# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 DESCRIPTION="The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing for dict" HOMEPAGE="https://foldoc.org" SRC_URI="https://web.archive.org/web/20180405153121/http://foldoc.org/Dictionary -> ${P}.txt" S="${WORKDIR}" LICENSE="FDL-1.1+" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" RDEPEND=">=app-text/dictd-1.13.0-r3" BDEPEND="${RDEPEND}" src_unpack() { cp "${DISTDIR}/${A}" foldoc.txt || die } src_prepare() { eapply_user sed -e '/^$/{N;s/\n\([^\t]\+\)/\1/g;T;h;n;d}' -i foldoc.txt || die } src_compile() { tail -n +3 foldoc.txt | dictfmt -u "$HOMEPAGE/Dictionary" \ -s "The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (version ${PV})" \ --utf8 \ -f foldoc || die dictzip foldoc.dict || die } src_install() { insinto /usr/share/dict doins foldoc.dict.dz foldoc.index } pkg_postrm() { elog "You must unregister ${PN} and restart your dictd server before the" elog "dictionary is completely removed. If you are using OpenRC, both tasks may be" elog "accomplished by running '/etc/init.d/dictd restart'." }