#!/usr/bin/python2 import os,sys,re import getopt re_head = re.compile('^binary-arch_(.*)_real::') re_flav = re.compile('binary-arch-flavour') re_item = re.compile("[A-Z_]*='[^']*'") try: f=open("debian/rules.gen","r") except: print "Unable to open debian/rules.gen; can't continue." sys.exit(1) lines=f.readlines() f.close() line=0 configlist = [] configdict = {} # scan Debian rules.gen file and gather all variable data into a more useable format: while line < len(lines): head_match = re_head.match(lines[line]) if not head_match: line += 1 continue config_name = head_match.group(1) line += 1 if not re_flav.findall(lines[line]): continue lsplit = re_item.findall(lines[line]) groovydict = {} for item in lsplit: kv = item.split("=",1) if len(kv) < 2: continue groovydict[kv[0]] = kv[1][1:-1] configlist.append(config_name) configdict[config_name] = groovydict line += 1 # We will organize the arch, featureset and flavors into cascading lists so # that we can present a nice clean chart of what's available to the user: archdict = {} for config in configlist: cs = config.split("_") if not cs[0] in archdict: archdict[cs[0]] = { } if cs[1] == "none": cs[1] = None if cs[1] not in archdict[cs[0]]: archdict[cs[0]][cs[1]] = [] archdict[cs[0]][cs[1]].append(cs[2]) arches = archdict.keys() arches.sort() features = [ None ] for arch in arches: for flav in archdict[arch]: if flav not in features: features.append(flav) PROG="config-extract" def usage(): print """This work is free software. Copyright 2011 Funtoo Technologies. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Alternatively you may (at your option) use any other license that has been publicly approved for use with this program by Funtoo Technologies (or its successors, if any.) usage: %s [options] arch [featureset] [subarch] -h --help print this usage and exit -l --list list all available kernel configurations -o --outfile specify kernel config outfile -- defaults to .config in current directory [featureset] defaults to "standard" if not specified [subarch] defaults to the only one available; otherwise required This program was written by Daniel Robbins for Funtoo Linux, for the purpose of easily and conveniently extracting Debian kernel configurations. To see a nice list of all available kernel configurations, use the --list option. Debian's kernel configs are specified internally in arch_featureset_flavor format, such as: "amd64_openvz_amd64". The featureset typically describes an optional kernel configuration such as "xen" or "openvz", while the flavor in Debian terminology typically refers to the sub-architecture of the CPU. When using this command, you must specify an arch. A featureset of "standard" is assumed unless you specify one, and by default this program will pick the only available subarch if there is only one to choose from. If not, you will need to pick one (and the program will remind you to do this.) The kernel configuration will be written to ".config" in the current directory, or the location you specified using the -o/--outfile option. """ % PROG sys.exit(2) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:hl", ["help", "list","outfile="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) usage() mode="run" outfile=None for o,a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() elif o in ("-l", "--list"): mode="list" elif o in ("-o", "--outfile"): outfile = a else: assert False, "Unhandled option" if mode == "run": if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 3: if len(args) == 0: print "Please specify an arch - one of: "+", ".join(arches) sys.exit(2) else: print "Too many arguments." usage() arch = args[0] if outfile == None: outfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),".config") featureset = None subarch = None if len(args) == 3: featureset = args[1] subarch = args[2] elif len(args) == 2: featureset = args[1] if featureset == "standard": featureset = None # print out optimized list of available kernel configurations: if mode=="list": print for flav in features: label = flav if label == None: label = "standard" print "====== %s featureset ======" % label print for arch in arches: if flav in archdict[arch]: if len(archdict[arch][flav]) == 1: print arch.rjust(12) else: flavlist = archdict[arch][flav] flavlist.sort() variants = ", ".join(flavlist) print arch.rjust(12) + ":", variants print sys.exit(0) # featureset defaults to None. if featureset not in archdict[arch]: print "Error: There is no '%s' featureset kernel config for arch '%s'. Exiting." % ( featureset, arch ) print archdict[arch] sys.exit(2) # If a subarch is not specified (None), then we will auto-pick the subarch if only one is available. # Debian often has an "amd64" subarch for the "amd64" arch, rather than "none" as I might expect: if subarch == None: if len(archdict[arch][featureset]) == 1: subarch = archdict[arch][featureset][0] else: print "Error: there is more than one 'sub-architecture' for this arch." print "Please specify [arch] [featureset] [subarch], with one of these subarches:" print ", ".join(archdict[arch][featureset]) sys.exit(2) else: if subarch not in archdict[arch][featureset]: print "Error: specified sub-architecture '%s' is not available for this arch. Exiting." % subarch sys.exit(2) # We've done all our arg processing, now let's construct the master_key that we will use to look up the # proper settings to pass to Debian's debian/bin/kconfig.py command: master_key=arch if featureset == None: master_key += "_none" else: master_key += "_%s" % featureset if subarch == None: master_key += "_none" else: master_key += "_%s" % subarch if master_key not in configdict: print "Master key lookup failed; can't continue. Please report this bug." sys.exit(1) if "KCONFIG" not in configdict[master_key]: print "Unable to find KCONFIG option; can't continue. Please report this bug." sys.exit(1) cmd = "python2 debian/bin/kconfig.py '%s' %s" % ( outfile, configdict[master_key]["KCONFIG"] ) if "KCONFIG_OPTIONS" in configdict[master_key]: cmd += " %s" % configdict[master_key]["KCONFIG_OPTIONS"] os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "debian/lib/python" retval = os.system(cmd) if retval == 0: print "Wrote %s kernel configuration to %s." % ( master_key, outfile ) sys.exit(0) else: print "There was an error extracting the Debian kernel config." sys.exit(1)