# Copyright 2009-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{11..13} ) inherit desktop flag-o-matic multilib python-any-r1 xdg-utils DESCRIPTION="A glossy Matrix collaboration client for desktop" HOMEPAGE="https://element.io/" LICENSE="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" SRC_URI="" REPO="https://github.com/vector-im/element-desktop" ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT="33" #ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID="ae245c9b1f06e79cec4829f8cd1555206b0ec8f2" IUSE="electron-27 electron-28 electron-29 electron-30 electron-31 electron-32 electron-34 native-modules" if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="${REPO}.git" EGIT_BRANCH="develop" DOWNLOAD="" IUSE+=" +build-online" else IUSE+=" build-online" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86" DOWNLOAD="${REPO}/archive/" if [ -z "$ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID" ] then DOWNLOAD+="v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" else DOWNLOAD+="${ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID}" fi fi SRC_URI+="${DOWNLOAD}" RESTRICT="mirror build-online? ( network-sandbox )" REQUIRED_USE=" native-modules? ( build-online ) " COMMON_DEPEND=" ~net-im/element-web-${PV} native-modules? ( dev-db/sqlcipher ) electron-27? ( dev-util/electron:27 ) electron-28? ( dev-util/electron:28 ) electron-29? ( dev-util/electron:29 ) electron-30? ( dev-util/electron:30 ) electron-31? ( dev-util/electron:31 ) electron-32? ( dev-util/electron:32 ) electron-34? ( dev-util/electron:34 ) !electron-27? ( !electron-28? ( !electron-29? ( !electron-30? ( !electron-31? ( !electron-32? ( !electron-34? ( dev-util/electron:${ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT} ) ) ) ) ) ) ) " RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} " DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} " BDEPEND=" ${PYTHON_DEPS} $(python_gen_any_dep ' dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ') native-modules? ( || ( dev-lang/rust dev-lang/rust-bin ) ) net-libs/nodejs sys-apps/yarn " python_check_deps() { python_has_version "dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" } #TODO: net-im/element-web -> runtime/buildtime dep src_unpack() { if use electron-27; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=27 elif use electron-28; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=28 elif use electron-29; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=29 elif use electron-30; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=30 elif use electron-31; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=31 elif use electron-32; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=32 elif use electron-34; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=34 else export ELECTRON_SLOT=$ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT fi if [ -z "$ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID" ] then if [ -f "${DISTDIR}/${P}.tar.gz" ]; then unpack "${P}".tar.gz || die else git-r3_src_unpack fi else unpack "${PN}-${ELEMENT_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz" || die fi } src_compile() { OLD_PATH=$PATH PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}:$PATH" export PATH export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node" export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node" export ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD=1 yarn config set disable-self-update-check true || die yarn config set nodedir /usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node || die # #! Until electron-builder >=22.11.5 # yarn config set ignore-engines true || die if ! use build-online; then ONLINE_OFFLINE="--offline --frozen-lockfile" yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror "${DISTDIR}" || die fi einfo "Removing playwright from dependencies" sed -i '/playwright":/d' package.json || die einfo "Installing node_modules" node /usr/bin/yarn install --ignore-scripts ${ONLINE_OFFLINE} --no-progress || die node node_modules/.bin/tsc || die node node_modules/.bin/tsx scripts/copy-res.ts || die if use native-modules then node /usr/bin/yarn run build:native || die fi # # Electron-Builder doesn't support ppc64 due to using precompiled binaries # if ! use ppc64; then # einfo "Editing ElectronFramework.js" # sed -i 's/return unpack(options, createDownloadOpts.*$/return true;/' \ # node_modules/app-builder-lib/out/electron/ElectronFramework.js || die # sed -i 's/return beforeCopyExtraFiles(options);$/return true;/' \ # node_modules/app-builder-lib/out/electron/ElectronFramework.js || die # #!Error: With electron's node: "Unknown argument" electron/electron#25379 # #!Error: With electron's node: "Invalid package app.asar" # /usr/bin/node node_modules/.bin/electron-builder --dir || die # else einfo "Manually preparing app.asar" local distdir="dist/linux-unpacked/resources" mkdir -p ${distdir}/node_modules || die cp -r lib ${distdir} || die # Copying yarn.lock allows freezing versions to the build versions cp package.json yarn.lock ${distdir} || die pushd ${distdir} &> /dev/null || die node /usr/bin/yarn install ${ONLINE_OFFLINE} --production \ --no-progress --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts || die popd &> /dev/null || die rm ${distdir}/yarn.lock || die if use native-modules; then cp -r .hak/hakModules/matrix-seshat ${distdir}/node_modules/ || die fi einfo "Creating archive" /usr/bin/node node_modules/@electron/asar/bin/asar.js pack ${distdir} ${distdir}/app.asar \ --unpack-dir '{**/Release,**/matrix-seshat}' || die # Remove unarchived copies of files (they are still in app.asar) rm -r ${distdir}/node_modules || die rm -r ${distdir}/lib || die cp -r res/img ${distdir} || die # fi #cp -r /usr/share/element-web webapp #rm -f webapp/config.json #cp -f /etc/element-web/config.json webapp/config.json #node node_modules/.bin/asar p webapp webapp.asar #node node_modules/.bin/asar l webapp.asar export PATH=${OLD_PATH} } src_install() { insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/element-desktop" doins -r dist/linux-unpacked/resources/* dosym ../../share/element-web /usr/$(get_libdir)/element-desktop/webapp exeinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/element-desktop" cp "${FILESDIR}/read_flags_file" dist/linux-unpacked/resources/element-desktop sed -i "s|@ELECTRON@|element-desktop|" dist/linux-unpacked/resources/element-desktop echo "\"/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/electron\" \ /usr/$(get_libdir)/element-desktop/app.asar \"\${flags[@]}\" \"\$@\"" >> dist/linux-unpacked/resources/element-desktop doexe dist/linux-unpacked/resources/element-desktop dosym "/usr/$(get_libdir)/element-desktop/element-desktop" /usr/bin/element-desktop # Install icons local branding size for size in 16 24 48 64 96 128 256 512 ; do newicon -s ${size} "build/icons/${size}x${size}.png" \ element-desktop.png done make_desktop_entry "/usr/bin/element-desktop" Element \ "element-desktop" "Network;Chat" } pkg_postrm() { xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update } pkg_postinst() { xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update }