# Copyright 2009-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{11..13} ) PYTHON_REQ_USE="xml(+)" CHROMIUM_LANGS="af am ar bg bn ca cs da de el en-GB es es-419 et fa fi fil fr gu he hi hr hu id it ja kn ko lt lv ml mr ms nb nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw ta te th tr uk ur vi zh-CN zh-TW" inherit check-reqs chromium-2 desktop flag-o-matic llvm ninja-utils pax-utils inherit python-any-r1 qmake-utils readme.gentoo-r1 toolchain-funcs xdg-utils # Use following environment variables to customise the build # EXTRA_GN — pass extra options to gn # NINJAOPTS="-k0 -j8" useful to populate ccache even if ebuild is still failing CROMITE_COMMIT_ID="c609027f1a1a0961bb668668edd866e741579109" # CROMITE_PR_COMMITS=( # 8a749421011cf10f461bdd5619a0bfda6a4ae0f7 # ) DESCRIPTION="Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser!" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/uazo/cromite" PATCHSET_PPC64="127.0.6533.88-1raptor0~deb12u2" SRC_URI="https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-official/chromium-${PV/_*}.tar.xz https://github.com/uazo/${PN}/archive/${CROMITE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${CROMITE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz ppc64? ( https://quickbuild.io/~raptor-engineering-public/+archive/ubuntu/chromium/+files/chromium_${PATCHSET_PPC64}.debian.tar.xz https://deps.gentoo.zip/chromium-ppc64le-gentoo-patches-1.tar.xz ) " LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86" IUSE_SYSTEM_LIBS="abseil-cpp av1 brotli crc32c double-conversion ffmpeg +harfbuzz +icu jsoncpp +libevent libjxl +libusb libvpx +openh264 openjpeg +png re2 snappy woff2 +zstd" IUSE="+X bluetooth cfi +clang convert-dict cups cpu_flags_arm_neon custom-cflags debug enable-driver gtk4 hangouts headless hevc kerberos libcxx nvidia +official optimize-thinlto optimize-webui override-data-dir pax-kernel pgo +proprietary-codecs pulseaudio qt5 qt6 screencast selinux thinlto vaapi wayland widevine" RESTRICT=" !system-ffmpeg? ( proprietary-codecs? ( bindist ) ) !system-openh264? ( bindist ) " REQUIRED_USE=" thinlto? ( clang ) optimize-thinlto? ( thinlto ) cfi? ( thinlto ) pgo? ( clang ) x86? ( !thinlto !widevine ) debug? ( !official ) screencast? ( wayland ) !headless? ( || ( X wayland ) ) !proprietary-codecs? ( !hevc ) hevc? ( system-ffmpeg ) vaapi? ( !system-av1 !system-libvpx ) " declare -A CHROMIUM_COMMITS=( ["587c2cf8b11d3c32fa26887063eda3171a3d353e"]="third_party/ruy/src" ["5c1e85eb085658187f4475ff5e56962473b6f10a"]="." #129+ ["011c56ecf0120d3bfd56327d5a115cd55f179da6"]="." #129+ ["fa382322809185a22a6b3614f425b05f95d8d526"]="." #129+ ) if [ ! -z "${CROMITE_PR_COMMITS[*]}" ]; then for i in "${CROMITE_PR_COMMITS[@]}"; do SRC_URI+="https://github.com/uazo/${PN}/commit/$i.patch?full_index=true -> ${PN}-$i.patch " done fi if [ ! -z "${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[*]}" ]; then for i in "${!CHROMIUM_COMMITS[@]}"; do if [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ webrtc ]]; then #TODO: is it safe to use this mirror? SRC_URI+="https://github.com/webrtc-mirror/webrtc/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> webrtc-${i/-}.patch " elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ angle ]]; then SRC_URI+="https://github.com/google/angle/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> angle-${i/-}.patch " elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ quiche ]]; then SRC_URI+="https://github.com/google/quiche/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> quiche-${i/-}.patch " elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ vulkan-utility-libraries ]]; then SRC_URI+="https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Utility-Libraries/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> vulkan-utility-libraries-${i/-}.patch " elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ ruy ]]; then SRC_URI+="https://github.com/google/ruy/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> ruy-${i/-}.patch " else SRC_URI+="https://github.com/chromium/chromium/commit/${i/-}.patch?full_index=true -> chromium-${i/-}.patch " fi done fi for i in ${IUSE_SYSTEM_LIBS}; do [[ $i =~ ^(\+)?(.*)$ ]] IUSE+=" ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}system-${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" done COMMON_X_DEPEND=" x11-libs/libXcomposite:= x11-libs/libXcursor:= x11-libs/libXdamage:= x11-libs/libXfixes:= >=x11-libs/libXi-1.6.0:= x11-libs/libXrandr:= x11-libs/libXrender:= x11-libs/libXtst:= x11-libs/libxshmfence:= " COMMON_SNAPSHOT_DEPEND=" system-abseil-cpp? ( >=dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20230125.2 ) system-brotli? ( >=app-arch/brotli-9999 ) system-crc32c? ( dev-libs/crc32c ) system-double-conversion? ( dev-libs/double-conversion ) system-woff2? ( media-libs/woff2 ) system-snappy? ( app-arch/snappy ) system-jsoncpp? ( dev-libs/jsoncpp ) system-libevent? ( dev-libs/libevent ) system-libjxl? ( media-libs/libjxl ) system-openjpeg? ( media-libs/openjpeg:2= ) system-re2? ( >=dev-libs/re2-0.2019.08.01:= ) system-libvpx? ( >=media-libs/libvpx-1.13.0:=[postproc] ) system-libusb? ( virtual/libusb:1 ) system-icu? ( >=dev-libs/icu-71.1:= ) >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.12.4:=[icu] dev-libs/nspr:= >=dev-libs/nss-3.26:= dev-libs/libxslt:= media-libs/fontconfig:= >=media-libs/freetype-2.11.0-r1:= system-harfbuzz? ( >=media-libs/harfbuzz-3:0=[icu(-)] ) media-libs/lcms media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:= system-png? ( media-libs/libpng:= ) system-zstd? ( >=app-arch/zstd-1.5.5:= ) >=media-libs/libwebp-0.4.0:= media-libs/mesa:=[gbm(+)] >=media-libs/openh264-1.6.0:= system-av1? ( >=media-libs/dav1d-1.0.0:= >=media-libs/libaom-3.7.0:= ) sys-libs/zlib:= x11-libs/libdrm:= !headless? ( dev-libs/glib:2 >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.19:= pulseaudio? ( || ( media-libs/libpulse >=media-sound/apulse-0.1.9 ) ) sys-apps/pciutils:= kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 ) vaapi? ( >=media-libs/libva-2.7:=[X?,wayland?] ) X? ( x11-libs/libX11:= x11-libs/libXext:= x11-libs/libxcb:= ) x11-libs/libxkbcommon:= wayland? ( dev-libs/libffi:= dev-libs/wayland:= screencast? ( media-video/pipewire:= || ( sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gnome sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk kde-plasma/xdg-desktop-portal-kde gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr ) ) ) ) " COMMON_DEPEND=" ${COMMON_SNAPSHOT_DEPEND} app-arch/bzip2:= dev-libs/expat:= system-ffmpeg? ( >=media-video/ffmpeg-4.3:= || ( media-video/ffmpeg[-samba] >=net-fs/samba-4.5.10-r1[-debug(-)] ) >=media-libs/opus-1.3.1:= ) net-misc/curl[ssl] sys-apps/dbus:= media-libs/flac:= sys-libs/zlib:=[minizip] !headless? ( X? ( ${COMMON_X_DEPEND} ) >=app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.46.0:2 media-libs/mesa:=[X?,wayland?] cups? ( >=net-print/cups-1.3.11:= ) virtual/udev x11-libs/cairo:= x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2 x11-libs/pango:= qt5? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5 dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 ) qt6? ( dev-qt/qtbase:6[gui,widgets] ) ) " RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} !headless? ( || ( x11-libs/gtk+:3[X?,wayland?] gui-libs/gtk:4[X?,wayland?] ) qt5? ( dev-qt/qtgui:5[X?,wayland?] ) qt6? ( dev-qt/qtbase:6[X?,wayland?] ) ) virtual/ttf-fonts selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-chromium ) !override-data-dir? ( !www-client/chromium !www-client/chromium-bin !www-client/ungoogled-chromium-bin !www-client/ungoogled-chromium[-override-data-dir] ) " DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} !headless? ( gtk4? ( gui-libs/gtk:4[X?,wayland?] ) !gtk4? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3[X?,wayland?] ) ) " BDEPEND=" ${COMMON_SNAPSHOT_DEPEND} ${PYTHON_DEPS} $(python_gen_any_dep ' dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ') >=app-arch/gzip-1.7 !headless? ( qt5? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5 ) qt6? ( dev-qt/qtbase:6 ) ) >=dev-build/gn-0.2114 app-alternatives/ninja dev-lang/perl >=dev-util/gperf-3.0.3 dev-vcs/git >=net-libs/nodejs-7.6.0[inspector] >=sys-devel/bison-2.4.3 sys-devel/flex virtual/pkgconfig clang? ( pgo? ( >sys-devel/clang-19.0.0_pre20240518 >sys-devel/lld-19.0.0_pre20240518 ) !pgo? ( sys-devel/clang sys-devel/lld ) ) cfi? ( sys-devel/clang-runtime[sanitize] ) " if ! has chromium_pkg_die ${EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS}; then EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS+=" chromium_pkg_die"; fi DISABLE_AUTOFORMATTING="yes" DOC_CONTENTS=" Some web pages may require additional fonts to display properly. Try installing some of the following packages if some characters are not displayed properly: - media-fonts/arphicfonts - media-fonts/droid - media-fonts/ipamonafont - media-fonts/noto - media-fonts/ja-ipafonts - media-fonts/takao-fonts - media-fonts/wqy-microhei - media-fonts/wqy-zenhei To fix broken icons on the Downloads page, you should install an icon theme that covers the appropriate MIME types, and configure this as your GTK+ icon theme. For native file dialogs in KDE, install kde-apps/kdialog. To make password storage work with your desktop environment you may have install one of the supported credentials management applications: - app-crypt/libsecret (GNOME) - kde-frameworks/kwallet (KDE) If you have one of above packages installed, but don't want to use them in Chromium, then add --password-store=basic to CHROMIUM_FLAGS in /etc/chromium/default. " S="${WORKDIR}/chromium-${PV/_*}" python_check_deps() { python_has_version "dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" } pre_build_checks() { # Check build requirements: bugs #471810, #541816, #914220 # We're going to start doing maths here on the size of an unpacked source tarball, # this should make updates easier as chromium continues to balloon in size. local BASE_DISK=18 local EXTRA_DISK=1 local CHECKREQS_MEMORY="4G" tc-is-cross-compiler && EXTRA_DISK=2 if use thinlto || use pgo; then CHECKREQS_MEMORY="9G" tc-is-cross-compiler && EXTRA_DISK=4 use pgo && EXTRA_DISK=8 fi if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then if use custom-cflags; then EXTRA_DISK=13 fi CHECKREQS_MEMORY="16G" fi CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="$((BASE_DISK + EXTRA_DISK))G" check-reqs_${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} } pkg_pretend() { if use libcxx; then ewarn ewarn "Building with libcxx, please be aware that system-*" ewarn "and some other c++ dependencies need to be compiled" ewarn "with the same c++ library as ungoogled-chromium itself" ewarn "dev-libs/jsoncpp is most problematic, see #58 #49 #119 for details" ewarn "Simplest solution would be to disable corresponding system-* flags" ewarn fi if use cfi; then ewarn ewarn "Building with cfi is only possible if building with -stdlib=libc++" ewarn "Make sure all dependencies are also built this way, see #40" ewarn fi if use system-abseil-cpp; then ewarn ewarn "Chromium code is not very friendly to system abseil-cpp, see #218" ewarn "If you know how to fix this, feel free to submit a PR" ewarn [[ -z "${NODIE}" ]] && die "The build will fail!" fi pre_build_checks if use headless; then local headless_unused_flags=("cups" "kerberos" "pulseaudio" "qt5" "qt6" "vaapi" "wayland") for myiuse in ${headless_unused_flags[@]}; do use ${myiuse} && ewarn "Ignoring USE=${myiuse} since USE=headless is set." done fi } pkg_setup() { pre_build_checks chromium_suid_sandbox_check_kernel_config } src_unpack() { # Here be dragons! local XCLD="--exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/instrumented_libs \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/llvm \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/llvm-build \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/node/linux \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/rust-src \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/rust-toolchain \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/build/linux/debian_bullseye_i386-sysroot \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot \ --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS \ " if ! use libcxx ; then XCLD+=" --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/third_party/libc++" fi if ! use pgo ; then XCLD+=" --exclude=chromium-${PV/_*}/chrome/build/pgo_profiles" fi einfo "Unpacking chromium-${PV/_*}.tar.xz to ${WORKDIR}" tar ${XCLD} \ -xf "${DISTDIR}/chromium-${PV/_*}.tar.xz" -C "${WORKDIR}" || die # Warned you! unpack cromite-${CROMITE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz if use ppc64; then unpack "chromium_${PATCHSET_PPC64}.debian.tar.xz" unpack "chromium-ppc64le-gentoo-patches-1.tar.xz" fi } src_prepare() { # Calling this here supports resumption via FEATURES=keepwork python_setup SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES_FAILED=0 cp -f "${FILESDIR}/compiler.patch" "${T}" if ! use custom-cflags; then #See #25 #92 sed -i '/default_stack_frames/Q' "${T}/compiler.patch" || die fi # disable global media controls, crashes with libstdc++ sed -i -e \ "/\"GlobalMediaControlsCastStartStop\"/,+4{s/ENABLED/DISABLED/;}" \ "chrome/browser/media/router/media_router_feature.cc" || die #! TODO # "${FILESDIR}/chromium-122-cfi-no-split-lto-unit.patch" local PATCHES=( "${T}/compiler.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-cross-compile.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-109-system-openh264.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-109-system-zlib.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-111-InkDropHost-crash.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-126-oauth2-client-switches.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-125-cloud_authenticator.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-123-qrcode.patch" "${FILESDIR}/perfetto-system-zlib.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-127-cargo_crate.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-127-crabby.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-127-ui_lens.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-128-gtk-fix-prefers-color-scheme-query.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-128-profile_invalidation.patch" #129+ "${FILESDIR}/chromium-128-cloud_management.patch" #129+ "${FILESDIR}/chromium-128-fontations.patch" "${FILESDIR}/fix-official.patch" "${FILESDIR}/restore-x86-r2.patch" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-127-separate-qt56.patch" "${FILESDIR}/00LIN-Build-fixes.patch" ) ewarn ewarn "Following features are disabled:" ewarn " - Fontations Rust font stack" ewarn " - Crabby Avif parser/decoder implementation in Rust" ewarn if ! use libcxx ; then PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/chromium-128-libstdc++.patch" "${FILESDIR}/font-gc-r1.patch" ) fi if [ ! -z "${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[*]}" ]; then for i in "${!CHROMIUM_COMMITS[@]}"; do if [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ webrtc ]]; then patch_prefix="webrtc" elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ angle ]]; then patch_prefix="angle" elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ quiche ]]; then patch_prefix="quiche" elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ vulkan-utility-libraries ]]; then patch_prefix="vulkan-utility-libraries" elif [[ ${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]} =~ ruy ]]; then patch_prefix="ruy" else patch_prefix="chromium" fi pushd "${CHROMIUM_COMMITS[$i]}" > /dev/null || die if [[ $i = -* ]]; then einfo "Reverting ${patch_prefix}-${i/-}.patch" git_wrapper apply -R --exclude="*unittest.cc" \ -p1 < "${DISTDIR}/${patch_prefix}-${i/-}.patch" else einfo "Applying ${patch_prefix}-${i/-}.patch" git_wrapper apply --exclude="*unittest.cc" \ -p1 < "${DISTDIR}/${patch_prefix}-${i/-}.patch" fi popd > /dev/null || die done fi if use ppc64 ; then local p for p in $(grep -v "^#" "${WORKDIR}"/debian/patches/series | grep "^ppc64le" || die); do if [[ ! $p =~ "fix-breakpad-compile.patch" ]]; then eapply_wrapper "${WORKDIR}/debian/patches/${p}" fi done PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}/ppc64le" "${WORKDIR}/debian/patches/fixes/rust-clanglib.patch" ) fi if ! use bluetooth ; then PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/disable-bluez-r1.patch" ) fi if use convert-dict ; then PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/chromium-ucf-dict-utility-r1.patch" ) fi if use system-ffmpeg; then PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/chromium-99-opus.patch" ) if has_version " gn leftovers third_party/speech-dispatcher third_party/usb_ids third_party/xdg-utils ) if ! use system-harfbuzz; then keeplibs+=( third_party/harfbuzz-ng ) fi if ! use system-ffmpeg; then keeplibs+=( third_party/ffmpeg third_party/opus ) fi if ! use system-icu; then keeplibs+=( third_party/icu ) fi if ! use system-png; then keeplibs+=( third_party/libpng ) fi if ! use system-zstd; then keeplibs+=( third_party/zstd ) fi if ! use system-av1; then keeplibs+=( third_party/dav1d third_party/libaom third_party/libaom/source/libaom/third_party/fastfeat third_party/libaom/source/libaom/third_party/SVT-AV1 third_party/libaom/source/libaom/third_party/vector third_party/libaom/source/libaom/third_party/x86inc ) fi if use libcxx; then keeplibs+=( third_party/libc++ ) fi if ! use system-openh264; then keeplibs+=( third_party/openh264 ) fi if ! use system-re2; then keeplibs+=( third_party/re2 ) fi if use arm64 || use ppc64 ; then keeplibs+=( third_party/swiftshader/third_party/llvm-10.0 ) fi keeplibs+=( third_party/ungoogled ) # we need to generate ppc64 stuff because upstream does not ship it yet # it has to be done before unbundling. if use ppc64; then pushd third_party/libvpx >/dev/null || die mkdir -p source/config/linux/ppc64 || die # requires git and clang, bug #832803 # Revert https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/b463d0f40b08b4e896e7f458d89ae58ce2a27165%5E%21/third_party/libvpx/generate_gni.sh # and https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/71ebcbce867dd31da5f8b405a28fcb0de0657d91%5E%21/third_party/libvpx/generate_gni.sh # since we're not in a git repo sed -i -e "s|^update_readme||g; s|clang-format|${EPREFIX}/bin/true|g; /^git -C/d; /git cl/d; /cd \$BASE_DIR\/\$LIBVPX_SRC_DIR/ign format --in-place \$BASE_DIR\/BUILD.gn\ngn format --in-place \$BASE_DIR\/libvpx_srcs.gni" \ generate_gni.sh || die ./generate_gni.sh || die popd >/dev/null || die pushd third_party/ffmpeg >/dev/null || die cp libavcodec/ppc/h264dsp.c libavcodec/ppc/h264dsp_ppc.c || die cp libavcodec/ppc/h264qpel.c libavcodec/ppc/h264qpel_ppc.c || die popd >/dev/null || die fi ebegin "Removing bundled libraries" # Remove most bundled libraries. Some are still needed. build/linux/unbundle/remove_bundled_libraries.py "${keeplibs[@]}" --do-remove eend $? || die # bundled eu-strip is for amd64 only and we don't want to pre-stripped binaries mkdir -p buildtools/third_party/eu-strip/bin || die ln -s "${EPREFIX}"/bin/true buildtools/third_party/eu-strip/bin/eu-strip || die } src_configure() { # Calling this here supports resumption via FEATURES=keepwork python_setup local myconf_gn="" # Make sure the build system will use the right tools, bug #340795. tc-export AR CC CXX NM if use clang && ! tc-is-clang ; then einfo "Enforcing the use of clang due to USE=clang ..." if tc-is-cross-compiler; then CC="${CBUILD}-clang -target ${CHOST} --sysroot ${ESYSROOT}" CXX="${CBUILD}-clang++ -target ${CHOST} --sysroot ${ESYSROOT}" BUILD_CC=${CBUILD}-clang BUILD_CXX=${CBUILD}-clang++ else CC=${CHOST}-clang CXX=${CHOST}-clang++ fi strip-unsupported-flags elif ! use clang && ! tc-is-gcc ; then einfo "Enforcing the use of gcc due to USE=-clang ..." CC=${CHOST}-gcc CXX=${CHOST}-g++ strip-unsupported-flags fi if tc-is-clang; then myconf_gn+=" is_clang=true clang_use_chrome_plugins=false" else myconf_gn+=" is_clang=false" fi # Force lld for lto or pgo builds only, otherwise disable, bug 641556 if use thinlto || use pgo || use nvidia; then myconf_gn+=" use_lld=true" else myconf_gn+=" use_lld=false" fi if use thinlto || use pgo; then AR=llvm-ar NM=llvm-nm if tc-is-cross-compiler; then BUILD_AR=llvm-ar BUILD_NM=llvm-nm fi fi # Define a custom toolchain for GN myconf_gn+=" custom_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default\"" if tc-is-cross-compiler; then tc-export BUILD_{AR,CC,CXX,NM} myconf_gn+=" host_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:host\"" myconf_gn+=" v8_snapshot_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:host\"" myconf_gn+=" pkg_config=\"$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG)\"" myconf_gn+=" host_pkg_config=\"$(tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG)\"" # setup cups-config, build system only uses --libs option if use cups; then mkdir "${T}/cups-config" || die cp "${ESYSROOT}/usr/bin/${CHOST}-cups-config" "${T}/cups-config/cups-config" || die export PATH="${PATH}:${T}/cups-config" fi # Don't inherit PKG_CONFIG_PATH from environment local -x PKG_CONFIG_PATH= else myconf_gn+=" host_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default\"" fi # Disable rust for now; it's only used for testing and we don't need the additional bdep myconf_gn+=" enable_rust=false" # GN needs explicit config for Debug/Release as opposed to inferring it from build directory. myconf_gn+=" is_debug=$(usex debug true false)" # enable DCHECK with USE=debug only, increases chrome binary size by 30%, bug #811138. # DCHECK is fatal by default, make it configurable at runtime, #bug 807881. myconf_gn+=" dcheck_always_on=$(usex debug true false)" myconf_gn+=" dcheck_is_configurable=$(usex debug true false)" myconf_gn+=" enable_iterator_debugging=$(usex debug true false)" if use debug; then myconf_gn+=" symbol_level=2" myconf_gn+=" blink_symbol_level=2" myconf_gn+=" v8_symbol_level=2" else myconf_gn+=" symbol_level=0" myconf_gn+=" blink_symbol_level=0" myconf_gn+=" v8_symbol_level=0" fi # Component build isn't generally intended for use by end users. It's mostly useful # for development and debugging. myconf_gn+=" is_component_build=false" # Disable nacl, we can't build without pnacl (http://crbug.com/269560). myconf_gn+=" enable_nacl=false" local gn_system_libraries=( flac fontconfig freetype libdrm libjpeg libwebp libxml libxslt zlib ) if use system-abseil-cpp; then gn_system_libraries+=( absl_algorithm absl_base absl_cleanup absl_container absl_debugging absl_flags absl_functional absl_hash absl_log absl_log_internal absl_memory absl_meta absl_numeric absl_random absl_status absl_strings absl_synchronization absl_time absl_types absl_utility ) fi if use system-brotli; then gn_system_libraries+=( brotli ) fi if use system-crc32c; then gn_system_libraries+=( crc32c ) fi if use system-double-conversion; then gn_system_libraries+=( double-conversion ) fi if use system-woff2; then gn_system_libraries+=( woff2 ) fi if use nvidia; then gn_system_libraries+=( libXNVCtrl ) fi if use system-ffmpeg; then gn_system_libraries+=( ffmpeg opus ) fi if use system-jsoncpp; then gn_system_libraries+=( jsoncpp ) fi if use system-icu; then gn_system_libraries+=( icu ) fi if use system-png; then gn_system_libraries+=( libpng ) myconf_gn+=" use_system_libpng=true" fi if use system-zstd; then gn_system_libraries+=( zstd ) fi if use system-av1; then gn_system_libraries+=( dav1d libaom ) fi if use system-libusb; then gn_system_libraries+=( libusb ) fi if use system-libvpx; then gn_system_libraries+=( libvpx ) fi if use system-libevent; then gn_system_libraries+=( libevent ) fi if use system-libjxl; then gn_system_libraries+=( libjxl ) fi use system-openh264 && gn_system_libraries+=( openh264 ) use system-re2 && gn_system_libraries+=( re2 ) use system-snappy && gn_system_libraries+=( snappy ) build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py --system-libraries "${gn_system_libraries[@]}" || die # See dependency logic in third_party/BUILD.gn myconf_gn+=" use_system_harfbuzz=$(usex system-harfbuzz true false)" # Optional dependencies. myconf_gn+=" enable_hangout_services_extension=$(usex hangouts true false)" myconf_gn+=" enable_widevine=$(usex widevine true false)" if use headless; then myconf_gn+=" use_cups=false" myconf_gn+=" use_kerberos=false" myconf_gn+=" use_pulseaudio=false" myconf_gn+=" use_vaapi=false" myconf_gn+=" rtc_use_pipewire=false" else myconf_gn+=" use_cups=$(usex cups true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_kerberos=$(usex kerberos true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_pulseaudio=$(usex pulseaudio true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_vaapi=$(usex vaapi true false)" myconf_gn+=" rtc_use_pipewire=$(usex screencast true false)" myconf_gn+=" gtk_version=$(usex gtk4 4 3)" fi # Allows distributions to link pulseaudio directly (DT_NEEDED) instead of # using dlopen. This helps with automated detection of ABI mismatches and # prevents silent errors. if use pulseaudio; then myconf_gn+=" link_pulseaudio=true" fi myconf_gn+=" disable_fieldtrial_testing_config=true" myconf_gn+=" use_gold=false" # The sysroot is the oldest debian image that chromium supports, we don't need it myconf_gn+=" use_sysroot=false" # This determines whether or not GN uses the bundled libcxx if use libcxx; then myconf_gn+=" use_custom_libcxx=true" else myconf_gn+=" use_custom_libcxx=false" fi myconf_gn+=" use_bluez=$(usex bluetooth true false)" myconf_gn+=" is_cfi=$(usex cfi true false)" if use cfi; then myconf_gn+=" use_cfi_icall=true" myconf_gn+=" use_cfi_cast=true" fi if use pgo; then myconf_gn+=" chrome_pgo_phase=2" myconf_gn+=" v8_enable_builtins_optimization=true" else myconf_gn+=" chrome_pgo_phase=0" fi myconf_gn+=" optimize_webui=$(usex optimize-webui true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_system_freetype=$(usex system-harfbuzz true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_system_libopenjpeg2=$(usex system-openjpeg true false)" myconf_gn+=" enable_pdf=true" myconf_gn+=" use_system_lcms2=true" myconf_gn+=" enable_print_preview=true" myconf_gn+=" enable_platform_hevc=$(usex hevc true false)" myconf_gn+=" enable_hevc_parser_and_hw_decoder=$(usex hevc true false)" # Ungoogled flags myconf_gn+=" build_with_tflite_lib=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_mdns=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser=$(usex proprietary-codecs true false)" myconf_gn+=" enable_reading_list=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_remoting=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_reporting=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_service_discovery=false" myconf_gn+=" exclude_unwind_tables=true" myconf_gn+=" google_api_key=\"\"" myconf_gn+=" google_default_client_id=\"\"" myconf_gn+=" google_default_client_secret=\"\"" # myconf_gn+=" safe_browsing_mode=0" myconf_gn+=" use_official_google_api_keys=false" myconf_gn+=" use_unofficial_version_number=false" # myconf_gn+=" enable_swiftshader=false" # Additional flags myconf_gn+=" perfetto_use_system_zlib=true" myconf_gn+=" use_system_zlib=true" myconf_gn+=" use_system_libjpeg=true" myconf_gn+=" rtc_build_examples=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_chromium_prelude=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_updater=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_update_notifications=false" # Cromite flags myconf_gn+=" use_v8_context_snapshot=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_jxl_decoder=true" # Disable pseudolocales, only used for testing myconf_gn+=" enable_pseudolocales=false" # Disable code formating of generated files myconf_gn+=" blink_enable_generated_code_formatting=false" ffmpeg_branding="$(usex proprietary-codecs Chrome Chromium)" myconf_gn+=" proprietary_codecs=$(usex proprietary-codecs true false)" myconf_gn+=" ffmpeg_branding=\"${ffmpeg_branding}\"" local myarch="$(tc-arch)" # Avoid CFLAGS problems, bug #352457, bug #390147. if ! use custom-cflags; then filter-flags "-O*" "-Wl,-O*" #See #25 strip-flags # Prevent linker from running out of address space, bug #471810 . if use x86; then filter-flags "-g*" fi # Prevent libvpx/xnnpack build failures. Bug 530248, 544702, 546984, 853646. if [[ ${myarch} == amd64 || ${myarch} == x86 ]]; then filter-flags -mno-mmx -mno-sse2 -mno-ssse3 -mno-sse4.1 -mno-avx -mno-avx2 -mno-fma -mno-fma4 -mno-xop -mno-sse4a fi if tc-is-gcc; then # https://bugs.gentoo.org/904455 local -x CPP="$(tc-getCXX) -E" # https://bugs.gentoo.org/912381 filter-lto fi fi local dest_cpu="" if [[ $myarch = amd64 ]] ; then dest_cpu=x64 myconf_gn+=" target_cpu=\"x64\"" ffmpeg_target_arch=x64 dest_cpu="x64" elif [[ $myarch = x86 ]] ; then myconf_gn+=" target_cpu=\"x86\"" ffmpeg_target_arch=ia32 dest_cpu="x86" # This is normally defined by compiler_cpu_abi in # build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn, but we patch that part out. append-flags -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mmmx elif [[ $myarch = arm64 ]] ; then myconf_gn+=" target_cpu=\"arm64\"" ffmpeg_target_arch=arm64 dest_cpu="arm64" elif [[ $myarch = arm ]] ; then myconf_gn+=" target_cpu=\"arm\"" ffmpeg_target_arch=$(usex cpu_flags_arm_neon arm-neon arm) dest_cpu="arm" elif [[ $myarch = ppc64 ]] ; then myconf_gn+=" target_cpu=\"ppc64\"" ffmpeg_target_arch=ppc64 dest_cpu="ppc64" else die "Failed to determine target arch, got '$myarch'." fi if use thinlto; then # We need to change the default value of import-instr-limit in # LLVM to limit the text size increase. The default value is # 100, and we change it to 30 to reduce the text size increase # from 25% to 10%. The performance number of page_cycler is the # same on two of the thinLTO configurations, we got 1% slowdown # on speedometer when changing import-instr-limit from 100 to 30. # append-ldflags "-Wl,-plugin-opt,-import-instr-limit=30" sed -i '/import_instr_limit = 5/{s++import_instr_limit = 30+;h};${x;/./{x;q0};x;q1}' \ build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn || die append-ldflags "-Wl,--thinlto-jobs=$(makeopts_jobs)" fi # Make sure that -Werror doesn't get added to CFLAGS by the build system. # Depending on GCC version the warnings are different and we don't want # the build to fail because of that. myconf_gn+=" treat_warnings_as_errors=false" # Disable fatal linker warnings, bug 506268. myconf_gn+=" fatal_linker_warnings=false" # Disable external code space for V8 for ppc64. It is disabled for ppc64 # by default, but cross-compiling on amd64 enables it again. if tc-is-cross-compiler; then if ! use amd64 && ! use arm64; then myconf_gn+=" v8_enable_external_code_space=false" fi fi # Only enabled for clang, but gcc has endian macros too myconf_gn+=" v8_use_libm_trig_functions=true" # Bug 491582. export TMPDIR="${WORKDIR}/temp" mkdir -p -m 755 "${TMPDIR}" || die # https://bugs.gentoo.org/654216 addpredict /dev/dri/ #nowarn # Disable unknown warning message from clang. if tc-is-clang; then append-flags -Wno-unknown-warning-option if tc-is-cross-compiler; then export BUILD_CXXFLAGS+=" -Wno-unknown-warning-option" export BUILD_CFLAGS+=" -Wno-unknown-warning-option" fi fi # Explicitly disable ICU data file support for system-icu/headless builds. if use system-icu || use headless; then myconf_gn+=" icu_use_data_file=false" fi # Don't need nocompile checks and GN crashes with our config myconf_gn+=" enable_nocompile_tests=false" # Enable ozone wayland and/or headless support myconf_gn+=" use_ozone=true ozone_auto_platforms=false" myconf_gn+=" ozone_platform_headless=true" if use headless; then myconf_gn+=" ozone_platform=\"headless\"" myconf_gn+=" use_xkbcommon=false use_gtk=false use_qt=false" myconf_gn+=" use_glib=false use_gio=false" myconf_gn+=" use_pangocairo=false use_alsa=false" myconf_gn+=" use_libpci=false use_udev=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_print_preview=false" myconf_gn+=" enable_remoting=false" else myconf_gn+=" use_system_libdrm=true" myconf_gn+=" use_system_minigbm=true" myconf_gn+=" use_xkbcommon=true" if use qt5 || use qt6; then local cbuild_libdir=$(get_libdir) if tc-is-cross-compiler; then # Hack to workaround get_libdir not being able to handle CBUILD, bug #794181 local cbuild_libdir=$($(tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG) --keep-system-libs --libs-only-L libxslt) cbuild_libdir=${cbuild_libdir:2} cbuild_libdir=${cbuild_libdir/% } fi if use qt5; then if tc-is-cross-compiler; then myconf_gn+=" moc_qt5_path=\"${EPREFIX}/${cbuild_libdir}/qt5/bin\"" else myconf_gn+=" moc_qt5_path=\"$(qt5_get_bindir)\"" fi fi if use qt6; then myconf_gn+=" moc_qt6_path=\"${EPREFIX}/usr/${cbuild_libdir}/qt6/libexec\"" fi myconf_gn+=" use_qt=true" myconf_gn+=" use_qt6=$(usex qt6 true false)" else myconf_gn+=" use_qt=false" fi myconf_gn+=" ozone_platform_x11=$(usex X true false)" myconf_gn+=" ozone_platform_wayland=$(usex wayland true false)" myconf_gn+=" ozone_platform=$(usex wayland \"wayland\" \"x11\")" use wayland && myconf_gn+=" use_system_libffi=true" fi # Results in undefined references in chrome linking, may require CFI to work if use arm64; then myconf_gn+=" arm_control_flow_integrity=\"none\"" fi # Enable official builds myconf_gn+=" is_official_build=$(usex official true false)" myconf_gn+=" use_thin_lto=$(usex thinlto true false)" myconf_gn+=" thin_lto_enable_optimizations=$(usex optimize-thinlto true false)" if use official; then # Allow building against system libraries in official builds sed -i 's/OFFICIAL_BUILD/GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD/' \ tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py || die else myconf_gn+=" devtools_skip_typecheck=false" fi # user CXXFLAGS might overwrite -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto, bug #851639 if use arm64 && tc-is-gcc; then sed -i '/^#if HAVE_ARM64_CRC32C/a #pragma GCC target ("+crc+crypto")' \ third_party/crc32c/src/src/crc32c_arm64.cc || die fi # skipping typecheck is only supported on amd64, bug #876157 if ! use amd64; then myconf_gn+=" devtools_skip_typecheck=false" fi # Facilitate deterministic builds (taken from build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn) append-cflags -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined append-cxxflags -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined append-cppflags "-D__DATE__= -D__TIME__= -D__TIMESTAMP__=" # TODO: uncomment # myconf_gn+=" import(\"${WORKDIR}/cromite-${CROMITE_COMMIT_ID}/build/bromite.gn_args\")" local flags einfo "Building with the following compiler settings:" for flags in C{C,XX} AR NM RANLIB {C,CXX,CPP,LD}FLAGS EXTRA_GN ; do einfo " ${flags} = \"${!flags}\"" done einfo "Configuring Cromite ..." set -- gn gen --args="${myconf_gn} ${EXTRA_GN}" out/Release echo "$@" "$@" || die # The "if" below should not be executed unless testing if [ ! -z "${NODIE}" ]; then # List all args # gn args --list out/Release # Quick compiler check eninja -C out/Release protoc torque fi } src_compile() { # Final link uses lots of file descriptors. ulimit -n 2048 # Calling this here supports resumption via FEATURES=keepwork python_setup # Don't inherit PYTHONPATH from environment, bug #789021, #812689 local -x PYTHONPATH= use convert-dict && eninja -C out/Release convert_dict # Build mksnapshot and pax-mark it. if use pax-kernel; then local x for x in mksnapshot v8_context_snapshot_generator; do if tc-is-cross-compiler; then eninja -C out/Release "host/${x}" pax-mark m "out/Release/host/${x}" else eninja -C out/Release "${x}" pax-mark m "out/Release/${x}" fi done fi # Even though ninja autodetects number of CPUs, we respect # user's options, for debugging with -j 1 or any other reason. eninja -C out/Release chrome use enable-driver && eninja -C out/Release chromedriver #use suid && eninja -C out/Release chrome_sandbox pax-mark m out/Release/chrome use enable-driver && mv out/Release/chromedriver{.unstripped,} rm -f out/Release/locales/*.pak.info || die # # Build manpage; bug #684550 # sed -e 's|@@PACKAGE@@|chromium-browser|g; # s|@@MENUNAME@@|Chromium|g;' \ # chrome/app/resources/manpage.1.in > \ # out/Release/chromium-browser.1 || die # Build desktop file; bug #706786 sed -e 's|@@MENUNAME@@|Cromite|g; s|@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@|cromite-browser|g; s|@@PACKAGE@@|cromite-browser|g; s|\(^Exec=\)/usr/bin/|\1|g;' \ chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template > \ out/Release/cromite-browser-cromite.desktop || die # Build vk_swiftshader_icd.json; bug #827861 sed -e 's|${ICD_LIBRARY_PATH}|./libvk_swiftshader.so|g' \ third_party/swiftshader/src/Vulkan/vk_swiftshader_icd.json.tmpl > \ out/Release/vk_swiftshader_icd.json || die } src_install() { local CHROMIUM_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/cromite" exeinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}" doexe out/Release/chrome if use convert-dict; then newexe "${FILESDIR}/update-dicts.sh" update-dicts.sh doexe out/Release/convert_dict fi #if use suid; then # newexe out/Release/chrome_sandbox chrome-sandbox # fperms 4755 "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/chrome-sandbox" #fi use enable-driver && doexe out/Release/chromedriver doexe out/Release/chrome_crashpad_handler ozone_auto_session () { use X && use wayland && ! use headless && echo true || echo false } local sedargs=( -e "s:/usr/lib/:/usr/$(get_libdir)/:g; s:@@OZONE_AUTO_SESSION@@:$(ozone_auto_session):g" ) sed "${sedargs[@]}" "${FILESDIR}/chromium-launcher-r7.sh" > cromite-launcher.sh || die doexe cromite-launcher.sh # It is important that we name the target "chromium-browser", # xdg-utils expect it; bug #355517. dosym "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/cromite-launcher.sh" /usr/bin/cromite-browser # keep the old symlink around for consistency dosym "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/cromite-launcher.sh" /usr/bin/cromite use enable-driver && dosym "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/chromedriver" /usr/bin/chromedriver # Allow users to override command-line options, bug #357629. insinto /etc/cromite newins "${FILESDIR}/chromium.default" "default" pushd out/Release/locales > /dev/null || die chromium_remove_language_paks popd insinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}" doins out/Release/*.bin doins out/Release/*.pak ( shopt -s nullglob local files=(out/Release/*.so out/Release/*.so.[0-9]) [[ ${#files[@]} -gt 0 ]] && doins "${files[@]}" ) # Install bundled xdg-utils, avoids installing X11 libraries with USE="-X wayland" doins out/Release/xdg-{settings,mime} if ! use system-icu && ! use headless; then doins out/Release/icudtl.dat fi doins -r out/Release/locales #doins -r out/Release/MEIPreload # Install vk_swiftshader_icd.json; bug #827861 doins out/Release/vk_swiftshader_icd.json if [[ -d out/Release/swiftshader ]]; then insinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/swiftshader" doins out/Release/swiftshader/*.so fi use widevine && dosym WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_x64/libwidevinecdm.so /usr/$(get_libdir)/chromium-browser/libwidevinecdm.so # # Install icons # local branding size # for size in 16 24 32 48 64 128 256 ; do # case ${size} in # 16|32) branding="chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium" ;; # *) branding="chrome/app/theme/chromium" ;; # esac # newicon -s ${size} "${branding}/product_logo_${size}.png" \ # chromium-browser.png # done # newicon -s 128 chrome/app/theme/chromium/win/tiles/SmallLogo.png cromite-browser.png # newicon -s 256 chrome/app/theme/chromium/win/tiles/Logo.png cromite-browser.png newicon -s 48 chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-mdpi/app_icon.png cromite-browser.png newicon -s 72 chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-hdpi/app_icon.png cromite-browser.png newicon -s 96 chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xhdpi/app_icon.png cromite-browser.png newicon -s 192 chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xxxhdpi/app_icon.png cromite-browser.png # Install desktop entry domenu out/Release/cromite-browser-cromite.desktop #TODO # # Install GNOME default application entry (bug #303100). # insinto /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps # newins "${FILESDIR}"/chromium-browser.xml chromium-browser.xml #TODO # # Install manpage; bug #684550 # doman out/Release/chromium-browser.1 # dosym chromium-browser.1 /usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1 readme.gentoo_create_doc } pkg_postrm() { xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update } pkg_postinst() { xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update readme.gentoo_print_elog if ! use headless; then if use vaapi; then elog "VA-API is disabled by default at runtime. You have to enable it" elog "by adding --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder and " elog "--disable-features=UseChromeOSDirectVideoDecoder to CHROMIUM_FLAGS" elog "in /etc/chromium/default." fi if use screencast; then elog "Screencast is disabled by default at runtime. Either enable it" elog "by navigating to chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer" elog "inside Chromium or add --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer" elog "to CHROMIUM_FLAGS in /etc/chromium/default." elog elog "Additional setup may be required for screencasting to work." elog "See issue: https://github.com/PF4Public/gentoo-overlay/issues/314" fi if use gtk4; then elog "Chromium prefers GTK3 over GTK4 at runtime. To override this" elog "behaviour you need to pass --gtk-version=4, e.g. by adding it" elog "to CHROMIUM_FLAGS in /etc/chromium/default." fi if use widevine; then elog "widevine requires binary plugins, which are distributed separately" elog "Make sure you have www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins installed" fi if use qt5 && use qt6; then elog "Chromium automatically selects Qt5 or Qt6 based on your desktop" elog "environment. To override you need to pass --qt-version=5 or" elog "--qt-version=6, e.g. by adding it to CHROMIUM_FLAGS in" elog "/etc/chromium/default." fi fi } eapply_wrapper () { if [ ! -z "${NODIE}" ]; then if ! nonfatal eapply "$@" ; then SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES_FAILED=$((SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES_FAILED++)) fi else eapply "$@" fi } git_wrapper () { if [ ! -z "${NODIE}" ]; then if git "$@" ; then SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES_FAILED=$((SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES_FAILED++)) fi else git "$@" || die fi }