Haskell ebuild maintaining tips ******************************* Check `Gentoo devmanual `_ for general guidance on ebuild writing. This doc is about haskell-specific aspects of it. Slot operator dependencies ========================== Haskell packages use slot operator dependencies: `dev-haskell/foo:=` (or `dev-haskell/foo:${slotname}=` to force rebuild of a package every time `dev-haskell/foo` updates. It requires `EAPI=5` and upper. The rebuild is needed as GHC haskell ABI is very precise(or fragile :): package changes ABI every time package's version, interface hashes (`.hi` files) or dependency packages change. The `:=` is not enough to make sure system does not get into a broken state. Consider an example: user has 3 packages installed depending on one another: .. code-block:: darcs:RDEPEND="text:=" SLOT=0/${PV} text:RDEPEND="binary:=" SLOT=0/${PV} binary:RDEPEND="" SLOT=0/${PV} Suppose binary will get an update: `binary-0` -> `binary-1`. That will trigger a subslot rebuild for `text`. As a result ABI will be changed for packages `binary` and `text`. `text` package won't change it's subslot as there was no new `text` ebuild. Thus `darcs` package will be left in broken state. There is no easy fix for it. We need something that transitively can flag ABI as changed: `feature request `_. Upper bounds ============ Haskell upstreams usually adhere to `Package versioning policy `_ and guard upper bounds of used dependencies in their packages. .. code-block:: haskell -- somewhere in cheapskate.cabal library hs-source-dirs: . build-depends: base >=4.4 && <5, containers >=0.4 && <0.6, mtl >=2.1 && <2.3, text >= 0.9 && < 1.3, blaze-html >=0.6 && < 0.10, xss-sanitize >= 0.3 && < 0.4, data-default >= 0.5 && < 0.7, That means once you have added (say) `data-default-0.7` to the tree those package will not be able to use it and will try to keep older version installed for users of `cheapskate`. It causes portage show warnings during upgrade at best and cryptic slot conflicts at worst: .. code-block:: !!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict: dev-haskell/data-default:0 (dev-haskell/data-default-0.7.0:0/0.7.0::haskell, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by >=dev-haskell/data-default-0.6.0:=[profile?] required by (dev-haskell/bcrypt-0.0.9:0/0.0.9::haskell, ebuild scheduled for merge) ^^ ^^^^^ (dev-haskell/data-default-0.5.3:0/0.5.3::haskell, installed) pulled in by dev-haskell/data-default:0/0.5.3=[profile] required by (dev-haskell/gravatar-0.8.0:0/0.8.0::haskell, installed) ^^^^^^^^^ dev-haskell/data-default:0/0.5.3=[profile] required by (dev-haskell/keter-, installed) ^^^^^^^^^ = 0.5 && < 0.7' 'data-default >= 0.5' } Don't forget to revbump an ebuild after you change RDEPENDs. Otherwise package manager will not try to update installed package and will keep old upper bound. .. code-block:: bash $ git mv cheapskate- cheapskate- Validating upper bounds are consistent ====================================== When you add major version of a package (like the ``dev-haskell/data-default-0.7`` example above) chances are high that quite a few ebulds in overlay still rely on older version and still contain `` **network-3.0**). It is tempting to put each incompatible library into it's own **SLOT** (say, SLOT="2.8/${PV}" and SLOT="3.0/${PV}") and allow libraries to be installed in parallel. Unfortunately it usually does not work. The problem with slotting is that each reverse dependency could only be built against one of slots available at the same time (not both at the same time). Diamond-style dependencies can't be satisfied if different branches of dependencies use different slots. Example build failure on **recaptcha** package: Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same package. This is very likely to cause a compile failure. package HTTP (HTTP-4000.3.14-AEcNM29soen35eXUQLVKbP) requires network- package recaptcha (recaptcha- requires network- Network/Captcha/ReCaptcha.hs:74:31: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘network-’ with actual type ‘URI’ NB: ‘URI’ is defined in ‘Network.URI’ in package ‘network-uri-’ ‘network-’ is defined in ‘Network.URI’ in package ‘network-’ Note: here **Network.URI.URI** type is not consistent across different packages it comes from and type checker can't resolve them. The only sure way to avoid this kind of library mix is to install only one version of any library at a time. For API breaking changes is usually involves a bit of upstream porting work to a new version. Note: **cabal install** does not usually encounter this problem as it rebuilds every dependency anew each time something changes in the dependency graph.