# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/flashrom/flashrom-0.9.4.ebuild,v 1.5 2011/09/20 16:03:21 nativemad Exp $ EAPI="5" inherit toolchain-funcs git-r3 DESCRIPTION="Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips" HOMEPAGE="http://flashrom.org/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/flashrom" EGIT_COMMIT="471de15589ea870b5ae26ce56fafe978c234f7fb" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="*" IUSE="+atahpt +bitbang_spi +buspirate_spi dediprog +drkaiser +dummy +fdtmap ft2232_spi +gfxnvidia +internal +linux_i2c +linux_mtd +linux_spi +nic3com +nicintel +nicintel_spi +nicnatsemi +nicrealtek +ogp_spi +raiden_debug_spi +rayer_spi +satasii +satamv +serprog static use_os_timer +wiki" LIB_DEPEND="atahpt? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) dediprog? ( virtual/libusb:0[static-libs(+)] ) drkaiser? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) fdtmap? ( sys-apps/dtc[static-libs(+)] ) ft2232_spi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi[static-libs(+)] ) gfxnvidia? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) internal? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) nic3com? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) nicintel? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) nicintel_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) nicnatsemi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) nicrealtek? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) raiden_debug_spi? ( virtual/libusb:1[static-libs(+)] ) rayer_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) satasii? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) satamv? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] ) ogp_spi? ( sys-apps/pciutils[static-libs(+)] )" RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs(+)]} )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} !sys-apps/flashrom static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} ) sys-apps/diffutils" RDEPEND+=" internal? ( sys-apps/dmidecode )" _flashrom_enable() { local c="CONFIG_${2:-$(echo $1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])}" args+=" $c=$(usex $1 yes no)" } flashrom_enable() { local u for u in "$@" ; do _flashrom_enable $u ; done } src_compile() { local progs=0 local args="" # Programmer flashrom_enable \ atahpt bitbang_spi buspirate_spi dediprog drkaiser fdtmap \ ft2232_spi gfxnvidia linux_i2c linux_mtd linux_spi \ nic3com nicintel nicintel_spi nicnatsemi nicrealtek ogp_spi \ raiden_debug_spi rayer_spi satasii satamv serprog internal \ dummy _flashrom_enable wiki PRINT_WIKI # You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify more than # one programmer you have to include either dummy or internal in the list. for prog in ${IUSE//[+-]} ; do case ${prog} in internal|dummy|wiki|use_os_timer) continue ;; esac use ${prog} && : $(( progs++ )) done if [[ ${progs} -ne 1 ]] ; then if ! use internal && ! use dummy ; then ewarn "You have to specify at least one programmer, and if you specify" ewarn "more than one programmer, you have to enable either dummy or" ewarn "internal as well. 'internal' will be the default now." args+=" CONFIG_INTERNAL=yes" fi fi # Configure Flashrom to use OS timer instead of calibrated delay loop # if USE flag is specified or if a certain board requires it. if use use_os_timer ; then einfo "Configuring Flashrom to use OS timer" args+=" CONFIG_USE_OS_TIMER=yes" else einfo "Configuring Flashrom to use delay loop" args+=" CONFIG_USE_OS_TIMER=no" fi # Suppress -Wunused-function since we will see a lot of PCI-related # warnings on non-x86 platforms (PCI structs are pervasive in the code). append-flags "-Wall -Wno-unused-function" # WARNERROR=no, bug 347879 # FIXME(dhendrix): Actually, we want -Werror for CrOS. tc-export AR CC RANLIB # emake WARNERROR=no ${args} # upstream gentoo # For ChromeOS AU we want static and dynamic version both generated. _flashrom_enable static STATIC emake ${args} } src_test() { if [[ -d tests ]] ; then pushd tests >/dev/null ./tests.py || die popd >/dev/null fi } src_install() { dosbin flashrom nonfatal dosbin flashrom_s doman flashrom.8 dodoc README.chromiumos Documentation/*.txt }