# Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit systemd go-module desktop xdg git-r3 DESCRIPTION="web GUI of Project V which supports V2Ray, Xray, SS, SSR, Trojan and Pingtunnel" HOMEPAGE="https://v2raya.org/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/v2rayA/v2rayA.git" EGIT_BRANCH="main" # HEAD LICENSE="AGPL-3" SLOT="0" IUSE="xray" RESTRICT="mirror" RDEPEND=" || ( >=net-proxy/v2ray-5 >=net-proxy/v2ray-bin-5 ) xray? ( net-proxy/Xray ) " BDEPEND=" >=dev-lang/go-1.21.0:* >=net-libs/nodejs-16 sys-apps/yarn " src_unpack() { git-r3_src_unpack # requires network cd "${S}/gui" || die #yarn config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com || die yarn install --ignore-engines --check-files || die "yarn install failed" # requires network cd "${S}/service" || die #ego env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct ego mod vendor } src_compile() { cd "${S}/gui" || die ## Fix node build error: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/14532#issuecomment-947012063 if has_version '>=dev-libs/openssl-3'; then export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider fi OUTPUT_DIR="${S}/service/server/router/web" yarn build || die "yarn build failed" for file in $(find "${S}/service/server/router/web" |grep -v png |grep -v index.html|grep -v .gz); do if [ ! -d $file ];then einfo "compress $file" gzip -9 $file fi done cd "${S}/service" || die ego build -mod vendor -ldflags "-X github.com/v2rayA/v2rayA/conf.Version=${PV} -s -w" -o v2raya } src_install() { dobin "${S}"/service/v2raya # directory for runtime use keepdir "/etc/v2raya" ./service/v2raya --report config | sed '1,6d' | fold -s -w 78 | sed -E 's/^([^#].+)/# \1/'\ >> "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya.default || die # config /etc/default/v2raya insinto "/etc/default" newins "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya.default v2raya systemd_dounit "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya.service systemd_douserunit "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya-lite.service #thanks to @Universebenzene newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" v2raya newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-user.initd" v2raya-user newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" v2raya newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-user.confd" v2raya-user doicon -s 512 "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya.png domenu "${S}"/install/universal/v2raya.desktop } pkg_postinst() { xdg_pkg_postinst if has_version '