# # You need to configure http server # so that directory "/run/acme-challenge" # was the alias of "/.well-known/acme-challenge" # # Nginx example: # location /.well-known/acme-challenge { # alias /run/acme-challenge; # } # # Run: # systemctl start acme-client@handle # # Show status: # journalctl -e -u acme-client@handle # # Enable daily timer check and renew certs: # systemctl enable --now acme-client@handle.timer # # If you need additional actions, then copy and edit the hook: # /etc/acme-client.d/example.org.hook authority letsencrypt { api url "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" account key "/var/lib/acme-client/accounts/letsencrypt.key" } authority letsencrypt-staging { api url "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" account key "/var/lib/acme-client/accounts/letsencrypt-staging.key" } domain example.org { domain key "/var/lib/acme-client/certs/example.org.key" domain full chain certificate "/var/lib/acme-client/certs/example.org.crt" sign with "letsencrypt" challengedir "/run/acme-challenge" } # domain example.org { # domain key "/var/lib/acme-client/certs/example.org.key-staging" # domain full chain certificate "/var/lib/acme-client/certs/example.org.crt-staging" # sign with "letsencrypt-staging" # challengedir "/run/acme-challenge" #}