Search Portage & Overlays:


Collection of fonts that are patched to include a high number of glyphs (icons).


  • nerd-fonts-3.2.0
    ~amd64 ~x86
    3270 agave anonymouspro arimo aurulentsansmono bigblueterminal bitstreamverasansmono cascadiacode codenewroman comicshannsmono cousine daddytimemono dejavusansmono droidsansmono fantasquesansmono firacode firamono gohu go-mono hack hasklig heavydata hermit ia-writer ibmplexmono inconsolata inconsolatago inconsolatalgc iosevka iosevkaterm jetbrainsmono lekton liberationmono lilex meslo monofur monoid mononoki mplus noto opendyslexic overpass profont proggyclean robotomono sharetechmono sourcecodepro spacemono symbolsonly terminus tinos ubuntu ubuntumono victormono X

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