR}"/firmware ]] && echo 'slink /lib/firmware ../firmware 0755 0 0' [[ "$libdir" != lib ]] && echo "slink /$libdir lib 0755 0 0 slink /usr/$libdir lib 0755 0 0" for i in "$l"/klibc*; do f="${i##*/}" echo "file /usr/lib/$f ${i//\/\///} 0755 0 0" echo "slink /lib/$f /usr/lib/$f 0755 0 0" done for i in "${BDIR}/" "$k/bin/" "$k/usr/lib/klibc*" "-L $k"/{,usr/}{bin,sbin,etc}/'*' "${TMPDIR}/overlay-rd/"; do f="${i##*/}" find ${i%/*} ${f:+-name} "${f}" 2>/dev/null done | while read i; do i="${i//\/\///}" [[ -e "$i" ]] || [[ -L "$i" ]] || continue f="${i#$BDIR}" f="${f#$ROOT}" f="${f#$k}" f="/${f#/}" f="${f/\/usr\/$libdir\///usr/lib/}" f="${f#/usr/lib/klibc}" case "$f" in */overlay-rd/*)f="/${f##*/overlay-rd/}";; /lib/firmware/regulatory.*)grep -qx CONFIG_CFG80211=y "$S"/.config || continue;; /usr/lib*|*/loop.ko|*/squashfs.ko);; /lib*/*)use compressed && continue;; /usr/*)f="${f#/usr}";; /bin/*) use compressed && case "${f#/bin/}" in cat|true|false|insmod|ln|losetup|ls|mkdir|mknod|mount|mv|nuke|readlink|sh|uname);; *)echo slink "$f" "/lib$f 0755 0 0";continue;; esac esac if [ -L "$i" ]; then echo "slink $f $(readlink "$i") 0755 0 0" f="${f%/*}" elif [ -f "$i" ]; then echo "file $f $i 0755 0 0" f="${f%/*}" fi while [[ -n "${f#/}" ]]; do echo "dir $f 0755 0 0" f="${f%/*}" done done } | sort -u >"$img" if use integrated; then use thin || c=NONE else f="initrd-${REAL_KV}.cpio" "${S}"/usr/gen_init_cpio "$img" >$f || die img="$f" fi initramfs "$img" $c [ -e "$TMPDIR/exclude.tar" ] && (cd "$BDIR" && tar xf "$TMPDIR/exclude.tar" && rm "$TMPDIR/exclude.tar") mv "$TMPDIR/modules.alias" "${mod}" } _paranoid_y1(){ [ -n "$a" ] && echo "$n$a$d" >>"$TMPDIR/aliased.lst" || echo "$i" >>"$TMPDIR/unaliased.lst" i= n= a= d= } _paranoid_y(){ local x y i j l n1 i= n= a= d= rm "$TMPDIR/aliased.lst" "$TMPDIR/unaliased.lst" -f while read x y; do [ -n "$y" ] && case "$x" in filename:) _paranoid_y1 i="$y" n=${i##*/} n=${n%.ko} n=${n//-/_} ;; name:)n="$y";; alias:)a+=" $y";; depends:) y="${y//-/_}" d+=" ${y//,/ }" ;; esac done <"$TMPDIR/modinfo.lst" _paranoid_y1 load_modinfo l=`cat "$SHARE/paranoid.m2y"` while read i; do n= for j in $l; do [[ "$i" == "${S%/}$j"* ]] && n="$i" && break done [ -z "$n" ] && continue n=${n##*/} n=${n%.ko} n1=${n//-/_} grep -qFx "$n1" "$TMPDIR/aliased.lst" || echo "$n $n1" done <"$TMPDIR/unaliased.lst"|sort -u |modalias_reconf m2y 1 } paranoid_y(){ use paranoid || return 1 einfo "Searching unaliased hw modules, bounded by $SHARE/paranoid.m2y" local x="$(_paranoid_y)" [ -z "$x" ] && return 1 cfg_ "###paranoid: $x" return 0 }