# Copyright 2022-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 LUA_COMPAT=(lua5-4) inherit cmake flag-o-matic lua-single xdg if [[ "${PV}" = 9999* ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast" # 'core/deps/breakpad' EGIT_SUBMODULES=( 'core/deps/luabridge' 'core/deps/rcheevos' ) else # MINGW_BREAKPAD_COMMIT="1ab24bcc817ebe629bf77daa53529d02361cb1e9" LUABRIDGE_COMMIT="fab7b33b896a42dcc865ba5ecdbacd9f40" RCHEEVOS_COMMIT="563230b1c249774b4852c944dc7cdcb952c9e8e8" VULKAN_ALLOC_COMMIT="6eb62e1515072827db992c2befd80b71b2d04329" # https://github.com/flyinghead/mingw-breakpad/archive/${MINGW_BREAKPAD_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> mingw-breakpad-${MINGW_BREAKPAD_COMMIT}.tar.gz SRC_URI=" https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz lua? ( https://github.com/vinniefalco/LuaBridge/archive/${LUABRIDGE_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> LuaBridge-${LUABRIDGE_COMMIT}.tar.gz ) https://github.com/RetroAchievements/rcheevos/archive/${RCHEEVOS_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> rcheevos-${RCHEEVOS_COMMIT}.tar.gz vulkan? ( https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/VulkanMemoryAllocator/archive/${VULKAN_ALLOC_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> VulkanMemoryAllocator-${VULKAN_ALLOC_COMMIT}.tar.gz ) " KEYWORDS="~amd64" fi DESCRIPTION="Sega Dreamcast, Naomi and Atomiswave emulator" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="alsa ao lua opengl +openmp pulseaudio vulkan" DEPEND=" dev-libs/libchdr dev-libs/libzip dev-libs/xxhash media-libs/libsdl2 net-libs/miniupnpc sys-libs/zlib alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) ao? ( media-libs/libao ) lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} ) opengl? ( virtual/opengl ) openmp? ( sys-devel/gcc:*[openmp] ) pulseaudio? ( media-libs/libpulse ) vulkan? ( >=dev-util/glslang-1.3.231:= dev-util/spirv-headers ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" REQUIRED_USE="|| ( opengl vulkan ) || ( ao alsa pulseaudio )" if [[ "${PV}" = 9999* ]]; then src_unpack() { use lua && EGIT_SUBMODULES+=( 'core/deps/luabridge' ) use vulkan && EGIT_SUBMODULES+=( 'core/deps/VulkanMemoryAllocator' ) git-r3_src_unpack } fi src_prepare() { # Ensure unneeded deps are not bundled for dep in chdr dirent glslang libretro-common libzip miniupnpc oboe patches SDL vixl xxHash; do rm -rf core/deps/${dep} || die done if ! [[ "${PV}" = 9999* ]]; then rm -fr core/deps/breakpad || die #mv "${WORKDIR}/mingw-breakpad-${MINGW_BREAKPAD_COMMIT}" core/deps/breakpad || die rm -fr core/deps/luabridge || die if use lua; then mv "${WORKDIR}/LuaBridge-${LUABRIDGE_COMMIT}" core/deps/luabridge || die fi rm -fr core/deps/rcheevos || die mv "${WORKDIR}/rcheevos-${RCHEEVOS_COMMIT}" core/deps/rcheevos || die rm -fr core/deps/VulkanMemoryAllocator || die if use vulkan; then mv "${WORKDIR}/VulkanMemoryAllocator-${VULKAN_ALLOC_COMMIT}" core/deps/VulkanMemoryAllocator || die fi fi # Skip alsa if flag not enabled if use !alsa; then sed -i -e '/find_package(ALSA)/d' CMakeLists.txt || die fi # Skip ao if flag not enabled if use !ao; then sed -i -e '/pkg_check_modules(AO/d' CMakeLists.txt || die fi if use lua; then # Lua 5.2 not available in gentoo anymore sed -i -e '/find_package(Lua/s/5.2/5.4/' CMakeLists.txt || die else # Skip lua if flag not enabled sed -i -e '/find_package(Lua/d' CMakeLists.txt || die fi # Skip pulseaudio if flag not enabled if use !pulseaudio; then sed -i -e '/pkg_check_modules(LIBPULSE/d' CMakeLists.txt || die fi # Unbundle xxHash sed -i -e '/XXHASH_BUILD_XXHSUM/{N;N;s/.*/target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE xxhash)/}' \ CMakeLists.txt || die # Unbundle chdr sed -i -e '/add_subdirectory.*chdr/d' -e 's/chdr-static/chdr/' \ -e 's:core/deps/chdr/include:/usr/include/chdr:' CMakeLists.txt || die # Do not use ccache sed -i -e '/find_program(CCACHE_FOUND/d' CMakeLists.txt || die # Ensure static libs are not built sed -i -e '/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS/d' CMakeLists.txt || die # Vulkan-header sed -i -e '/add_subdirectory(core.*Vulkan-Headers)$/,/Vulkan::Headers/d' \ -e '/core\/deps\/Vulkan-Headers\/include)/d' CMakeLists.txt || die sed -i -e '/ResourceLimits.h/a#include ' \ core/rend/vulkan/compiler.cpp || die if use vulkan; then sed -i -e '$atarget_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE glslang glslang-default-resource-limits)' CMakeLists.txt || die if has_version '>=dev-util/glslang-1.3.261'; then sed -i -e 's/throwResultException/detail::throwResultException/' core/rend/vulkan/vmallocator.{h,cpp} || die fi grep -rl 'vk::resultCheck' | xargs sed -i -e 's/vk::resultCheck/vk::detail::resultCheck/g' sed -i -e '/end\/transform_matrix.h/a#include ' core/rend/vulkan/vulkan_context.cpp || die fi # Do not use ccache sed -i -e '/find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache)/d' CMakeLists.txt || die # Unbundle SDL under linux: (revert crazy commit: #4408aa7) sed -i -e '/if(NOT APPLE AND (/s/.*/if( NOT APPLE )/' CMakeLists.txt || die # Fix cmake version sed -i -e '/cmake_minimum_required/s/2.6.*$/3.20)/' core/deps/xbyak/CMakeLists.txt || die sed -i -e 's/3.2/3.20/' core/deps/glm/CMakeLists.txt || die append-cxxflags -Wno-unused-result # Cleanup mingw-breakpad blobs #rm -f \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/client/mac/gcov/libgcov.a \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/tools/solaris/dump_syms/testdata/dump_syms_regtest.o \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/tools/windows/dump_syms/testdata/pe_only_symbol_test.dll \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/tools/windows/dump_syms/testdata/dump_syms_regtest64.exe \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/tools/windows/binaries/symupload.exe \ # core/deps/breakpad/src/tools/windows/binaries/dump_syms.exe || die cmake_src_prepare } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DUSE_BREAKPAD=OFF -DUSE_OPENGL=$(usex opengl) -DUSE_OPENMP=$(usex openmp) -DUSE_VULKAN=$(usex vulkan) -DUSE_HOST_LIBZIP=ON -DUSE_HOST_GLSLANG=ON -DUSE_HOST_SDL=ON -DWITH_SYSTEM_ZLIB=ON ) cmake_src_configure }