This file is installed in /usr/share/doc/stumpwm-@VERSION@/README.Gentoo[.gz] Stumpwm notes for Gentoo ------------------------ Always report problems to the Gentoo Bugzilla at Starting Stumpwm ---------------- For the moment, actually starting Stumpwm is left as an exercise for the user. Some users may prefer to load SLIME (via SWANK) support into the image with Stumpwm and some users may prefer not to. Deciding on SLIME TCP port numbers is also a user decision. Users may wish to experiment with Stumpwm in different Common Lisp implementations or just use a particular implementation. Here are some hints to get you started: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :stumpwm) Start a SLIME listener: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :swank) (swank:create-swank-server 4005 :spawn) Then you can connect your Emacs to the Stumpwm image later using the following from Emacs: M-x slime-connect RET RET 4005 RET Isn't SLIME wonderful?. You might consider app-misc/detachtty or app-misc/screen for recovering the REPL if not using SLIME. Start Stumpwm: (stumpwm:stumpwm ":0") You might also consider dev-lisp/cl-launch which is an excellent way to wrap up Common Lisp systems into a single, portable shell script. For example, the following creates a ~/bin/mystumpwm script which will try to load the stumpwm system definition into SBCL. If that fails, it will try CLISP: cl-launch --output ~/bin/mystumpwm --lisp "sbcl clisp" \ --system stumpwm --init '(stumpwm:stumpwm ":0")'