# Naive makefile for the simple test program "tstparse" # # $Id: makefile,v 1.6 2006/06/09 10:30:30 arjenmarkus Exp $ # # Coarse test for the XML-Fortran module # # Note: # You may need to change the name of the Fortran compiler # and the compile options # #FC = f90 #FC = lf95 #FC = ifort #FOPT = -c FC = gfortran FOPT = -c -fPIC all : libxmlparse.a libxmlparse.so tstparse xmlreader install : cp libxmlparse.a ../lib cp libxmlparse.so ../lib cp xmlparse.mod ../lib libxmlparse.a : xmlparse.o read_xml_prims.o ar r libxmlparse.a xmlparse.o read_xml_prims.o libxmlparse.so : xmlparse.o read_xml_prims.o ${FC} -shared -Wl,-soname,libxmlparse.so -o libxmlparse.so xmlparse.o read_xml_prims.o xmlparse.o : xmlparse.f90 $(FC) $(FOPT) xmlparse.f90 tstparse : tstparse.f90 libxmlparse.a $(FC) $(FOPT) tstparse.f90 $(FC) -o tstparse tstparse.o libxmlparse.a xmlreader : xmlreader.f90 libxmlparse.a $(FC) $(FOPT) xmlreader.f90 $(FC) -o xmlreader xmlreader.o libxmlparse.a read_xml_prims.o : read_xml_prims.f90 xmlparse.f90 $(FC) $(FOPT) read_xml_prims.f90 clean: rm -f *.o rm -f *.mod rm -f *.a