# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="5" inherit cmake-utils eutils versionator CMAKE_MIN_VERSION="2.8.3" MY_MAJORV="0$(get_major_version)" MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators "_" "$MY_MAJORV-"$(get_after_major_version)) MY_P="${PN}_${MY_PV}" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" SLOT="0" DESCRIPTION="Virtual-Reality Peripheral Network" HOMEPAGE="http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/vrpn/" SRC_URI="http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/${PN}/downloads/${MY_P}.zip" LICENSE="Boost-1.0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" # TODO: USE flags: ghost, intersense, java, jsonnet, libnifalcon, nidaqmx, openhaptics, phantom, python, viewpoint IUSE="gpm hid modbus mpi +server usb wiiuse" REQUIRED_USE=" wiiuse? ( server ) " # VRPN comes bundled with its subproject libquat RDEPEND=" hid? ( dev-libs/hidapi ) modbus? ( dev-libs/libmodbus ) mpi? ( virtual/mpi ) usb? ( >=virtual/libusb-1 ) wiiuse? ( games-util/wiiuse ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( $(cmake-utils_use gpm) $(cmake-utils_use gpm VRPN_USE_GPM_MOUSE) $(cmake-utils_use hid VRPN_USE_HID) $(cmake-utils_use modbus VRPN_USE_MODBUS) $(cmake-utils_use mpi VRPN_USE_MPI) $(cmake-utils_use server VRPN_BUILD_SERVERS) # Server applications $(cmake-utils_use server VRPN_BUILD_SERVER_LIBRARY) $(cmake-utils_use server VRPN_GPL_SERVER) $(cmake-utils_use usb VRPN_USE_LIBUSB_1_0) # To enable bindings for Python 2.x generated by SWIG set VRPN_BUILD_PYTHON -DVRPN_BUILD_PYTHON=NO # To enable bindings for Python 2.x set VRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANDCODED_2X -DVRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANDCODED_2X=NO # To enable bindings for Python 3.x set VRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANDCODED_3X -DVRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANDCODED_3X=NO -DVRPN_BUILD_JAVA=NO $(cmake-utils_use wiiuse VRPN_USE_WIIUSE) -DVRPN_USE_LOCAL_HIDAPI=NO # Disable bundled HIDAPI -DVRPN_USE_LOCAL_JSONCPP=NO # Disable bundled jsoncpp ) cmake-utils_src_configure }