# Copyright 2009-2023 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{11..13} ) inherit desktop flag-o-matic multilib ninja-utils pax-utils portability python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs xdg-utils DESCRIPTION="Visual Studio Code - Open Source" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/microsoft/vscode" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" VS_RIPGREP_V="1.15.9" SRC_URI=" https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@vscode/ripgrep/-/ripgrep-${VS_RIPGREP_V}.tgz -> @vscode-ripgrep-${VS_RIPGREP_V}.tgz " REPO="https://github.com/microsoft/vscode" #CODE_COMMIT_ID="ae245c9b1f06e79cec4829f8cd1555206b0ec8f2" IUSE="api-proposals badge-providers electron-27 electron-28 electron-29 electron-31 electron-32 electron-33 electron-34 openvsx reh reh-web substitute-urls temp-fix" if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="${REPO}.git" DOWNLOAD="" IUSE+=" +build-online" ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT="30" else IUSE+=" build-online" ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT="30" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86" DOWNLOAD="${REPO}/archive/" if [ -z "$CODE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then DOWNLOAD+="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" else DOWNLOAD+="${CODE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${CODE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${CODE_COMMIT_ID}" fi fi SRC_URI+="${DOWNLOAD}" RESTRICT="mirror build-online? ( network-sandbox )" REQUIRED_USE="" COMMON_DEPEND=" >=app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.8:= >=x11-libs/libX11-1.6.9:= >=x11-libs/libxkbfile-1.1.0:= virtual/krb5 sys-apps/ripgrep electron-27? ( dev-util/electron:27 ) electron-28? ( dev-util/electron:28 ) electron-29? ( dev-util/electron:29 ) electron-31? ( dev-util/electron:31 ) electron-32? ( dev-util/electron:32 ) electron-33? ( dev-util/electron:33 ) electron-34? ( dev-util/electron:34 ) !electron-27? ( !electron-28? ( !electron-29? ( !electron-31? ( !electron-32? ( !electron-33? ( !electron-34? ( dev-util/electron:${ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT} ) ) ) ) ) ) ) " #TODO: oniguruma? RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} " DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} " BDEPEND=" ${PYTHON_DEPS} $(python_gen_any_dep ' dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ') !temp-fix? ( net-libs/nodejs ) sys-apps/yarn " python_check_deps() { python_has_version "dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" } src_unpack() { if use electron-27; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=27 elif use electron-28; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=28 elif use electron-29; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=29 elif use electron-31; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=31 elif use electron-32; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=32 elif use electron-33; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=33 elif use electron-34; then export ELECTRON_SLOT=34 else export ELECTRON_SLOT=$ELECTRON_SLOT_DEFAULT fi if [ -z "$CODE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then if [ -f "${DISTDIR}/${P}.tar.gz" ]; then unpack "${P}".tar.gz || die else # if use electron-29 || use electron-30; then # EGIT_BRANCH="electron-29.x.y" # fi git-r3_src_unpack fi else unpack "${PN}-${CODE_COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz" || die fi } src_prepare() { default # einfo "Restoring electron 12 support" # patch -Rup1 -i "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-f95b7e935f0edf1b41a2195fbe380078b29ab8f8.patch" || die einfo "Add PPC target to package build scripts" patch -p1 -i "${FILESDIR}/ppc64le/add-ppc-target.patch" || die einfo "Removing vscode-ripgrep and other dependencies" sed -i '/ripgrep"/d' package.json || die sed -i '/telemetry-extractor"/d' package.json || die sed -i '/git-blame-ignore/d' build/npm/postinstall.js || die einfo "Allowing any nodejs version" sed -i 's/if (majorNodeVersion < 16.*/if (false){/' build/npm/preinstall.js || die # ewarn "Removing extensions/npm, see #203" # ewarn "Please poke Microsoft here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/181598" # rm -r extensions/npm # sed -i '/extensions\/npm/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die #TODO: applicationinsights # sed -i '/applicationinsights/d' package.json || die # sed -i '/buildWebNodePaths/d' build/gulpfile.compile.js || die # sed -i '/"electron"/d' package.json || die # sed -i '/vscode-ripgrep/d' remote/package.json || die # sed -i '/"playwright"/d' package.json || die sed -i '/test-web"/d' package.json || die sed -i '/"typescript-web-server"/d' extensions/typescript-language-features/package.json || die einfo "Editing postinstall.js" #sed -i "s/ || arg === '--frozen-lockfile'/ || arg === '--frozen-lockfile' || arg === '--offline' || arg === '--no-progress'/" build/npm/postinstall.js || die sed -i '/git config pull/d' build/npm/postinstall.js || die einfo "Editing dirs.js" if ! ( use reh || use reh-web ); then sed -i '/remote/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die fi sed -i '/test\/automation/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die sed -i '/test\/integration\/browser/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die sed -i '/test\/smoke/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die sed -i '/test\/monaco/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die sed -i '/vscode-selfhost-test-provider/d' build/npm/dirs.js || die einfo "Editing build/gulpfile.extensions.js" sed -i '/bundle-marketplace-extensions-build/d' build/gulpfile.extensions.js || die einfo "Editing build/gulpfile.vscode.js" #sed -i 's/ffmpegChromium: true/ffmpegChromium: false/' build/gulpfile.vscode.js || die sed -i '/ffmpegChromium/d' build/gulpfile.vscode.js || die sed -i 's$// Build$process.noAsar = true;$' build/gulpfile.vscode.js || die einfo "Editing build/gulpfile.vscode.linux.js" sed -i 's/gulp.task(buildDebTask);$/gulp.task(prepareDebTask);gulp.task(buildDebTask);/' build/gulpfile.vscode.linux.js || die sed -i 's/const sysroot =.*$/const sysroot = false;/' build/gulpfile.vscode.linux.js || die sed -i 's/const dependencies =.*$/const dependencies = [];/' build/gulpfile.vscode.linux.js || die einfo "Editing product.json" mv product.json product.json.bak || die sed -i '1d' product.json.bak || die cat "${FILESDIR}/heading.json" > product.json if use openvsx; then cat "${FILESDIR}/openvsx.json" >> product.json else cat "${FILESDIR}/marketplace.json" >> product.json fi if use badge-providers; then cat "${FILESDIR}/badge_prov.json" >> product.json fi if use api-proposals; then cat "${FILESDIR}/api-proposals.json" >> product.json fi cat product.json.bak >> product.json einfo "Disabling telemetry by default" perl -0777 -pi -e "s/'default': true,\n\s*'restricted': true,/'default': false,'restricted': true,/m or die" src/vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryService.ts || die perl -0777 -pi -e "s/'default': TelemetryConfiguration.ON,/'default': TelemetryConfiguration.OFF,/m or die" src/vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryService.ts || die perl -0777 -pi -e "s/'default': true,\n\s*'tags': \['usesOnlineServices', 'telemetry'\]/'default': false,'tags': ['usesOnlineServices', 'telemetry']/m or die" src/vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution.ts || die einfo "Disabling automatic updates by default" perl -0777 -pi -e "s/enum: \['none', 'manual', 'start', 'default'\],\n\s*default: 'default',/enum: ['none', 'manual', 'start', 'default'], default: 'none',/m or die" src/vs/platform/update/common/update.config.contribution.ts || die if use substitute-urls; then ebegin "Substituting urls" #Taken from VSCodium TELEMETRY_URLS="[^/]+\.data\.microsoft\.com" REPLACEMENT="s/$TELEMETRY_URLS/0\.0\.0\.0/g" grep -rl --exclude-dir=.git -E $TELEMETRY_URLS . | xargs sed -i -E $REPLACEMENT eend $? || die fi } src_configure() { local myarch="$(tc-arch)" if [[ $myarch = amd64 ]]; then VSCODE_ARCH="x64" elif [[ $myarch = x86 ]]; then VSCODE_ARCH="ia32" elif [[ $myarch = arm64 ]]; then VSCODE_ARCH="arm64" elif [[ $myarch = arm ]]; then VSCODE_ARCH="armhf" elif [[ $myarch = ppc64 ]]; then VSCODE_ARCH="ppc64" else die "Failed to determine target arch, got '$myarch'." fi #TODO: exported but unavailable if emerge/ebuild restarted export VSCODE_ARCH # #TODO: should work starting with electron-22 # if use electron-20 || use electron-21 || use electron-23 || use electron-24; then # CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -std=c++17"; # use build-online || eerror "build-online should be enabled for nan substitution to work" || die; # sed -i 's$"resolutions": {$"resolutions": {"nan": "^2.17.0",$' package.json || die; # fi #TODO: temp fix if use electron-32 || use electron-33 || use electron-34; then # CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -std=c++20"; use build-online || eerror "build-online should be enabled for node-addon-api substitution to work" || die; sed -i 's$"resolutions": {$"resolutions": {"node-addon-api": "^7.1.0",$' package.json || die; fi # if use build-online; then # sed -i 's$"dependencies":$"resolutions": {"nan": "^2.18.0"},"dependencies":$' package.json || die; # else # ewarn "If have enabled electron-28/29 and the build fails, try enabling build-online" # fi ebegin "Installing node_modules" # yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror ${T}/yarn_cache || die OLD_PATH=$PATH PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}:$PATH" export PATH export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node" export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node" #! vvvvvv mongodb-js/kerberos fixed in main (> 2.1.0) export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -DNODE_API_EXPERIMENTAL_NOGC_ENV_OPT_OUT" #! ^^^^^^ mongodb-js/kerberos fixed in main (> 2.1.0) export ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD=1 export PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD=1 # echo "$PATH" yarn config set disable-self-update-check true || die yarn config set nodedir /usr/include/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node || die if ! use build-online; then ONLINE_OFFLINE="--offline" yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror "${DISTDIR}" || die fi yarn install --frozen-lockfile ${ONLINE_OFFLINE} \ --arch=${VSCODE_ARCH} --no-progress || die # --ignore-optional # --ignore-engines # --production=true # --no-progress # --skip-integrity-check # --verbose # Workaround md4 see https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/14560 find node_modules/webpack/lib -type f -exec sed -i 's|md4|sha512|g' {} \; || die # For webpack >= 5.61.0 sed -i 's/case "sha512"/case "md4"/' node_modules/webpack/lib/util/createHash.js || die export PATH=${OLD_PATH} einfo "Restoring vscode-ripgrep" pushd "node_modules/@vscode" > /dev/null || die tar -xf "${DISTDIR}/@vscode-ripgrep-${VS_RIPGREP_V}.tgz" mv package ripgrep sed -i 's$module.exports.rgPath.*$module.exports.rgPath = "/usr/bin/rg";\n$' ripgrep/lib/index.js || die sed -i '/"postinstall"/d' ripgrep/package.json || die popd > /dev/null || die eend $? || die sed -i "s/\"dependencies\": {/\"dependencies\": {\"@vscode\/ripgrep\": \"^${VS_RIPGREP_V}\",/" package.json || die #rm extensions/css-language-features/server/test/pathCompletionFixtures/src/data/foo.asar #rm -rf extensions/css-language-features/server/test > /dev/null || die einfo "Editing build/lib/getVersion.js" sed -i '/.*\!version.*/{s++if \(false\)\{+;h};${x;/./{x;q0};x;q1}' \ build/lib/getVersion.js || die #TODO Although this allows the build to continue, it renders vscode unusable #TODO Does it really? Investigate later # einfo "Fixing l10n-dev" # sed -i 's/return await import_web_tree_sitter/return null; await import_web_tree_sitter/' node_modules/@vscode/l10n-dev/dist/main.js || die } src_compile() { ulimit -n 8192 if [ -d ".git" ]; then COMMIT_ID="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" else if [ -z "$CODE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then COMMIT_ID="${PV}" else COMMIT_ID="${CODE_COMMIT_ID}" fi fi export BUILD_SOURCEVERSION="${COMMIT_ID}" OLD_PATH=$PATH PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}:$PATH" export PATH export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=12192 --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit=5" if use temp-fix; then node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die else # Real nodejs needed (/usr/bin/node). See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-l10n/issues/104 /usr/bin/node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die fi #TODO: make reh use the same node at runtime as main vscode if use reh; then if use temp-fix; then node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-reh-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die else # Real nodejs needed (/usr/bin/node). See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-l10n/issues/104 /usr/bin/node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-reh-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die fi fi if use reh-web; then if use temp-fix; then node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-reh-web-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die else # Real nodejs needed (/usr/bin/node). See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-l10n/issues/104 /usr/bin/node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-reh-web-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-min || die fi fi export PATH=${OLD_PATH} } src_install() { OLD_PATH=$PATH PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}/node_modules/npm/bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}:$PATH" export PATH if use temp-fix; then YARN_CACHE_FOLDER="${T}/.yarn-cache" node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-prepare-deb || die else # Real nodejs needed (/usr/bin/node). See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-l10n/issues/104 YARN_CACHE_FOLDER="${T}/.yarn-cache" /usr/bin/node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js vscode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-prepare-deb || die fi local VSCODE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/vscode" exeinto "${VSCODE_HOME}" sed -i '/^ELECTRON/,+3d' "${WORKDIR}"/V*/bin/code-oss || die awk -i inplace -v text="$(cat ${FILESDIR}/read_flags_file)" '!/^#/ && !p {print text; p=1} 1' "${WORKDIR}"/V*/bin/code-oss sed -i "s|@ELECTRON@|code-oss|" "${WORKDIR}"/V*/bin/code-oss echo "VSCODE_PATH=\"/usr/$(get_libdir)/vscode\" ELECTRON_PATH=\"/usr/$(get_libdir)/electron-${ELECTRON_SLOT}\" CLI=\"\${VSCODE_PATH}/out/cli.js\" exec /usr/bin/env ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 \ NPM_CONFIG_NODEDIR=\"\${ELECTRON_PATH}/node/\" \ \"\${ELECTRON_PATH}/electron\" \"\${CLI}\" --app=\"\${VSCODE_PATH}\" \"\${flags[@]}\" \"\$@\"" >> "${WORKDIR}"/V*/bin/code-oss doexe "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/bin/code-oss dosym "${VSCODE_HOME}/code-oss" /usr/bin/code-oss insinto "${VSCODE_HOME}" doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/extensions doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/out doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/resources doins "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/*.json doins "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/node_modules.asar doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/VSCode-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}/node_modules.asar.unpacked fperms +x ${VSCODE_HOME}/out/vs/base/node/cpuUsage.sh # fperms +x ${VSCODE_HOME}/node_modules.asar.unpacked/node-pty/build/Release/spawn-helper if use reh; then tar cf vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz -C "${WORKDIR}/vscode-reh-linux-x64/" . doins vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz fi if use reh-web; then tar cf vscode-server-linux-x64-web.tar.gz -C "${WORKDIR}/vscode-reh-web-linux-x64/" . doins vscode-server-linux-x64-web.tar.gz fi pushd .build/linux/deb/*/code-oss-*/usr/share/ > /dev/null || die insinto /usr/share/ sed -i 's$x-scheme-handler/code-oss$x-scheme-handler/code-oss;x-scheme-handler/vscode$' \ applications/*handler.desktop || die sed -i 's$/usr/share/code-oss/code-oss$/usr/bin/code-oss$' applications/*.desktop || die doins -r applications bash-completion pixmaps zsh insinto /usr/share/metainfo/ doins appdata/* popd > /dev/null || die export PATH=${OLD_PATH} } pkg_postrm() { xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update } pkg_postinst() { if use api-proposals; then ewarn ewarn "You have enabled insiders API, be warned:" ewarn "this might be against Microsoft licensing terms." ewarn fi elog elog "Normally vscode ships some builtin extensions, but they are omitted here" elog "Consult product.json for a list if you want to install them manually" elog "ms-vscode.references-view is one of them, for example" elog xdg_icon_cache_update xdg_desktop_database_update }