Suppose you want a new ghc to be keyworded in the ``::haskell`` overlay. Let's pick today's example of ``ghc-8.4.3``. It has ``KEYWORDS=""`` because too many packages are not yet compatible with it: upper bounds are too restrictive, build failures occur due to incompatible changes in the new ghc release and other breakages. So, when can we repopulate ``KEYWORDS=""``? Ideally, every single package from the ``::haskell`` overlay should be buildable --- but it's an unreachable ideal. Let's relax the rule: Minimal requirement of keyworded GHC ==================================== 1. All basic packages must be buildable on a popular ``ARCH`` (like ``amd64``) - dev-lang/ghc :) - dev-haskell/cabal-install - x11-wm/xmonad - dev-vcs/darcs - app-text/pandoc-cli - app-portage/hackport Feel free to add more here. 2. 75% of the ``::haskell`` overlay packages must be buildable, and pass their tests. ``75%`` looks like "a lot more than a half", and should be good enough to be exposed to the larger userbase of the overlay. The ideal goal is ``100%``, but it's unreachable most of the time as there is always a fraction of abandoned and unportable packages that will never be ported to the newer GHC. It is better to mask such packages to schedule for eventual deletion. I usually run ```` script from to attempt to install most packages: :: $ for p in $(/bound/gentoo-qa/; do echo $p; emerge -uv1 $p; done And then check how many of them succeeded: :: # How many are currently broken: $ /bound/gentoo-qa/ | wc -l 493 # How many are installed successfully: ghc-pkg list --simple-output | wc -w 1670 Looks like we are at ``1670 / (493 + 1670) * 100 = 77%``! Ready to go! 3. ghc must have a gentoo prebuilt binary for a given architecture. I build binaries using ``projects/refresh-ghc-bin.bash`` from The script downloads the latest stage3 and builds ghc against it. That way, the resulting ghc binary should be suitable for a default Gentoo install. How to actually do it ===================== Once the above requirements are met, restore ``KEYWORDS=`` for the architectures that have prebuilt binaries available and you are done! Also make sure that you restored ``KEYWORDS=`` for other packages that depend on the new ghc. Today's example: - dev-haskell/transformers- - dev-haskell/terminfo- - dev-haskell/haddock-api-2.20.0 - dev-haskell/haddock-2.20.0 Those usually can be extracted by grepping commented out keywords: :: git grep -l '#keep in sync with ghc-8.4'