# Blatently stolen from https://github.com/lxmx/gentoo-overlay EAPI="4" DESCRIPTION="Omnibus installation of ChefDK" HOMEPAGE="http://www.opscode.com/chefdk/install/" #SRC_URI="https://packages.chef.io/stable/ubuntu/12.04/chefdk_${PV}-1_amd64.deb" SRC_URI="https://packages.chef.io/files/stable/chefdk/${PV}/ubuntu/16.04/chefdk_${PV}-1_amd64.deb" LICENSE="Apache" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" IUSE="" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} ./data.tar.gz } src_install() { local dest="${D}/opt" mkdir -p "$dest" # cleanup .git folders, any idea why they are in the package? find "$dest" -type d -name ".git" | xargs rm -rf cp -pR ./opt/* "$dest" # link executables binaries="berks chef chef-apply chef-shell chef-solo chef-zero delivery fauxhai foodcritic kitchen knife ohai push-apply pushy-client pushy-service-manager rubocop cookstyle chef-client chef-vault print_execution_environment" for binary in $binaries; do dosym "$dest/chefdk/bin/$binary" "/usr/bin/$binary" || die "Cannot link $binary to /usr/bin" done }