# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit autotools desktop qmake-utils xdg cmake git-r3 DESCRIPTION="The official Qt-based program for syncing your MEGA account in your PC" HOMEPAGE=" https://mega.io https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync " RTAG="_Win" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync" if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then EGIT_BRANCH="master" KEYWORDS="" else EGIT_COMMIT="v${PV}${RTAG}" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" fi EGIT_SUBMODULES=( '*' ) LICENSE="MEGA" SLOT="0" IUSE="+cryptopp +curl +sqlite +zlib dolphin examples freeimage java nautilus php python readline threads thunar" RDEPEND=" app-arch/xz-utils dev-libs/libgcrypt dev-libs/libsodium dev-libs/libuv dev-libs/openssl:0= media-libs/libpng net-dns/c-ares x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme cryptopp? ( dev-libs/crypto++ ) curl? ( net-misc/curl[ssl,curl_ssl_openssl(-)] ) dolphin? ( kde-apps/dolphin ) freeimage? ( media-libs/freeimage ) nautilus? ( >=gnome-base/nautilus-3 ) readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0 ) sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 ) thunar? ( xfce-base/thunar ) zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib ) " DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} media-libs/libmediainfo media-libs/libraw dev-qt/qtcore:5 dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 dev-qt/qtgui:5 dev-qt/qtconcurrent:5 dev-qt/qtnetwork:5 dev-qt/qtdbus:5 dev-qt/qtimageformats:5 dev-qt/qtsvg:5 dev-qt/qtx11extras:5 " BDEPEND=" dev-lang/swig dev-qt/linguist-tools " DOCS=( CREDITS.md README.md ) PATCHES=( ) CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}/src/MEGAShellExtDolphin" src_prepare() { if [ -e "${FILESDIR}/${P}_pdfium.patch" ]; then cd "${S}/src/MEGASync/mega" eapply -Np1 "${FILESDIR}/${P}_pdfium.patch" cd "${S}" fi if has_version ">=media-video/ffmpeg-4.4" && [ -e "${FILESDIR}/${P}_ffmpeg.patch" ]; then eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}_ffmpeg.patch" fi if use dolphin; then # use the kde5 CMakeLists instead of the kde 4 version mv src/MEGAShellExtDolphin/CMakeLists_kde5.txt src/MEGAShellExtDolphin/CMakeLists.txt || die cmake_src_prepare else default fi cd "${S}/src/MEGASync/mega" eautoreconf } src_configure() { cd "${S}/src/MEGASync/mega" econf \ "--disable-silent-rules" \ "--disable-curl-checks" \ "--disable-megaapi" \ $(use_with zlib) \ $(use_with sqlite) \ $(use_with cryptopp) \ "--with-cares" \ $(use_with curl) \ "--without-termcap" \ $(use_enable threads posix-threads) \ "--with-sodium" \ $(use_with freeimage) \ $(use_with readline) \ $(use_enable examples) \ $(use_enable java) \ $(use_enable php) \ $(use_enable python) \ "--enable-chat" \ "--enable-gcc-hardening" cd "${S}/src" local myeqmakeargs=( MEGA.pro CONFIG+="release" ) eqmake5 ${myeqmakeargs[@]} use dolphin && cmake_src_configure $(qt5_get_bindir)/lrelease MEGASync/MEGASync.pro } src_compile() { emake -C src INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" || die use dolphin && cmake_src_compile } src_install() { use dolphin && cmake_src_install einstalldocs dobin src/MEGASync/${PN} insinto usr/share/licenses/${PN} doins LICENCE.md installer/terms.txt domenu src/MEGASync/platform/linux/data/${PN}.desktop cd src/MEGASync/platform/linux/data/icons/hicolor for size in 16x16 32x32 48x48 128x128 256x256;do doicon -s $size $size/apps/mega.png done }