# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit fcaps go-module systemd shell-completion DESCRIPTION="Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker with many features written in Go" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/0xERR0R/blocky/" DOCUMENTATION_COMMIT=8c38c181ca6600328847f3c9856df99b0c3ad04b if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/0xERR0R/blocky.git" else SRC_URI=" https://github.com/0xERR0R/blocky/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz https://github.com/rahilarious/gentoo-distfiles/releases/download/${P}/deps.tar.xz -> ${P}-deps.tar.xz doc? ( https://github.com/0xERR0R/blocky/archive/${DOCUMENTATION_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}-docs.tar.gz ) " KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64" fi # main LICENSE="Apache-2.0" # deps LICENSE+=" AGPL-3 BSD-2 BSD ISC MIT MPL-2.0" SLOT="0" IUSE="doc" RESTRICT="test" RDEPEND=" acct-user/blocky acct-group/blocky " # PATCHES=( # "${FILESDIR}"/disable-failed-tests-0.22.patch # ) FILECAPS=( -m 755 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' usr/bin/"${PN}" ) src_unpack() { if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then git-r3_src_unpack go-module_live_vendor if use doc; then EGIT_BRANCH="gh-pages" EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR="${WORKDIR}/${P}-doc" git-r3_src_unpack fi else default fi } src_compile() { [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && { export VERSION="${PV}" && ln -sv ../vendor ./ || die ; } # mimicking project's Dockerfile emake GO_SKIP_GENERATE=yes GO_BUILD_FLAGS="-tags static -v " build local shell for shell in bash fish zsh; do bin/"${PN}" completion "${shell}" > "${PN}"."${shell}" || die done } src_test() { # mimcking make test ego run github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo --label-filter="!e2e" --coverprofile=coverage.txt --covermode=atomic \ --cover -r -p ego tool cover -html coverage.txt -o coverage.html } src_install() { # primary program dobin bin/"${PN}" # secondary supplements insinto /etc/"${PN}" newins docs/config.yml config.yml.sample newbashcomp "${PN}".bash "${PN}" dofishcomp "${PN}".fish newzshcomp "${PN}".zsh _"${PN}" # TODO openrc services systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/blocky-0.22.service "${PN}".service # docs einstalldocs if use doc; then if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then dodoc -r ../"${P}"-doc/main/* else dodoc -r ../"${PN}"-"${DOCUMENTATION_COMMIT}"/v"${PV}"/* fi fi }