# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # TODOs: # - fix QA notice about installing symlinks in /usr/lib EAPI=8 inherit linux-info linux-mod DESCRIPTION="Desktop Video - drivers and tools for products by Blackmagic Design including DeckLink, UltraStudio and Intensity" HOMEPAGE="http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/" HOMEPAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME="Desktop Video ${PV}" SRC_URI="Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_${PV}.tar.gz" DESKTOP_VIDEO_SHORT_VERSION="12.2.2" DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION="12.2.2a6" CONTAINER_DIR="Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_${DESKTOP_VIDEO_SHORT_VERSION}" UNPACKED_DIR="desktopvideo-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION}-x86_64" LICENSE="BlackmagicDesktopVideo" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" #IUSE="autostart patch_compat" IUSE="autostart +desktop" RESTRICT="fetch splitdebug strip" # dependencies found via command: (ldd would include transitive dependencies) # for file in /usr/lib/libDeckLink* /usr/lib/blackmagic/DesktopVideo/* /usr/lib/blackmagic/DesktopVideo/plugins/*/*; do objdump -p $file | grep NEEDED; done 2>/dev/null | cut -b24- | sort | uniq | grep -vE 'lib(Qt5(Core|Network|Gui|Widgets)|qxcb|qgtk2|DeckLink)' # equery belongs $(for file in /usr/lib/libDeckLink* /usr/lib/blackmagic/DesktopVideo/* /usr/lib/blackmagic/DesktopVideo/plugins/*/*; do objdump -p $file | grep NEEDED; done 2>/dev/null | cut -b24- | sort | uniq | grep -vE 'lib(Qt5(Core|Network|Gui|Widgets)|qxcb|qgtk2|DeckLink)') DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} desktop? ( media-libs/freetype media-libs/fontconfig media-libs/libglvnd sys-apps/dbus x11-libs/libICE x11-libs/libSM x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXrender x11-libs/libxcb ) dev-libs/glib dev-libs/libusb sys-apps/util-linux sys-devel/gcc sys-libs/glibc sys-libs/libcxx sys-libs/libcxxabi " # supress QA warnings about stripping etc., i.e. stuff we cannot change since we install prebuilt binaries QA_PREBUILT="opt/blackmagic-desktop-video/usr/bin/* opt/blackmagic-desktop-video/usr/lib/*" # for kernel module compilation MODULE_NAMES="blackmagic(misc:${S}/usr/src/blackmagic-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION}:${S}/usr/src/blackmagic-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION}) blackmagic-io(misc:${S}/usr/src/blackmagic-io-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION}:${S}/usr/src/blackmagic-io-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION})" BUILD_TARGETS="clean all" BUILD_PARAMS="-j1" # work around race-condition causing .bmd-support.o.cmd to be missing CONFIG_CHECK="~!WERROR" ERROR_WERROR="If compilation fails disable CONFIG_WERROR and recompile kernel before retrying." #PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR=4 #PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR=10 #OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR=4 #OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR=9 pkg_nofetch() { # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 einfo "Please visit ${HOMEPAGE} and download \"${HOMEPAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME}\"" einfo "for your product from the support section and move it to your DISTDIR" einfo "(/var/cache/distfiles or /usr/portage/distfiles unless you changed it)." einfo "" einfo " expected filename: ${SRC_URI}" einfo "" einfo "If your browser downloads a .tar file you will need to rename it to .tar.gz" } #pkg_pretend() { # if kernel_is -gt $PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR $PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR; then # # 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # ewarn "Your kernel version seems to be unsupported; you have two options if modules do" # ewarn "not work/compile:" # ewarn "" # ewarn " 1) Recommended: downgrade to an officially supported kernel version (e.g. ${OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR}.${OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR})" # ewarn "" # ewarn " 2) Downgrade to an inofficially supported kernel version (max. ${PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR}.${PATCH_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR}) and apply" # ewarn " the *inofficial* patch which allows more recent kernel versions but may void" # ewarn " warranty permanently. This can be done by setting the USE-flag patch_compat" # ewarn " for this ebuild. The patch is not guaranteed to work at all and may even" # ewarn " damage your hardware. Use at your own risk; you've been warned!" # ewarn "" # ewarn "It's highly recommended to choose option 1 and wait for an officially supported" # ewarn "update unless you want to risk loosing your hardware and support." # elif kernel_is -gt $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR && ! use patch_compat; then # # 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # ewarn "Your kernel version seems to be unsupported; you have two options if modules do" # ewarn "not work/compile:" # ewarn "" # ewarn " 1) Recommended: downgrade to an officially supported kernel version (e.g. ${OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR}.${OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR})" # ewarn "" # ewarn " 2) Apply an *inofficial* patch which allows more recent kernel versions but may" # ewarn " void warranty permanently. This can be done by setting the USE-flag" # ewarn " patch_compat for this ebuild. The patch is not guaranteed to work at all" # ewarn " and may even damage your hardware. Use at your own risk; you've been warned!" # ewarn "" # ewarn "It's highly recommended to choose option 1 and wait for an officially supported" # ewarn "update unless you want to risk loosing your hardware and support." # elif kernel_is -le $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR && use patch_compat; then # # 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # einfo "Your kernel version is officially supported by this release. It is recommended" # einfo "to unset patch_compat USE flag until you need it again." # einfo "Inofficial patches will not be applied this time." # fi #} src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${WORKDIR} tar xfz ${CONTAINER_DIR}/other/x86_64/desktopvideo-${DESKTOP_VIDEO_VERSION}-x86_64.tar.gz # symlink to what is supposed to have been prepared ln -s ${UNPACKED_DIR} ${P} } #src_prepare() { # if kernel_is -gt $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR && use patch_compat; then # if kernel_is -gt 4 9; then # epatch "${FILESDIR}/10_9_0__4_10_get_user_pages_remote.patch" # fi # fi #} src_compile() { # library/tools are binary but kernel module requires compilation linux-mod_src_compile } src_install() { # all pre-built binaries should go into /opt and be symlinked to usr/bin etc. finalinstalldir="/opt/blackmagic-desktop-video" installdir="${D}${finalinstalldir}" mkdir -p ${installdir} cp -a ${WORKDIR}/${UNPACKED_DIR}/* ${installdir}/ # copy text files (readme and license) from parent directory cp -a ${WORKDIR}/${CONTAINER_DIR}/*.txt ${installdir}/ # there should a blank directory in /etc according to the archive... mkdir -p ${installdir}/etc/blackmagic chmod 755 ${installdir}/etc/blackmagic # NOTE: Not linking usr/lib/systemd as I don't use that and thus can't test it... symlinks=( 'etc/init.d/DesktopVideoHelper' 'usr/bin/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup' 'usr/bin/DesktopVideoUpdateTool' 'usr/bin/DesktopVideoUpdater' 'usr/lib/blackmagic' 'usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so' 'usr/lib/libDeckLinkPreviewAPI.so' 'usr/share/applications/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.desktop' 'usr/share/applications/DesktopVideoUpdater.desktop' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/DesktopVideoUpdater.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/DesktopVideoUpdater.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/DesktopVideoUpdater.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/DesktopVideoUpdater.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.png' 'usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/DesktopVideoUpdater.png' ) for path in "${symlinks[@]}"; do dosym /opt/blackmagic-desktop-video/${path} ${path} done # copy but do not compress documentation # reason for having it twice (in /opt and /usr): # - symlinking with original directory names causes a QA notice as we should use our package name # - symlinking with our package name causes some weird sandbox violation docompress -x /usr/share/doc docinto desktopvideo dodoc -r ${finalinstalldir}/usr/share/doc/desktopvideo/* docinto desktopvideo-gui dodoc -r ${finalinstalldir}/usr/share/doc/desktopvideo-gui/* # dneuge: no clue on how to use this... ## QA notice says we should generate a linker script if we don't place libraries in /usr/lib ## see: https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-reference/toolchain-funcs.eclass/index.html #gen_usr_ldscript usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so usr/lib/libDeckLinkPreviewAPI.so # don't symlink man-pages, install a copy instead # NOTE: DesktopVideoHelper appears to have disappeared, so we won't install the man page either doman usr/share/man/man1/BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup.1 doman usr/share/man/man1/BlackmagicFirmwareUpdater.1 doman usr/share/man/man1/DesktopVideoHelper.1 doman usr/share/man/man1/DesktopVideoUpdateTool.1 doman usr/share/man/man1/DesktopVideoUpdater.1 # udev rules should be placed in /lib/udev/rules.d instead dosym /opt/blackmagic-desktop-video/etc/udev/rules.d/55-blackmagic.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/55-blackmagic.rules # add firmware check to autostart? if use autostart; then dosym /opt/blackmagic-desktop-video/etc/xdg/autostart/DesktopVideoUpdaterAutoStart.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/DesktopVideoUpdaterAutoStart.desktop fi # kernel module linux-mod_src_install } pkg_postinst() { # kernel module linux-mod_pkg_postinst # 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 einfo "" einfo "Please do *NOT* report any QA errors to Gentoo or Blackmagic!" einfo "" einfo "Kernel modules are blackmagic and blackmagic-io. Try blackmagic if in doubt." einfo "When upgrading, please rmmod both first. Then modprobe blackmagic to see if it" einfo "works (it should print your devices to kernel log)." einfo "" einfo "Installed tools are DesktopVideoUpdateTool (CLI), DesktopVideoUpdater (GUI) and" einfo "BlackmagicDesktopVideoSetup." einfo "" einfo "For Media Express emerge media-video/blackmagic-media-express." einfo "" if use autostart; then einfo "Automated firmware update check has been installed." else einfo "Automated firmware update check has *not* been installed this time." einfo "(set USE flag autostart if you want that)" fi einfo "" einfo "If your product is not being recognized, there are two common reasons:" einfo "" einfo " 1) You may need to increase the vmalloc limit in your kernel." einfo " This can be done by adding e.g. vmalloc=256M to your kernel boot line. You" einfo " can see current usage by running" einfo "" einfo " # grep VmallocUsed /proc/meminfo" einfo "" einfo " 2) Your firmware may be outdated. Make sure you reload the modules (or simply" einfo " reboot) and then run DesktopVideoUpdateTool (CLI) or, if you prefer," einfo " DesktopVideoUpdater (GUI)" einfo "" einfo "Licenses can be found in: ${finalinstalldir}/usr/share/doc/" einfo "" einfo "We are reloading udev rules now..." /bin/udevadm control --reload-rules || einfo " ... failed, you may want to check this before rebooting!" #if kernel_is -gt $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MAJOR $OFFICIAL_COMPAT_MAX_MINOR && use patch_compat; then # # 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # ewarn "" # ewarn " *** YOU HAVE APPLIED INOFFICIAL PATCHES TO INSTALLED KERNEL MODULES ***" # ewarn " *** DO NOT REPORT ANY ERRORS TO BLACKMAGIC, YOU BREAK WARRANTY ***" # ewarn "" # ewarn "Applying those patches is generally discouraged as it can potentially damage" # ewarn "your hardware and therefore may void your warranty. You are recommended to" # ewarn "go back to an older kernel and wait for an official update instead of applying" # ewarn "these patches. At the very least, note that there is no support of any kind when" # ewarn "using patched drivers. Avoid contacting the vendor for support while using" # ewarn "inofficial drivers. Revert to official drivers and retry with untainted hardware" # ewarn "if something doesn't work as expected. Additionally, your system may behave" # ewarn "unstable." # ewarn "" # ewarn "Remove USE-flag patch_compat and re-emerge this ebuild immediately before use" # ewarn "if you enabled it accidentally." # ewarn "" # ewarn " *** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ***" #fi } pkg_postrm() { # kernel module linux-mod_pkg_postrm }