# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PLOCALES="cs de en es fr it nl pt ru uk" PLOCALE_BACKUP="en" LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-1 luajit ) inherit cmake lua-single plocale if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/instead-hub/${PN}.git" inherit git-r3 else SRC_URI="https://github.com/instead-hub/${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" fi DESCRIPTION="INSTEAD text-based quest game engine" HOMEPAGE="https://instead.hugeping.ru/" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" IUSE="doc +iconv +harfbuzz" # gtk3 is forced since gtk2 already near its end-of-life REQUIRED_USE=" ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} " BDEPEND=" virtual/pkgconfig ${LUA_DEPS} " COMMON_DEPEND=" ${LUA_DEPS} media-libs/libsdl2[sound,video] media-libs/sdl2-image media-libs/sdl2-mixer media-libs/sdl2-ttf sys-libs/zlib x11-libs/gtk+:3 iconv? ( >=virtual/libiconv-0-r1 ) harfbuzz? ( media-libs/harfbuzz media-libs/sdl2-ttf[harfbuzz] ) " RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND}" DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND}" DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog README.md ) src_prepare() { plocale_find_changes "${S}/lang" "" ".ini" rm_loc() { rm "lang/$1.ini" || die; } plocale_for_each_disabled_locale rm_loc # The docs dir contains some code to build pdf out of the Markdown docs, but it requires some # weird util called multimarkdown, so we will just install the md's themselfs. if use doc; then EXTRA_DOCS=() for l in $(plocale_get_locales) ${PLOCALE_BACKUP}; do for d in "docs/modules-$l.md" "docs/stead3-$l.md"; do if [[ -f "$d" ]]; then EXTRA_DOCS=( "${EXTRA_DOCS[@]}" "$d" ) fi done done DOCS=( "${DOCS[@]}" "${EXTRA_DOCS[@]}" ) fi cmake_src_prepare } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DWITH_GTK2=OFF -DWITH_GTK3=ON -DWITH_LUAJIT="$(usex lua_single_target_luajit)" -DWITH_ICONV="$(usex iconv)" -DWITH_HARFBUZZ="$(usex harfbuzz)" ) cmake_src_configure } pkg_postinst() { elog "The instead package contains only a game engine. The actual" elog "games have to be installed separately. To install a game" elog "download an archive and extract it to ~/.instead/games or" elog "to ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/instead/games." elog "" elog "A collection of various games can be found at:" elog " https://instead.itch.io/" elog " http://instead-games.ru/" elog "" elog "Also there are some third-party tools to manage download" elog "and installation of games like insteadman3:" elog " https://jhekasoft.github.io/insteadman" }